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Can excedrin migraine treat muscle pain?

I think I pulled a muscle in my back deadlifting a few days ago and all I have is excedrin migraine. It says it has acetaminophen 250mg and aspirin 250mg. Would it help the pain or no?

Chosen Answer:

on: 1st January 70

What’s the deal with muscle pain after exercise?

I went paintballing with my friends on Sunday (first time too, ’twas awesome), and I also did some running that would be considered extreme exercise for me, since I never get out of the house except for school. So why do the muscles in my thighs feel like all hell when I bend my legs? Something to do with lactic acid or something…

So what’s the problem and how do I get rid of the pain

Chosen Answer:

Any time you do a lot of physical activity that your body isn’t used to, there will be muscle soreness after. You’re muscles are damaged and your body is repairing them (which is the basic concept of weight lifting; tear muscles and build them back bigger than before). Only time (usually a day or two) will get rid of the soreness.
by: Zach
on: 6th April 10

Does deep heat stop muscle pain during exercise?

If i rub deep heat into my thighs and calves, will i still feel the muscle pain while i am exercising?

Chosen Answer:

Probably. This is because the pain is probably caused by working out too hard. You should try to keep your heart rate under 180 beats per minute as you work out. This makes sure proper amounts of oxygen get to your muscles, and lowers lactic acid buildup in the muscles, which is what causes the “burning” feeling after working out hard.
by: Jenny-wa
on: 28th March 10

How do you get rid of muscle pain?

i was traing for cross-coutnry today. and now i have muscle pains all in my legs, and up to the side of my butt.
but i do not want to take any pills. but what are the faster ways? or just simple things that i can do to help?

Chosen Answer:

Hydrate, it is the build up of lactic acid, that causes muscle pains/cramps….hydration is the best way, when I ran cc over 20 yrs ago, always hydrated after a meet…
by: back2skewl
on: 6th August 08

I popped a pimple on my shoulder, now I have deep muscle pain there. Should I be worried about infection, MRSA

I recently popped a pimple on my shoulder, and now have deep muscle pain. The pimple has looked the same the last 2 days, very small. There have been MRSA outbreaks in the area. Should I be worried? How long would it take to see a change in the pimple?

Chosen Answer:

please go to see a doctor.
by: princess
on: 3rd November 07

Is muscle pain a symptom of sun poison?

I am allergic to the sun and usually swell up after overexposure to the sun. Yesterday, instead of swelling up, I had severe chills with no fever. Now I have awaken with severe muscle pain. Is this a normal sun poison reaction?

Chosen Answer:

yeah I think It can vary

My grandmothers allergic to the sun too.

soemtimes she gets hives and someimes she gets chills too.
on: 14th June 08

Should I rest for a day or two if exercerise results in muscle pain?

I just started exercising again and some of my muscles are pretty sore. Should I rest until the pain subsides or should I just exercise through it?

Chosen Answer:

YES! The pain in your muscles is a result of tearing. This is exactly what you want to happen, because you get the bigger muscles after it rebuilds and heals. But if you continue to exercises through it, it can cause permanent damage
by: BrandonThomasWasHere
on: 14th October 10

do I have gallbladder pain or muscle pain?

I have pain upon touching to the right of the belly button and pain near my hip. When I massage the tender spots, it also feels like they are swollen. Besides pain upon touching, I really have no other symptoms.
And also, I dont really have an attack of the gallbladder. Its more like the tender spots next to my belly button and hip are always tender to touch. They haven’t really subsided till now. So is it muscle strain or gallbladder pain?

Chosen Answer:

probably muscle, your gallbladder is higher, and when there’s something wrong (like passing stones) you know. The pain will be so intense you’ll want to go to the ER
by: sarah c
on: 15th November 09

Hand muscle pain while playing barre chords?

I’ve been playing for around 5 months (self taught) now and I can play barre chords clean but the muscle right down my thumb on the palm area hurts when I play a full barre chord song a minute into it. Am I doing something wrong? I checked around the internet on several sources and I seem to be doing the technique right. is it normal to have pain on that muscle? will it go away after a while, after your hand gets stronger?

Chosen Answer:

As you have already learned, it takes some practice to play barre chords cleanly (or at all!) You need to build up the strength in your hand to even play them. Then you have to build up more strength to play them for any period of time.

I found my problem was that I was holding my wrist too low. But it’s different for everyone. If you watch people playing on TV you can see there’s not one accepted way you hold your hand. So just keep practicing and experimenting with position.
by: Mr. Smartypants
on: 8th August 11
