Propecia is a medication used for treating the male pattern baldness at the mid scalp area. It is meant for men only and females and kids should not consume it. This medicine works by lessening the amount of natural hormone in the body known as DHT. Lessening the amount of this hormone leads to growth
Hair loss or baldness is something that most of the adults of today’s age are worried about. There are some cases in which the teenagers lose hair and this continues till a growing age.
Hair loss has become a common issue among people. Most of the people are worried about their hair fall and are always in search of the best treatments. Hair fall starts in a natural way in which a person loses nearly 50 to 100 hairs each day. Most of the women lose their hair while taking a shower. The hair gets tangled between the fingers. This type of hair fall is normal and there is nothing to worry about it. Hair loss can be prevented in a natural manner by using several products or by a surgery.
In most of the cases, hair loss is caused due to genetic problem, which signifies that it is expected at certain point in life. People having a family history of hair loss and baldness will definitely suffer from the same. There are different types of treatments and medicines available these days which will solve this issue but an important thing that should be kept in mind is that if one stops the medicine or treatment suddenly, hair will start falling again.
Stress plays a vital role in hair loss but loss of hair due to stress is regarded good when compared with the one caused due to hereditary cause as it can be easily managed by decreasing the stress. Generally, hair loss is regarded as an excellent motivator for relaxing so it will be difficult for you to find a technique by which you can make your life stress free. Problems with health generally leads to hair fall, so if you think that the reason behind your hair fall is related to stress or genetic you should consult with the doctor immediately. Thyroid disease, anemia and an imbalance in the level of hormone are some of the causes behind hair fall. Before you start following any type of treatment, you should find the real cause behind your hair fall.