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Sony Caught Editing Wikipedia

Posted Feb 25, 2012 at 7:30PM EST by Mr Pham

Listed in: News Tags: sony caught wikipedia, sony troll

Occasionally when browsing the net you’ll find your eyes innocently falling upon a naughty Wikipedia edit. I remember reading up on some good old North Korean politics and seeing that Kim Jong-Il shared an uncanny resemblance to Carlton Banks.


If, for some strange reason, you looked at the Halo 3 Wiki at some point recently, you may have come across some words along the lines of ‘although it won’t look any better than Halo 2’.




It sounds childish, immature and while in some cases it may not be entirely untrue, definitely shouldn't belong in a Wiki. Off the editors went to fix it up and check the IP address (presumably to see if the naughty bugger was up to any other wiki edits), and lo and behold, it belonged to none other than Sony Computer Entertainment Liverpool.


It’s cute to see this kind of schoolchildren rivalry between the companies, but it’s not going to get Sony any more fans. It’s preaching to choir, and the only people who will be cheering on Sony are Sony fans anyway. If anything, it may turn some away.


All I can think of now is a Bungie employee in a Master Chief outfit sneaking his way into Sony’s Liverpool office and making the edit.


What do you think of Sony behaving like this? Small time jokes or unacceptable nonsense?

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+2 # RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaDJ PON-3 2012-02-25 21:50
It must be boring working for Sony.


+5 # RE: Sony Caught Editing Wikipedialuckymouse 2012-02-25 22:50
What do you think of Sony behaving like this? Small time jokes or unacceptable nonsense?

Here is another question:

What do you think of Qj always blowing stuff out of proportion and posting lovely biased articles, day after day?

I'm not condoning what was done on the Wikipedia page, but it isn't an act you can attribute to Sony as a company. It was most likely a bored employee that made that edit for giggles.

You guys rank slightly above america's FoxNews nowadays, you know that?

( Atleast write the article as: A Sony Liverpool Employee caught doing~~~, instead of posting Sony caught doing~~~... damn sensationalisti c journalism around here. )


# RE: RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaNaziaf 2012-02-25 23:04
I totally agree


-1 # RE: RE: RE: Sony Caught Editing Wikipediamars alien 2012-02-26 00:35
Faaaaanboys, why they defend so much a company? I want to know, because if they receive a check, I wanna become one.


-1 # RE: RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaMr Pham 2012-02-26 08:01
I referred to it as Sony beecause a company is represented by its employees. If one employee says Sony is definitely releasing a title, we're happy to say 'SONY CONFIRMED IT!'.

I think the problem is with the readers. Another popular website titled an article on this 'Sony is a dirty Wikipedia troll', and all the comments are discussing the topic of the story and not the title.

I guess there's no pleasing some people!

Your comment does the same thing by referring to me as QJ. Generally speaking, I don't recieve much criticism on my writing, but please refer to me when pointing out problems, it's not fair to the other writers by labelling it as QJ.

Sony, however, is a coprporattion and if they're to be praisesd as such, also come under negative spotlight as such!

My 2 cents. :)


# RE: RE: RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaTeflon02 2012-02-26 13:40
Honesty, your replies are not thought over are they, nor are your articles?
First you contradict yourself because the employee is under Sony Liverpool, Sony is a multimedia corp. PlayStation is gaming, and Sony Liverpool is a studio under PlayStation which is owned by Sony. Now why is it contradiction? You said people name you under QJ right? Isn't that the exact team your under? The exact team the person is under is Liverpool not Sony. Youw gotta blow something so small out like it's the heads office and I know you said liverpool studios in the article. But even so people will think of it as sony as a whole has something to do with it. Stop with all this negative sony BS. I'm tired of all you biased sites and your unprofessional articles. This isn't a POV is a report keep your opinions and lil bs ways to pull readers to those articles. Where anything you say is valid and right to say.
Also the site will probably delete this but I can care less.
PS really that part about "It’s preaching to choir, and the only people who will be cheering on Sony are Sony fans anyway."
biggest troll comment in a NON-POV article I've seen in a while


# RE: RE: RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaIts ME 2012-02-26 13:53
The problem aren't your readers, mate. It's you. People don't criticize your writing because they just can't be bothered.

I only use QJ for the easy layout and go find the real articles somewhere else.

We all know most of the writers at QJ are complete shit. "Harrison E" is the perfect example. Don't worry, I've told him this many times. ;)

Also, you can label Sony on one employee yet we can't label QJ based on you? Stick to your argument and stop grasping at straws.

Most QJ writers are terrible and this is once again another article I regret opening on QJ.

My 2 cents. ;)


-1 # RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaHayter 2012-02-26 08:29
haha, sony's image is so going downhill now. microsoft shall maintain ingerity, sony shall dwindle down into a company of sony fanboys.


# RE: RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaTeflon02 2012-02-26 13:45
your name says it all lol. Microsoft sold a unreliable piece of hardware for like 4 years with people buying it. Caught in BS. Denied being attacked by those hackers dudes that were using peoples money on Fifa lol, When BY LAW they have to warn people. People are just afraid of Sony and try act like they are always in the wrong when microsoft hasn't done anything good yet


+1 # RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaHalo 3 does look.... 2012-02-26 08:45
In all fairness, Bungie can't really refute the line...


-1 # LOLTROLL DOOD!UltraPrinny 2012-02-26 09:01
LOL DOOD! That picture made me crack up after I realised what sony had done.



+1 # RE: Sony Caught Editing WikipediaSuperQuest 2012-02-26 10:43
QJ used to be a good gaming site


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