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Claim: A junior high school student won a science fair by circulating a report about the dangers of 'dihydrogen monoxide.'
Example: [Collected via e-mail, 1997]
Origins: In September 2007, news media reported that a New Zealand MP was tricked by a letter from a constituent asking her to raise the issue of "dihydrogen monoxide" (DHMO):
National MP Jacqui Dean has been caught out by a long-running hoax that seeks to trick gullible MPs into calling for a ban on "dihydrogen
Ms. Dean was far from the first person (or even the first politician) to fall for this venerable jape. Back in
A letter, signed by Ms Dean and sent to Associate Health Minister Jim Anderton, the minister in charge of drug policy, asked if the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs had a view on banning the "drug". Mr Anderton yesterday took the opportunity to rub Ms Dean's nose in the embarrassing blunder. He said dihydrogen monoxide "may have been described to her as colourless, odourless, tasteless and causing the death of uncounted thousands of people every year, and withdrawal from which, for those who become dependent on it, means certain death. "I had to respond that the experts had no intention of doing so." Even back then Nathan Zohner's project wasn't original, as spoof petitions about dihydrogen monoxide and other innocuous "dangers" had been circulating for years, and Nathan based his project on a bogus report that was already making the rounds of the Internet. Moreover, his target audience was ninth-graders, a group highly susceptible to allowing peer pressure to overwhelm critical thinking. Thrust any piece of paper at the average high school student with a suggestion about what the "correct" response to it should be, and peer pressure pretty much assures you'll get the answer you're looking for. Someone that age isn't very likely to read a friend's petition calling for the banning of whale hunting and critically evaluate the socio-economic and environmental impact of such a regulation. Instead, he's probably going to say to himself, "This issue That said, this example does aptly demonstrate the kind of fallacious reasoning that's thrust at us every day under the guise of "important information": how with a little effort, even the most innocuous of substances can be made to sound like a dangerous threat to human life. We still see scarelore based on this principle, such as ominous warnings that sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a common foaming ingredient used in shampoos, causes cancer, with the "proof" being that this caustic chemical is also used to scrub garage floors. Of course, the very same thing could be said of another ubiquitous cleaning In March 2004 the California municipality of Aliso Viejo (a suburb in Orange County) came within a cat's whisker of falling for this hoax after a paralegal there convinced city officials of the danger posed by this chemical. The leg-pull got so far as a vote's having been scheduled for the City Council on a proposed law that would have banned the use of foam containers at city-sponsored events because (among other things) they were made with DHMO, a substance that could "threaten human health and safety." Last updated: 16 September 2007 This material may not be reproduced without permission. snopes and the snopes.com logo are registered service marks of snopes.com.