Buddy icons are now irreplaceable part of the web experience

While it wasn’t like that at the beginning, nowadays buddy icons are something that can’t be taken away from the web surfing experience. Wherever you go, you are going to find avatars and buddy icons following you because they have integrated themselves in every single service that you can find on the web. If you [...]

How buddy icons can help kids learn

Believe it or not, there is more to avatars and buddy icons than just pure fun. Sure, their primary use was for chatting and making AIM users less bored with just plain text but today we can finally put them to a better use, especially with young kids who [...] Continue Reading…

How to create a good and interesting buddy icon

Avatars and buddy icons are a very important part of the image people try to build on the web because they give a huge visual boost on the things that people talk about in chat rooms and forums. If you have played some of the online multiplayer games you [...] Continue Reading…

Are the buddy icons you see really the people you think they are?

Even if you wanted you can’t avoid it – buddy icons are everywhere and they have been everywhere for quite a long time. Every forum, instant messaging service and even online games have them. Wherever you go and make an account you will be prompted to choose a buddy [...] Continue Reading…

Buddy icons for online gamers

The expansion of online gaming meant that some of the aspects of social life on the web had to flow out to the games as well. Namely, the chat rooms and avatars/buddy icons are some of the things that went from one field to another very soon. If you [...] Continue Reading…