18 Nursing Schools Listed in New York

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Nursing job is becoming a lucrative career option for many students. There are many people who want to serve old people and hence they opt for nursing. This is a reputed profession and fetch you good money as well. If you want to go ahead with the nursing career then there are certain things that you need to take care of. When you choose nursing as your career then always go for the best schools to study. Nursing schools in New York is many and it becomes quite difficult to make a choice. You should search online the best nursing schools in New York is the best way to eradicate all the hurdles in between your studies. In the year 2005, almost 70,000 jobs were there for trained nurses in NYC. But there is more to the numbers than just mentioned.

Nursing jobs are more in NYC and hence it is becoming the most attractive job option these days among people around the world. They are choosing this as a career. This job gives them salary satisfaction, flexibility in timing and various options in career. According to the statistics the nationally registered nurses fetch around $52,810. Among which 72% registered nurses are getting more than $56, 000 annually. A licensed nurse salary is quite high in NYC and can go up to $30,000 to $45,000 and above.

This city is considered as the alone top market in the filed of nursing in comparison to other countries. Nursing schools in New York is many due to this reason. If you want to take admission in any of the nursing course then the NYC schools are far better than any other state because of the demand of nurses are high in this city only.