One of the most successful actions that Silkin Management Group consultants advise their clients on is the implementation of a yearly game with BIG rewards for the staff.
Below is an actual game instituted by a Silkin Management Group client with a reward of one week in Hawaii for eligible staff and their spouses. The cost of that week was about $20.000. The game resulted in 20% growth for the year with an additional $200,000 in collections. Do you think paying $20,000 for a $200,000 return on that investment is worthwhile? We sure do! And the great thing is the $20.000 investment didn’t have to be made unless that extra $200,000 happened.
The amount of team spirit, mutual cooperation, and level of staff working together in this office was amazing.
Silkin Management Group consultants suggest to every client to institute some type of game like this. Obviously every office can’t afford sending all staff and spouses to Hawaii for a week, but some form of significant reward can be determined and implemented. Try it and you’ll see your staff coming together like never before.
For additional information about how Silkin Management Group can help your office, give us a call at 800-695-0257 or visit our website at
Jack Hennessy
Silkin Management Group Consultant
Goals: 1,250,000 – Services
93% – Collections
800 – New patients
All three goals must be met
Reward: 7 days paid vacation
Airfare and hotel costs covered in Hawaii
Per diem food allocation for the week
Rules: 1. Full time staff that have worked all year = reward
2. Part time staff or staff having only worked a portion of the year
will receive a pro-rated award.
3. Reward only given to persons currently on staff at the end of the year.
4. Reward to be given in February. Executive Board will determine when
you are to be gone. (3 shifts)
5. Two days of comp time to be worked prior to going or while others are
gone to accommodate for our being “short staffed”.
6. If not on staff in February, this will not be “paid” time.
7. If additional staff is hired prior to the end of the year, an adjustment of
goals may occur to compensate for higher overhead for the office. This
will be determined by the Executive Board and issued to all staff in
writing as an addendum to the goals and rewards of this game.