Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?The world needs this site translated to ALL languages, and I want you to. If you decide to translate this you will not be able to contact me to tell me, because every time someone does communication gets blocked and I never hear from them again. Please post your translations anywhere you can on the web and save the pictures locally also. This site may not exist for long, and if it vanishes the pictures have to come from somewhere, which could be you. フクシマ原発を殺したのは(イスラエルの原発管理会社)ディモナ・ドーゼン社か?
Fukushima may in fact have been caused by an act of war under the cover of an environmental disaster.フクシマは自然災害を装った戦争行為だった。 I permit and encourage entire site mirrors of all my articles. Copy them and run them as your own; my topics are huge and often need distributed protection. 敵は巨大だ。消される前に、コピーして流してくれ。頼む。このサイト丸写しOK. 自由に使って欲しい。(翻訳も原文に照らし合わせ、もっと正しく滑らかに読者の文体に直してください -訳者) This page has been translated by a concerned Japanese Citizen. Click the link below For English only. English only version(簡略版)
It took them three hundred years and trillions of dollars to build a theatre of darkness, yet the light of only one match can burn it down. Do not let this light go out. Archive and POST! 彼らは、300年とゆう歳月と何兆ドルとゆう金を費やすして悪の劇場を築きあげたが、これを終わらせるには、一本のマッチの火でいいのだ! 火を絶やさないでくれ。頼む、コピーして、保存して、あちこちに貼付けてくれ! Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, Updated Wednesday, Dec 28, 2011 ジム・ストーン、フリーランス・ジャーナリスト、2011年12月28日
This is a massive report. If you have troubles understanding it, just look at THIS picture of the vanished reactor, THIS picture of the destroyed facility and THIS picture, of Magna BSP's camera. Then scroll down to the photos of the NON EXISTENT quake damage and seismic charts which prove there was no 9.0 and therefore the very real tsunami could not have been natural. The fact that what happened in Japan did not occur naturally has been very well documented by a skilled investigator, who spent hundreds of hours getting to the bottom of this story.
問題は巨大で我々の想像の範囲を越えていますが、上の写真をみてください。(上記青字 vanished reactor = 消えた原子炉をクリック) 3号炉がありません。アメリカの無人偵察機ドローンが3月14日に撮影した極秘写真です。 同じく次ぎの写真(上記青字destroyed facilities = 破壊された建物)と(上記青字Magna BSP's camera=マグナBSP社製カメラ)
東電も政府もメディアも高名無名のガクシャも技術者も設計者も原発賛成反対の評論家もあたかも3号炉が存在するかのように、圧力がどうの温度がどうのと議論したり、隠したり、変更したりしてきたけど、3月14日撮影の極秘写真によれば、3号炉は最初からなかったのだ(翻訳者)。 この3枚の写真をじっくり見たら、次にスクロールダウンして津波の写真を見て下さい。 家屋は壊れていますか? マブニツード9.0ですよ。こわれていませんね。関西大震災の場合と比較して下さい。おかしいですね。9.0は嘘だったのです。(本当に9.0の地震エネルギーだったら日本全体がひっくりかえったでしょう。)つまり誰かが、津波は巨大地震によって起ったと思わせるために、数値をいろいろ理由を作って上げていったのです。津波も人工だったのです。今回の地震も津波も仕組まれたものだとゆうことを、長時間の専門的調査にもとずく以下の裏付けを読んで下さい。 犯人は(巷に流布されているように)アメリカではなく、イスラエルである。とゆう論旨。理由は? 日本政府(鳩山政権)が(アメリカの同意のもとに)イランに濃縮ウランを売る交渉をはじめたから。鳩山の突然の退陣もイスラエル?(翻訳者)
NEW INFO: Japan offered to enrich uranium for IRAN!驚愕情報:日本イランに濃縮ウラン供与!
HERE ARE THE LINKS(関連記事リンク): Ynet news... Inside Japan News Network...The New American...Rianovosti news...Hindustan Times...Zee News AND FOUR MONTHS LATER, THE DIMONA DOZEN SHOWED UP WITH A REALLY FANCY CAMERA!! それから4ヶ月後、ディモナ・ドーゼン社がメチャカッコいいカメラ(上記青字REALLY FANCY CAMERAをクリック)を持って日本にあらわれたわけ。
This report uses classified leaked high resolution photos of the destruction of Fukushima originally posted on Pink Tentacle to support its claims.この記事は、最初Pink Tentacle に掲載された福島破壊の極秘の高解像度のリーク写真を使用している。
They are, 資料が示すことは以下のごとし、 1. Reactor 3 is completely missing, which means the press and anyone who has claimed anything about pressures, temperatures, containment, ect about reactor 3 after March 14 are lying and people need to pay attention to it, because failure of the public to realize the massive extent of the lies about what is going on there will leave the door open to a repeat event. (ご覧下さい)3号炉はみごと在りません。消えました。つまり少なくとも3月14日以降の、圧力がどうの、温度がどうの、汚染がどうのといった、3号炉についてのメデアや諸家のお説はすべて嘘言とゆうことになります。 このことが一番こわい。この(メディア、政府、東電、とその草達の)巨大な丸ごと嘘に、われわれ市民が気づき警戒しないと、また同じ事がくりかえされるからだ。
2. Reactor 4 is Building 7, demolished by explosives. 4号炉は(911の3番目に崩れた)7号館と同じ。爆破されたのです。理由は以下。 Reactor 4 had been defueled and was undergoing replacement of it's internal stainless steel shroud, yet blew it's containment anyway. 4号炉の燃料は抜き取ってありました。ステンレスの囲い板を交換中だったのです。しかしいずれにしても貯蔵中の燃料など全て吹っ飛んじゃったのですから、同じ事です。 That is the FINAL smoking gun, an empty reactor is inert, and cannot produce an explosion, yet one happened at 4 that was so powerful it destroyed the structure leaving it in danger of falling over. これが決定的な証拠です。炉は空っぽで、反応も爆発もその材料が炉の中になかったのですから。炉自身の爆発はありえないのです。 しかし覚えていますよね。それがどれほど凄い爆発おこしたか。あわやあの頑強な建物の驅体自体崩壊する寸前までの凄さだったのです。 Overheated open fuel pools cannot produce hydrogen (政府東電等の水素爆発だと説明と説明しましたが) 上部の燃料貯蔵プールは水素を発生するはずがありません。 because in an open fuel pool the water boils off at 100 Celsius, and won't be present in pressurized form at 2,000 degrees Celsius to liberate it's hydrogen by losing it's oxygen to the zircon cladding in the fuel rods. なぜなら、燃料を貯蔵している水槽の水は摂氏100度で沸騰して蒸発してしまいますから、2000度に達することはありません。そして2000度にならないと水は燃料棒をつつむジルコンの鞘と化合して水素を発生することがないのです。
The rods will prefer the free oxygen in the air and burn long before attempting to claim the oxygen in whatever humidity there might be. むしろ燃料棒は、水蒸気から分離した酸素と化合して燃焼するはるか以前に、空気中の水素と反応して燃えてしまうだろう。
Because fuel rods only contain 20 percent fissionable material, they also cannot produce the "prompt criticality"なまた燃料棒はわずか20%しか核物質を含んでいないので、爆発臨界点 には達しようがないのです。(つまり高名なキョウロンカが国民を恐怖のどん底に叩き込んだようにメルトダウン=再臨界=即核爆発とはならないとゆうこと。核爆弾となるにはもっと純度の高いウランが必要とゆうこと.ただし今回核物質、放射能が飛散したことは事実。報道以上のスケールか? だから起こりえない爆発がどうして起ったのか? やはり『核』兵器しかありえないとゆうこと。訳者) "The most qualified nuclear engineer in the world" Arnie Gundersen has spoken of. I got to the bottom of the Arnie Gunderson story, and added the results of that investigation further down the page. ”世界最高”の原子技術者のエミー・アンダーソンがそうゆってるんだ。それを徹底的にしらべて得た結論を以下に記すことにする。 He has been put on a pedastal and pumped up enormously by a press that wants a misleading story, all the while he is a despised outcast of the greater engineering community. 彼は事実を曲げた話を求めるメディアによって持ち上げられ巨大にふくまらせられ、今では技術者仲間の中では、軽蔑され追放される身となった。 The explosion at #4 was flatly impossible absent the use of an explosive device, 単純明快に4号炉の爆発は仕込まれた起爆装置なしにはありえない。and as a result the disaster at Fukushima is FAR FAR WORSE than ANYTHING Gundersen is willing to say. そしてその結果はガンダーセンが言わんとするところより遥かに遥かに深刻なのだ。
Gundersen is towing the line and hiding the true magnitude of what happened there because if it became widely known serious questions would be asked. ガンデダーセンは線を引いて、深刻な事態を隠している。When have you heard Gundersen talk about a totally missing reactor? 彼が消えた原子炉について話したことがありますか?(以下の青字をクリックすれば、『原子炉4号の上蓋は燃料抜き取りのために取り外されている』)無人偵察機からの写真
Reactor 4's dome was removed for defueling. (青字=原子炉4号機の上蓋は燃料抜き取りのために取り除かれている)Drone photos prove it.無人偵察機ドローンからの写真がそれを証明している。 This dispels the rumors surrounding unit 4's explosion.これは4号機にまつわる噂を追い払う。 Some people have said that this reactor was secretly in operation to enrich plutonium. ご承知のごとく、ある人々はこの炉でプルトニュームの濃縮作業が行われていた言っていた。This photo proves it was disassembled for shroud replacement as stated. しかしこの写真を見れば鞘の入れ替えのための解体作業と分かる。Tepco is going out of it's way trying to explain the explosions, especially at reactor 4, because they did indeed occur, so an explanation is needed. As a result, they are giving reasons that cannot happen, just to say something. They need to see this post and get the Arava perspective(Arava is a district surrounding Dimona). 東電は爆発の説明そのものを終わりにしようとしている。特に4号機について。とゆうのは、実際爆発は起ったのだし、だとするとその本当の理由を説明しなければおかしいからである。彼らはわれわれのこの写真と記事を見るべきだし、アルバに事態の成り行きを知らしめるべきだ。(アルバはディモナ社のある地域の名前。政府官公庁のかわりに”霞ヶ関”と言う類い) 3. That the destruction of the facility is so severe it could only have been accomplished with nuclear weapons. あの この破壊の凄まじさを説明しえるのは唯一核爆弾の使用しかありえない。(日本のメディアが使用してきた写真はスケール感を故意に消しているので、これらの建物の巨大さ、コンクリートの厚さとか柱梁の頑丈さなどは分からないが、ドローンが撮った敷地全体の破壊写真に著者が貼付けた自動車を見れば、それが非常によくわかる。また米軍が携行しているマニュアルも素晴しい。また著者(元CIA原発等技術関係者)は東電の管理体制を非常に高く評価している。建物決してペラペラの安物でないし、管理もヘナチョコデタラメではなかったらしい。訳者)
Hydrogen produces a non-ideal subsonic explosion. It cannot turn concrete into dust. 水素爆発は非理想型の亜音速爆発であって、コンクリートを粉々にすることは出来ない。 It can produce high pressures if sealed off, but the metal roof on all the reactor containments should have provided the relief and been the only thing destroyed.確かに密閉されれば高圧にはなるけれど、メタルの屋根はむしろ圧力抜きになってそれ自体が吹き飛ぶだけなはずだ。
It takes a high intensity explosive to strip concrete off rebar, a blast wave many times faster than supersonic. 4号機のように鉄筋コンクリートの鉄筋とコンクリートをバラバラに分離破壊するには亜音速の何倍かの速度を持つ衝撃波が必要なのです。
This means that whatever happened at Fukushima did not have blast characteristics that fit the "official" story. つまり福島で実際何が起こったにせよ、それは政府や東電の公の説明に合致するような爆裂ではなかったのだ。If you missed it in the high resolution photo of the destroyed facility, I took a car that was laying around in the remains and placed it on top of one of the blown away walls at reactor 3, which clearly gives the reference that the walls had support columns at least 15 feet thick.この高解像度の建物破壊映像を見てもその意味が分からない人のために、そのあたりに吹き飛ばされていた自動車を3号炉の破壊された壁の上にはりつけてあるから見て欲しい。この比較から壁の厚さは少なくても4.5mはあることがわかる。
Fukushima was built with the Mark 1 containment design,フクシマはマーク1型容器で設計されているが but beyond Mark 1 standards which was a common upgrade実際はそれを超える基準で建設されていたし現在は一様にこの程度には設計基準がアップされている。(reference is the included photos, it is obviousこの比較も写真の中に示したから、見ればあきらかだ). It is true that gas explosions can be very destructive, 確かに水素爆発は非常に強力だけれどもbut only in facilities that were not designed to handle them.それはそのように設計されていない建物の場合で、 Even the basic mark 1 containment was many times beyond capable of withstanding the worst hydrogen blast.実際、改訂以前の基本型マーク1さえ最悪の水素爆発の耐えられる何倍かの強度で設計建設されていた。
4. That nuclear weapon(s) were placed inside of the reactor containment(s) disguised as security cameras installed under contract this year by Arava based security firm Magna BSP (Arava is a district around Dimona, not a city.) それでは問題の核兵器(複数の可能性)はどこに誰が取り付けたのか? それは原子炉格納容器の内側に容器内監視カメラを装ってとりつけられたのだ。取り付けたのはイスラエルのアラバ地区にあるマグナBSPと言う名の安全管理会社である。(アラバはディモナある地域の名称で都市名ではない)
Their "security cameras" weighed over 1,000 pounds and were the size and shape of gun type nuclear weapons.問題の”監視カメラ”は、重さおおよそ500キロで形状は銃型核兵器(上記青字をクリック)に酷似している。(筆者は監視カメラがそんなに大きく重い必要はないとしてオバケ(モンスタラス)カメラと揶揄している。訳者)
The reason Magna BSP gave for the odd shape, enormous weight, and giant proportions of their cameras was that they were stereoscopic.マグナBSP社のカメラが何故こんな変な格好でこんなに重くこんなに大きいのかといえば、それが立体カメラだからである。 They have creatively called them bi-scopic so when you search on google their monstrous cameras are the only thing that comes up (outside of Dj lighting and a gun scope) 彼らはこれを双眼映像と名付けているが的を得ている。とにかくグーグルでこのオバケカメラを検索してみるといい。(Dj用タイトと銃に付ける照準の外側?)に見つけられるのは唯一つこれだけだ(?訳者)。Try it. 試してみるといい。 Type "Biscopic camera" into google images,(without the quotes) it's a hoot! とのかくgoogle imageにbiscopicと打ち込んでみてください。ぷーっと吹き出したくなるっでしょう。This helps marketing I guess.確かにマーケッティングには役たつかもしれない。 The need for such a large stereoscopic camera could be plausible at an airstrip, where the camera would need depth perception out miles, but not indoors where focal lengths are short. しかし何キロとゆう長距離の焦点深度を正確に読みとらなければ成らない飛行機の滑走 用とゆうのであれば、この馬鹿でかい立体カメラは説明がつくけとしても、室内用にはまったく必要ない。Other manufacturers have units appropriate for indoor focal lengths which are only twice the size of ordinary monocular security cameras. 他の会社が出している室内用の距離計は普通の単眼監視カメラの2倍の大きさにすぎない。Depth perception going out miles could also be accomplished with two separately mounted cameras weighing only a few pounds; the giant thousand pounder is a dead giveawayまた何キロとゆう長い距離を測るにしても二台のカメラを併置すればことたりわけでこんな重たい必要はまったくない. Magna does make passive radar systems which require a large body, マグナ社は確かに図体のでかい受動レーダシステムを製作している。しかしbut the owl could accomplish it's claimed function with two small lightweight cameras (5 or so lbs, not tiny) and the processor in a modern laptop. 在野の俺らフクロウならそれぐらいのことは2、3キロの軽量のカメラ2台とラップトップと電波を飛ばすモデムで済ますね。Why this giant thing? 答えていただこうか?どうし君のカメラはそんなに大きいのだね、マグナ君? note - a not yet produced graphical model is what you see most on Google, the ones produced thus far are ugly boxes. 註:未だグーグル用の解説図解が出来ていないそうだ。とゆうわけで、実際に製作使用されたものは、はるかに醜い醜い邪悪な代物とゆうわけだ。どうかねマグナ君。
. . . . . . . . . .9/11, 4/11, 3/11? see a pattern? Let's not see a 6/11. Your time and effort in spreading the word may really make a difference. 911、411、311、皆さんこのパターンわかりますよね。 611は何としても防がなければー。 だから一刻も早くこのことを伝えて! 最速拡散お願い!! 時間が勝負 !! (差し当たっての)敵は、皆様お好みおなじみのD六さんとかロス茶さんではなかったわけ。イスラエルの戦闘的シオニスト(ひ。。。よっとすると旧ナチかもよ)でした。目からウロコ? 裏でつながってる? もちろんカモね。One World、 One Government, One Money- 世界はヒトツ。人類はカゾク。カチク?だったかな。
地震と津波は核による爆破を、世界の善良素直なヒツジ君群衆の目から隠すことだった。 さ~ヒツジ君。時間だよ。出動! 変身! 変心! 合体! 俺たち強いんだ。一人二人死んだって、ちがった、一億二億神だって(問題発言! 漢字がちがう!彼らの人口削減政策の罠にハマるな! いや努力してもムダダ。残り物に福やどる。残れし者で再出発だよね、レムナント君。ウンニャ~俺様ちぎれた尾翼に掴まっても助かってみせる! 君は007ではない!Die Another Dayでも聴としよう。マダナバージョンでね。これ2ch? まじめに移行.時間がない.Max. Reverse!)
Due to the many positive e-mails about getting the truth out, rather than hold back I am going to put the original information back. It follows below. 各方面から裏付けもとれたので、ここで一挙オリジナル上演と行こう。 The quake was not what we were told.311地震は我々が教えられたものと全く違う。In fact, the quake was a bold faced lie, packing a political agenda. 事実、今回の地震は、オクメンなき『嘘』。 地政学的傑作! There is even more proof now, and it goes beyond the linked Japanese chart. 上記英文青字リンク先にリンクして日本発表の震度地図を見てほしい。 This original seismic data is the smoking gun,この日本側の地震データは現場に残された決定的な証拠だ。 however, I have something better.しかし私の手元にはもうちょっとマシなものがある。 I finally suppressed the urge to vomit and analyzed the lies told by the USGS, ずーと我慢して来た反吐が出るおもいを堪えて合衆国地理院が提供するウソを分析することにする。and from them wrote this sad, sad story about how it really was, not what you will see in the video. そして、皆さんがヴィデオで見るものでなく、本当は何が起ったのかについて、悲しい悲しい心底悲しい話をしなければならない。 Keep in mind that precise top speeds of flying debris cannot be determined with accuracy, but this story will at least be close to the numbers put out by the USGS. 911の超高速で飛び散ったとゆわれる飛行機の残骸を正確に確定はできないけれど、少なくても今回のケースは米国地理院の提供する数値に近い。
The people in the newsroom did not die, ご覧下さい。ニューズルームで仕事していた人々は死んでなかったのです。this story is what would have happened if the USGS charts were true. 米国地理院のチャートが真実なら当然彼らは死んでいなければならないのです。 Meet Atsuo, Airi, and Akiyoshi. それではアツオ氏、アイリさん、アキヨシ氏を紹介します。 They were all the best and most dedicated people at the NHK newsroom, in Sendai Japan. 彼らはNHK仙台支局の優秀な職員で献身的に仕事をしています。 Akiyoshi loved Airi, and Atsuo was the one who introduced them.アキヨシ氏はアイリさんを愛しています。アツオ氏がこの二人を紹介してくれたのです. Unfortunately, all 3 died in the quake.Akiyoshi got a severe cut and bled to death when he hit a display screen behind him at 44 miles an hour,不幸にもこの3人は死にました。アキヨシ氏は時速60キロで後方から飛んできたモニターに打たれて出血多量で死亡、崩壊した壁の穴から放り出された。and was then thrown out through a hole in a collapsed wall. Airi followed pretty much the same path, and died beside him in the rubble. アイリさんも同じようにしてガレキのなか彼の側で死にました.Atsuo flew through the open door behind him,アツオ氏は、後ろの開いていたドアから放り出され、 then crashed through a window 窓に激突、and was crushed when he landed in a massive seismic crack in the road, 道路に口を開けた巨大な大地の割れ目に投げ込まれ、which closed in on him. そして大地は閉じたのです. Others in the newsroom died also, but I never thought up names for them. ニューズルームにいた他の人々もみんな死にました。無名のまま。
At least, according to the official USGS charts. 少なくとも、米国地理院発表の”公式 ”地震波動チャートにもとづけば、これぐらいのことは起るはずなのです。 The laser printer was never found, but the table it was on ended up on top of the rubble, smashed to pieces, where one of the few survivors used a piece of the metal frame to splint his broken leg. レーザープリンターは発見されませんでした。机は粉粉になって瓦礫の山の上にありました。瓦礫の山の上では、生存者が骨折した足に机の足をくくり付けていました。トイッタトコロカナー  写真中の文章: Chart prepared by Erol Kalkan, Ph.D. USGS, Official Release. 米国地理院公式発表エロール・カルカン博士作成 According to these chart, every one in the room hit the East Wall at 44 MPH, and then bounced to the South at 28 MPH. Every one died. このチャートにもとづくなら、部屋の全員は時速60キロで東の壁に激突、それから時速28キロで南の壁にバウンス、全員死亡確実。 The leaser printer, AFTER those "graphs" !!??!! ONE HAPPY PRINTER!! ヘ~!!??!! このグラフが示す地震でレーザープリンンターが健全とわね。オドロキモモノキ!!??!!オメデトウ プリンター
The video below is the one I pulled the frames out of for the sad, sad story. It is a video of a newsroom at the hardest hit area in Japan, and it SAYS IT ALL. This is when the quake was happening live. They are alarmed there is an earthquake, but most people stay seated in their chairs. 下のビデオは、日本であの時、最も強く揺さぶられたはずの仙台のニューズルームの生ビデオです。いいですか、M9の震源地の真近ですよ。M⑨ですよ!たいしたことないですね。ぴんぴん。部屋もみなさんもご健在。私の悲しい悲しい話の筋書きの中核です。 Some people even keep typing on their computers as the quake happens.
地震が起っているのに(M9ですよ!!)みんなコンピュータ打ってる!!!!(>>これって明らかにM9じゃナイじゃん。>>バカM9は震源地の話だ。>>でも仙台マジちかいぜ.>>ウンダウンダ>>M8とM9は1の違いじゃないだぞ。おまとGババ位ちがうんだ..>>もう少し科学的に行ってくれよ~>>科学なんて皆ねつ造>>真実は神のみゾ知る>>神様は人間が作ったの>>議論拡散するのよそうヨ.時間が無いじゃん>>『M9じゃこんなもんじゃすまないハズ』とゆうことで閉会 !! 訳者)
Also, note that most of the stuff stays on the desks, at the end, a laser printer is still sitting on a cheap table, ect. よくご覧下さい。ほぼ全員各自のデスクに座って仕事をしています。プリンターも部屋の片隅の安物の机の上に鎮座していますね.some things fall but things return to normal quickly棚や机から落ちたものはすばやくもとにもどしてますよね。
all the while the English announcer is reading a script of devastation with all the pep of some paid fool who does not believe what he is saying in a cheezy infomercial. 一方、お聞き下さい。英語のアナウンサー。連中は金をもらって、信じてもいないことをペラペラ台本どうりに根拠の無い被害状況を調子良くしゃべるんです。
The quake was significant, but only in a 6.0 sense, as recorded by the seismographs.確かに地震はそれなりの者でしたが、6.0程度です。地震計が示すと通りです。
This is important footage, これは、とても重要な映像記録です。
because it proves the earthquake measured at a 6.8 was an instrumentation based richter reading. 6.8と記録された地震はレクタースケール(マグニチュード)で計測さてたものであることをしめしています。
Confusion between the Shindo and Richter scale is being used to cover this up . 震度とレクター(マグニチュード)の混乱が真相隠蔽のために使われているのです。
I chose this video because it's location is documented to have been the worst affected, and was recorded in a news room with a known fixed location. 私がこのビデオを証拠として選ぶのは、被害の最もひどかった場所として報じられたところだからです。ご丁寧にも、都合良く、ニューズウームのなかであり固定カメラで撮られています。This video gets deleted off youtube occasionally, if it does not work check back later and I might have re-linked it. このYouTubeビデオはしばしば消されますが、私も負けずにアップロードし続けますので、また後でクリックしてみて下さい。 Remember that this video is proof of what really went on. このビデオは実際何がおこったのかをしめしています。 This means there never were significant aftershocks, never was a natural tsunami, このビデオによればぶり返しはいっさいありませんでした。自然発生の津波はもちろんありません。 and if they lied about that, what else? 彼らが嘘をついているなら、次はなんでしょうか? This video is pivotal and vital to exposing the truth. このビデオこそ、真実を露呈するのに鍵となる強力な証拠です。 Sure there was a quake, but at this newsroom it was not much over a six if it even was a six. 地震が発生したのは事実です。しかしこのニューズルームの揺れは6をこえません。まあ6と言ってもいいですがー I chose this video because the news room is within eyeshot of station MYG012, 私がこのビデオをつかうのはもう一つの理由はこのニューズルームからは地震観測地点(MYG012)が手に取るように見えるからです。 which was used by the USGS to make these graphs which represent an 8.8, そして合衆国地理院もこのここです8.8を演出するグラフをねつ造したのです。 as was stated in this (English) newscast and was probably used as a guide to fudge the lie due to the closeness of the newsroom to the seismic station. このアメリカ人のニューズキャスターが述べているように、そして多分、ニューズルームと地震観測所の距離的近さからして『嘘』の上塗りにはうってつけだったのだ。 Looking at these charts,チャートをみてみよう。 it is super easy to get a rough guess at how fast people would have flown.これを見れば人々がどれだけの速度でどっちに吹っ飛んだか 誰にも超簡単に分かるようになっている。44MPH to the North, and 28MPH to the East. つまり私が書いた物語のようにように、北に時速60キロ、東に時速30キロと言う具合.お分かり? Those are not precise numbers but the charts are proven wrong by the video because according to the charts people should have entered uncontrolled flight. 数字が正確でないことは当然としても、チャート自体がビデオによって否定されているわけだです。なぜ? チャートが正しければ、当然人間は吹っ飛んでなければならないはずですから。 Here is the full chart put out by the USGS Of course, they offer no reading from MYG011, which was closest to the 9.0 "epicenter" by a long shot,勿論のことながら、彼らは『震源地』にもっとも近いMYG011観測所のデータは発表しかせん。 because it only got a 5.63's worth of shaking. I will do that work for them. That map is below. 何故か? 計測値はたったの5.68だったのです。彼らにかわって私が説明しましょう。下の地図をご覧下さい。 I challenge ANYONE to send me pictures of this quake showing me devastation in an area not hit by the tsunami. どなたでも結構です。津波が来る以前に今回の地震で崩れた家やビルがあったら是非教えて下さい。(東北大学の皮肉にも建築棟が倒れた。他は大丈夫。ガラスいっぱいのメディアテークの天井が落ちたがガラスは一枚も落ちてない。世界一最先端の正常ならざる構造もOK. -訳者) All we have, all the pictures are tsunami damage. これらの写真で見る限り被害は全て津波によるものであって、地震によりものではありません。 Let's see pictures of quake damage. 地震被害の写真を見てみよう。 The Kobe quake was a 6.9/7.2 depending on source. 神戸震災は6.9もしくは 7.2です。 That makes this quake, at a 9.0 100X as powerful. 仙台はM9なら、エネルギーとしては2桁つまり100倍なのだ。 Sendai was near the epicenter and would have been devastated if it really happened.だからそれが本当にM9なら震源地に近い仙台は壊滅していてしかるべきなのだが Look at the earthquake photos of damage from the Kobe quake, and try to find ONE THING SIMILAR in SENDAI. Just try.一つでもいい、神戸と共通するものがありますか? They do not exist. それが全くみつからないのです。 Outside of the tsunami, the quake which supposedly hit Sendai with many times the power of the one in Kobe, did not destroy a single building there. Sendai was only 48 miles from the epicenter of this "9.0" which would have devastated everything in an area 1,000 miles across if it was real. All of Japan would be toast. Try to find a photo of seismic damage in Sendai. I challenge you. Try to find it in any of the coastal cities, as little as 25 miles from the "epicenter". I looked for 5 hours, and except for some tanks that fell at a brewery not a single one exists. No pictures of collapsed skyscrapers or high rises equals NO 9.0. You will not find a single skyscraper photo where the windows got broken either. You will find no downed power poles, no flipped over cars, no uprooted trees, no derailed trains (except for one the tsunami hit), and the road damage is typical of even a 5.0. You will not find pictures of a single damaged multi story building or even a structurally damaged wood framed house outside the tsunami zone. In Sendai the quake messed up grocery stores and kitchens and that really is about it. And now, I will say it like I knew it had to be.I believe the phony 9.0 story was used as seismic cover for a tsunami nuke, which produced the tsunami of a 9.0 when detonated in the Japan trench (where no earthquakes of significance happen) as punishment for Japan offering to enrich uranium for Iran. The rest of the story, the concealment, is black ops. Bet on it. In the tsunami videos, the tsunami rips through pristine and undamaged cities, where business as usual is obvious and the tsunami is an ambush; not 9.0 earthquake ravaged debris. The quake is a paper thin story taped together by the undeserved trust of a gullible public. And the stories? The CIA did not hire a million people last year for nothing. If there is evidence of a 9.0 SHOW ME. A 9.0 will devastate an area over 1,000 miles across. That is how big a 9.0 is. The entire nation should be in ruins, especially judging from the damage the 6.9 Kobe quake did, and no where, no where outside the tsunami zone in the entire country is there a single damaged multi story building, a single collapsed bridge, a single structurally damaged wood framed house, or skyscraper. If a picture exists that can be definitively pinned to this quake, show me. The only collapsed structure in all of Japan was an old welfare shelter near station MYG004, the true epicenter.
Take a look at these frame captures,次の映像を見て下さい。 and ask a question - Why is no one trying to run?そして自問して下さい。 Why are the cars all just parked peacefully as the tsunami arrived? 津波が近づいているのにどうして駐車場に整然と車が並んでいるのでしょう? (皆さん整然と車を捨てて高台に避難し終わったのでしょうか?) Why was there no warning? どうして警報が鳴っていないのですか? Why did the tsunami sirens only go off after the tsunami arrived? どうしてサイレンは津波が来てからようやく鳴りだしたのですか? Could it be that the people and the governement had not felt a significant earthquake and did not measure one either? あの程度の地震であんな大型の津波が来るとは誰も思わなか ったのではなでしょうか? だから対策をとらなかったのではないでしょうか? 下記写真上部の英文訳: この映像を見て、日本中の誰も不思議に思わなかったこと:津波がくる寸前まで建物には傷一つないとゆうこと。完全無傷です。(この少し前にM9.0の激震、関西の100倍のエネルギーに襲われたハズですね) 私の結論は、吾が親愛なる(勿論反語)イルミナティ・シオニスト・ファシスト・(ネオナチ・旧ナチ第3帝国連合・ワンワールド)のメディアがこの犯罪現場について一切だれにも語らないことにしたのです。 日本政府はのど元に短刀を突きつけられていたのです。
(メモですから少し短絡ぎみですが、著者は、下手人はイスラエルと考えています。鳩山政権は(アメリカの同意のもとに)イスラエルの天敵イランに濃縮ウランを提供する交渉をはじめていたからです。濃縮ウランを生産していたのが福島第一なのです。日本政府がイスラエルに握られている弱みは、日本も核を生産・所有・販売をしている事実です。持たズ、作らズ、使わズの3ズの『非核三原則』を世界に宣言した手前、口が裂けても、自国民を犠牲にしても、決して認めません。認めないことにきまっているのです。日航機123号の謎の航跡と生きながら毒殺焼殺された生存者の悲劇は、この非核三原則に由来するのです.日本はあの時点(中曽根政権)で既に戦略核兵器を生産・所有・(アメリカその他に)供与していたのです。そのご褒美に佐藤栄作はノーベル『平和賞』と沖縄返還をもらったのです。) 
もう一度お願いします。考えてみてください。 どうして建物には地震の痕がないのでしょう? 全くそれらしいものはみあたらないですね。あわただしくM6からM9に格上げされた地震の震源地のま近ですよ。考えてみてください、皆さん。 とにかく、写真を見る限り、津波が来るまでは完全に何も被害がないのですね。 (地震は起ったでしょうが、古い木造の一般家屋にも改訂以前の古い構造基準で建てたコンクリートの建物にもクラックひとつみあたりません。地震の強度はその程度だったのです。少なくても写真で見る限りそうですね。) 日本は完全免震ではありません。ガラスのひとつ、パネルの一枚ぐらい落ちてもいいとおもいませんか? 神戸の写真を見て下さい。このときはM7です。めちゃくちゃに壊れてますね。ビルも傾いていますね。高速道路は顛倒してますね。今回はM9です。Mが1増すとエネルギーは10倍になります。7が9になると100倍です。 関西の100倍の地震に襲われて無傷とはどうゆうことでしょう? M9の地震の到達範囲は理論的には7000キロにおよびます。つまり日本がスッポリはいるのです。さだめし『日本沈没』の強度です。 そんなことが実際は起らなかったことは分かっていただけますね。 答えは一つ:あなた方は始めから嘘を聞かされてきたのです。 われわれは、かれこれ400年もの間、親がまさか嘘を食べさせているとは知らず、嘘ばかりたべされてきたといえます。 もうそろそろ目をさまして親も悪魔かもしれないと疑いの目でものを見て、疑いをもって考えて下さい。今、時代は、それぐらいスポリとウうウソにつつまれています。 (誰かがスッポリ嘘をついて、本当のことを言った人は自動車事故にあったり女の家に行ったあと酔っぱらって自転車が電柱にぶつかって顔がめちゃくちゃになるとか遺書を書いて自殺することになるのです。)
Question: Why are none of the roads packed with people trying to flee the approaching tsunami?質問:なぜここでは(ハリウッドの映画、たとえば『2012』のように)押し寄せる津波から逃れようとする群衆で道路が一杯にならないのでしょう? (そもそも過疎地なのでしょうか? それとも秩序正しく高台に避難したのでしょうか? それとも次の地震を避けて家にじっとしているのでしょうか?)
Could it be that the people and government were not expecting one? 人々もお役人も地震の規模からして、こんな大型津波がくるなんて思っていないのではありませんか?
Tsunami sirens blare only when it arrives, 津波警報のサイレンは津波が見えてから鳴り始めましたよ。YouTubeをもう一度調べてください。
rather than 40 minutes before, 警報は40分前に発令されたとゆうことですが、サイレンがなりはじめたのは津波が視野にはいってからでした。
which is how much warning they would have had if a real quake in the ocean had been detected. もし本当に最初の超大型地震M9が本当に海底に確認されたのなら、警報はこんなものではないはずだとおもうのですが。もっと必死になるはずです。
Consider that. Parking lots full of cars, everyone at work, no one trying to leave.よく見て考えて下さい。駐車場には車が整然と並んでいます。みんな働いています。誰も職場をはなれません。(しかしそのおかげで3階以上のビルに留まった人が助かり、路に出た人が波にさらわれた。ことを著者は知るべきだが、沿岸部の建物が地震の被害をうけていないのは写真がしめしている。それがM9でなかったことはめいりょうだ。より内陸の仙台市内の建物では、東北大学の建築科の校舎が座屈倒壊した。他の学科の建物がほぼ無傷とゆうのは皮肉である。また世界最先端の構造によって今日世界で最も尊敬されている伊東豊雄氏設計のメディアテークの天井が落下した。アメリカ渡来のこの吊り天井は元来揺れに弱い。これと同じ天井落下は仙台市内でも東京都内でも等しくみられた。今回の人工地震の震動挙動が天然地震と異なっていたのかもしれない。アメリカ渡来のハリボテ簡易天井とはいえ、日本での施行は地震時の部材挙動とつり金具の強度は計算されているはずだからである。ただしガラスの落下がなかったことは日本の建設技術の優秀さをしめすものだ.訳者) .
AMBUSH!!! 不意打ちだ!!
When people keep typing at their keyboards during the quake, it's obviously not what we were told. 地震の最中も日本の人々がもくもくとキーボードにむかってタイプする手を止めなかったなどとゆうことは、世界は教えられていません。全く。(文化の違いでしょうか?)
RUSH UPDATE, May 285月28日緊急改訂
When reviewing the seismic data for the supposed 9.0, M9の根拠とされる地震データを調べて分かったことがあります。 I knew there were instead 3 small simultaneous inland epicenters. それは、地震は、海底ではなく、内陸3カ所で同時におこされほ小さな地震だとゆうことです。 This made me suspicious right from the start that the quake was artificially triggered and used as seismic cover for a tsunami bomb. これは、地震は人工的におこしたもので、その目的は、津波の本当の震源が核爆発だったことを隠すためでわないだとゆう私の最初の直感が正しかったとゆうことです。 But I needed a reason to believe an artificial quake could have been done. しかし私は、人工地震が実際使われたとゆうことを信じるにたる証拠が欲しかったのです。 I suspected that either Japan was testing nukes and Israeli intelligence was onto it and used the tests as the "start of clock" for their operation, 一時は、日本が核の地下実験をしようとしているのを嗅ぎつけたイスラエルの工作員がこれにタイミングを合わせて津波を起こして、日本の核の野望を挫くとゆう目的をたっしようとしたのだと考えたこともありました。 or Israel managed to smuggle nukes into lava tubes and tunnels far underground to trigger earthquakes and contain the blasts. あるいは、イスラエルがこっそりと核を日本に持ち込み溶岩の筒やトンネルを掘って埋め込み地震の引き金をひいたと考えました。 So I was hunting for tunnels and lava tubes near each of the three epicenters, and wanted to find them before writing this into this report. 私は地震波の分析から最初の3発の震源地点をわりだして知っていましたから、そのあたりに竪坑や花崗岩の筒がないかとさがしまわっていたのです。 As it turns out, I did not need to.しかし、そんなことをしなくてもよくなりました。次をクリックしてください。1997年、国防長官ウイリアム・コヘンが(上院で?)行った軍事報告です。これによれば、1997年の時点でEM兵器(強力な電磁兵器でこれを遮ることはことは出来ないと言われている)は実用化されており、これを使えば地震を起こすことも火山を爆発させることもごく簡単にできるとゆう証言です。 This military briefing with Secretary of Defense William Cohen, dated all the way back to 1997! shows that even then, Cohen knew about EM weaponry that could trigger quakes and set off volcanoes. I have ignored everything regarding this subject, I thought it was realm of kooks.以前からEM兵器については知っていましたが、まともに受け取るべきものではないと考えていました。 I thought EM weaponry would be effective in weather modification only, 私はEM 兵器は気象操作ぐらいにしか役に立たないと考えていましたが、そうだったのかどうか、ここで国防長官と議論するつもりはありません。but I am not going to argue with the Secretary of Defense. There are obviously then, energy technologies which have never been publicized, such weaponry would need far more energy input than the electrical grid could provide. 当時は明らかに、一般の知るところではありませんでしたが、兵器たりえるエネルキー技術は、当時の総合電力システムが供給可能を越えるものとかんがえられていたのです。 And the systems Cohen spoke of in 1997 would be outdated now. (現在ではそれははるかに改良され)コーヘンが1997年に語ったことは過去のもとなったのです。 Cohen statedコーヘン長官発言: "Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism 敵はエコタイプのテロ技術を開発中ですwhereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.電磁波を使って気候を変えたり地震を起こしたり火山を爆発させたりできるのです So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there 極めて多数の才能ある連中が参加して、that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations.他国に恐怖を引き起こす技術を開発中なのです。 It's real,それは事実です。 and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, だから我々も努力を加速させなければならないのです。and that's why this is so important.それがいかに重要かとゆうことです。 - William S. Cohen, Secretary of Defense, April 28, 1997. Left unsaid by William Cohen is that such systems would be developed by DARPAand owned by America first! ウイリアム・コーヘンがここで言わなかったことが重要なのです。それはその技術をダーパ社(上記青字)が開発してアメリカが先手をとって所有することだったのです。 I would expect with 14 years of advancement that these technologies could now trigger devastating earthquakes in non-seismic zones私はうかつでした。14年の歳月は地震の起るはずの無い地域に地震をおこす引き金をひく技術を開発するに充分だったのです.
The following picture is the strongest reading for this quake on any seismogram anywhere in Japan.次の地震地図は他のいかなる地震地図より今回実際なにが起ったかのかをハッキリしめしています。 This was before the lie machine got running smoothly.これは『巨大情報操作』が本格的に展開される以前のものである。 Early on there were a few sputters and this REAL chart got out. これ以前にも散発的に情報はもれていたが、ついにこの『本物』があらわれたのです。 As you can see on this chart, it was a 6.67 on the Richter scale, (not shindo scale, confirmed by PGA reference) ごらんのように、内陸の最高値は、MYG004地点のレクタースケール(マグニチュード)6.64です。いわゆる『震度』ではありません。PGA(地動最大加速度)の値から判断して、これはレクター尺度であ って『震度』ではありません(図の後の文中にリンクされている著者が引用する防災科学技術研究所のデータでは『震度』と明記されているが、表の中のこの文字は不自然に挿入されている。ー訳者)(PGA値から判断してこの数値はマグニチュードであって『震度』ではないとゆうこと。 つまり『震度』は後からとってつけたウソとゆうこと.表中の慌ただしくとって付けたように挿入されている『震度」ゆう文字の不自然さがうなずける) This would fit in with NO structural damage in Sendai and the level of shaking in the video.
以下地図内の英文訳:しかしM 9.0震源地から24マイル(38キロ)の観測地点MYG011の値が5.63とゆうことはどうゆうことでしょうか? 理論的にはM8.7ぐらいのはずです。(M値が1増すごとにエネルギーは10倍になりますから)エネルギーとしてはM5.67の1000倍近いはずなのです。)
(図中英文訳)観測地点MYG004でPGA(地動最大加速度=地震力)が最大を記録している。これを記録したのはKNET(防災科学技術研究所)のステーションは栗原近辺にある。(実際は栗原市築館町) This quake was initially asessed a 6.8, 地震は最初8.6と評価されていた。 and the seismic data will show anyone the epicenter was inland, not at sea. そして防災科学研究所のデータ(前記青字クリック)を見れば、誰の目にも、震源地は内陸であって、海底ではないと分かる。 訳者=このデータはとても面白い。PGA値つまり地震の加速度が高い値が内陸に広い範囲に分散している。宮城県(栗原市)築館2765.2 宮城県塩竈1970.3 宮城県仙台1807.4 茨城県日立1844 茨城県鉾田1613.8 全観測地点中PAG最高値を示す築館町(MYG004)は宮城県栗原市にあるが、震源地から遠い内陸の山地であ。 So it started a 6.8, then got upgraded to a 7.9, then got upgraded to an 8.4, then got upgraded to an 8.8, then got upgraded to a 9.0, and had the epicenter put out in the ocean. Now many are saying it was a 9.1 which would bump up MYG011's number to 1200 from 1070, and it is all based on tsunami effects, not seismic data. The following seismograms clearly show epicenters from 3 separate small quakes all occuring simultaneously. This is what would be expected of an attack, rather than a natural occurence. 
It took them three hundred years and trillions of dollars to build a theatre of darkness, yet the light of only one match can burn it down. Do not let this light go out. Archive and POST!
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, Updated Wednesday, Dec 28, 2011
This is a massive report. If you have troubles understanding it, just look at THIS picture of the vanished reactor, THIS picture of the destroyed facility and THIS picture, of Magna BSP's camera. Then scroll down to the photos of the NON EXISTENT quake damage and seismic charts which prove there was no 9.0 and therefore the very real tsunami could not have been natural. The fact that what happened in Japan did not occur naturally has been very well documented by a skilled investigator, who spent hundreds of hours getting to the bottom of this story.
NEW INFO: Japan offered to enrich uranium for IRAN!
HERE ARE THE LINKS: Ynet news... Inside Japan News Network...The New American...Rianovosti news...Hindustan Times...Zee News
This report uses classified leaked high resolution photos of the destruction of Fukushima originally posted on Pink Tentacle to support its claims.
They are,
1. Reactor 3 is completely missing, which means the press and anyone who
has claimed anything about pressures, temperatures, containment, ect
about reactor 3 after March 14 are lying and people need to pay
attention to it, because failure of the public to realize the massive
extent of the lies about what is going on there will leave the door open
to a repeat event.
2. Reactor 4 is Building 7, demolished by explosives.
Reactor 4 had been defueled and was undergoing replacement of it's internal stainless steel shroud, yet blew it's containment anyway. That is
the FINAL smoking gun, an empty reactor is inert, and cannot produce an
explosion, yet one happened at 4 that was so powerful it destroyed the structure leaving it in danger of falling over. Overheated open fuel pools cannot produce hydrogen because
in an open fuel pool the water boils off at 100 Celsius, and won't be
present in pressurized form at 2,000 degrees Celsius to liberate it's
hydrogen by losing it's oxygen to the zircon cladding in the fuel rods.
The rods will prefer the free oxygen in the air and burn long before
attempting to claim the oxygen in whatever humidity there might be. Because fuel rods only contain 20 percent fissionable material, they also cannot produce the "prompt criticality" "The most qualified nuclear engineer in the world" Arnie Gundersen has spoken of. I got to the bottom of the Arnie Gunderson story, and added the results of that investigation further down the page. He has been put on a pedastal and pumped up enormously by a press that wants a misleading story, all the while he is a despised outcast of the greater engineering community. The explosion at #4 was flatly
impossible absent the use of an explosive device, and as a result the disaster at Fukushima is FAR FAR WORSE than ANYTHING Gundersen is willing to say. Gundersen is towing the line and hiding the true magnitude of what happened there because if it became widely known serious questions would be asked. When have you heard Gundersen talk about a totally missing reactor?
Reactor 4's dome was removed for defueling.
Drone photos prove it. This dispels the rumors surrounding unit 4's
explosion. Some people have said that this reactor was secretly in
operation to enrich plutonium. This photo proves it was disassembled for shroud replacement as stated.
Tepco is going out of it's way trying to explain the explosions, especially at reactor 4, because they did indeed occur, so an explanation is needed. As a result, they are giving reasons that cannot happen, just to say something. They need to see this post and get the Arava perspective(Arava is a district surrounding Dimona).
3. That the destruction of the facility is so severe it could only have been accomplished with nuclear weapons. Hydrogen produces a non-ideal subsonic explosion. It cannot turn concrete into dust. It can produce high pressures if sealed off, but the metal roof on all the reactor containments should have provided the relief and been the only thing destroyed. It takes a high intensity explosive to strip concrete off rebar, a blast wave many times faster than supersonic. This means that whatever happened at Fukushima did not have blast characteristics that fit the "official" story. If you missed it in the high resolution photo of the destroyed facility, I took a car that was laying around in the remains and placed it on top of one of the blown away walls at reactor 3, which clearly gives the reference that the walls had support columns at least 15 feet thick. Fukushima was built with the Mark 1 containment design, but beyond Mark 1 standards which was a common upgrade(reference is the included photos, it is obvious). It is true that gas explosions can be very destructive, but only in facilities that were not designed to handle them. Even the basic mark 1 containment was many times beyond capable of withstanding the worst hydrogen blast.
4. That nuclear weapon(s) were placed inside of the reactor containment(s) disguised as security cameras installed under contract this year by Arava based security firm Magna BSP (Arava is a district around Dimona, not a city.) Their "security cameras" weighed over 1,000 pounds and were the size and shape of gun type nuclear weapons.The reason Magna BSP gave for the odd shape, enormous weight, and giant proportions of their cameras was that they were stereoscopic. They have creatively called them bi-scopic so when you search on google their monstrous cameras are the only thing that comes up (outside of Dj lighting and a gun scope) Try it. Type "Biscopic camera" into google images,(without the quotes) it's a hoot! This helps marketing I guess. The need for such a large stereoscopic camera could be plausible at an airstrip, where the camera would need depth perception out miles, but not indoors where focal lengths are short. Other manufacturers have units appropriate for indoor focal lengths which are only twice the size of ordinary monocular security cameras. Depth perception going out miles could also be accomplished with two separately mounted cameras weighing only a few pounds; the giant thousand pounder is a dead giveaway. Magna does make passive radar systems which require a large body, but the owl could accomplish it's claimed function with two small lightweight cameras (5 or so lbs, not tiny) and the processor in a modern laptop. Why this giant thing? note - a not yet produced graphical model is what you see most on Google, the ones produced thus far are ugly boxes.
. . . . . . . . . .9/11, 4/11, 3/11? see a pattern? Let's not see a
6/11. Your time and effort in spreading the word may really make a
Due to the many positive e-mails about getting the truth out, rather than hold back I am going to put the original information back. It follows below.
The quake was not what we were told. In fact, the quake was a bold faced lie, packing a political agenda. There is even more proof now, and it goes beyond the linked Japanese chart. This original seismic data is the smoking gun, however, I have something better. I finally suppressed the urge to vomit and analyzed the lies told by the USGS, and from them wrote this sad, sad story about how it really was, not what you will see in the video. Keep in mind that precise top speeds of flying debris cannot be determined with accuracy, but this story will at least be close to the numbers put out by the USGS.
The people in the newsroom did not die, this story is what would have happened if the USGS charts were true.
Meet Atsuo, Airi, and Akiyoshi. They were all the best and most dedicated people at the NHK newsroom, in Sendai Japan. Akiyoshi loved Airi, and Atsuo was the one who introduced them. Unfortunately, all 3 died in the quake. Akiyoshi got a severe cut and bled to death when he hit a display screen behind him at 44 miles an hour, and was then thrown out through a hole in a collapsed wall. Airi followed pretty much the same path, and died beside him in the rubble. Atsuo flew through the open door behind him, then crashed through a window and was crushed when he landed in a massive seismic crack in the road, which closed in on him. Others in the newsroom died also, but I never thought up names for them. At least, according to the official USGS charts. The laser printer was never found, but the table it was on ended up on top of the rubble, smashed to pieces, where one of the few survivors used a piece of the metal frame to splint his broken leg.
The video below is the one I pulled the frames out of for the sad, sad story. It is a video of a newsroom at the hardest hit area in Japan, and it SAYS IT ALL. This is when the quake was happening live. They are alarmed there is an earthquake, but most people stay seated in their chairs. Some people even keep typing on their computers as the quake happens.
Also, note that most of the stuff stays on the desks, at the end, a laser printer is still sitting on a cheap table, ect. some things fall but things return to normal quickly, all the while the English announcer is reading a script of devastation with all the pep of some paid fool who does not believe what he is saying in a cheezy infomercial. The quake was significant, but only in a 6.0 sense, as recorded by the seismographs. This is important footage, because it proves the earthquake measured at a 6.8 was an instrumentation based richter reading. Confusion between the Shindo and Richter scale is being used to cover this up . I chose this video because it's location is documented to have been the worst affected, and was recorded in a news room with a known fixed location. This video gets deleted off youtube occasionally, if it does not work check back later and I might have re-linked it.
Remember that this video is proof of what really went on. This means there never were significant aftershocks, never was a natural tsunami, and if they lied about that, what else? This video is pivotal and vital to exposing the truth. Sure there was a quake, but at this newsroom it was not much over a six if it even was a six. I chose this video because the news room is within eyeshot of station MYG012, which was used by the USGS to make these graphs which represent an 8.8, as was stated in this (English) newscast and was probably used as a guide to fudge the lie due to the closeness of the newsroom to the seismic station. Looking at these charts, it is super easy to get a rough guess at how fast people would have flown. 44MPH to the North, and 28MPH to the East. Those are not precise numbers but the charts are proven wrong by the video because according to the charts people should have entered uncontrolled flight. Here is the full chart put out by the USGS Of course, they offer no reading from MYG011, which was closest to the 9.0 "epicenter" by a long shot, because it only got a 5.63's worth of shaking. I will do that work for them. That map is below.
I challenge ANYONE to send me pictures of this quake showing me devastation in an area not hit by the tsunami. All we have, all the pictures are tsunami damage. Let's see pictures of quake damage. The Kobe quake was a 6.9/7.2 depending on source. That makes this quake, at a 9.0 100X as powerful. Sendai was near the epicenter and would have been devastated if it really happened. Look at the earthquake photos of damage from the Kobe quake, and try to find ONE THING SIMILAR in SENDAI. Just try. They do not exist. Outside of the tsunami, the quake which supposedly hit Sendai with many times the power of the one in Kobe, did not destroy a single building there. Sendai was only 48 miles from the epicenter of this "9.0" which would have devastated everything in an area 1,000 miles across if it was real. All of Japan would be toast. Try to find a photo of seismic damage in Sendai. I challenge you. Try to find it in any of the coastal cities, as little as 25 miles from the "epicenter". I looked for 5 hours, and except for some tanks that fell at a brewery not a single one exists. No pictures of collapsed skyscrapers or high rises equals NO 9.0. You will not find a single skyscraper photo where the windows got broken either. You will find no downed power poles, no flipped over cars, no uprooted trees, no derailed trains (except for one the tsunami hit), and the road damage is typical of even a 5.0. You will not find pictures of a single damaged multi story building or even a structurally damaged wood framed house outside the tsunami zone. In Sendai the quake messed up grocery stores and kitchens and that really is about it.
And now, I will say it like I knew it had to be.
I believe the phony 9.0 story was used as seismic cover for a tsunami nuke, which produced the tsunami of a 9.0 when detonated in the Japan trench (where no earthquakes of significance happen) as punishment for Japan offering to enrich uranium for Iran. The rest of the story, the concealment, is black ops. Bet on it. In the tsunami videos, the tsunami rips through pristine and undamaged cities, where business as usual is obvious and the tsunami is an ambush; not 9.0 earthquake ravaged debris. The quake is a paper thin story taped together by the undeserved trust of a gullible public. And the stories? The CIA did not hire a million people last year for nothing. If there is evidence of a 9.0 SHOW ME. A 9.0 will devastate an area over 1,000 miles across. That is how big a 9.0 is. The entire nation should be in ruins, especially judging from the damage the 6.9 Kobe quake did, and no where, no where outside the tsunami zone in the entire country is there a single damaged multi story building, a single collapsed bridge, a single structurally damaged wood framed house, or skyscraper. If a picture exists that can be definitively pinned to this quake, show me. The only collapsed structure in all of Japan was an old welfare shelter near station MYG004, the true epicenter. Take a look at these frame captures, and ask a question - Why is no one trying to run? Why are the cars all just parked peacefully as the tsunami arrived? Why was there no warning? Why did the tsunami sirens only go off after the tsunami arrived? Could it be that the people and the governement had not felt a significant earthquake and did not measure one either? Question: Why are none of the roads packed with people trying to flee the approaching tsunami? Could it be that the people and government were not expecting one? Tsunami sirens blare only when it arrives, rather than 40 minutes before, which is how much warning they would have had if a real quake in the ocean had been detected. Consider that. Parking lots full of cars, everyone at work, no one trying to leave. AMBUSH!!.
When people keep typing at their keyboards during the quake, it's obviously not what we were told. RUSH UPDATE, May 28
When reviewing the seismic data for the supposed 9.0, I knew there were instead 3 small simultaneous inland epicenters. This made me suspicious right from the start that the quake was artificially triggered and used as seismic cover for a tsunami bomb. But I needed a reason to believe an artificial quake could have been done. I suspected that either Japan was testing nukes and Israeli intelligence was onto it and used the tests as the "start of clock" for their operation, or Israel managed to smuggle nukes into lava tubes and tunnels far underground to trigger earthquakes and contain the blasts. So I was hunting for tunnels and lava tubes near each of the three epicenters, and wanted to find them before writing this into this report. As it turns out, I did not need to. This military briefing with Secretary of Defense William Cohen, dated all the way back to 1997! shows that even then, Cohen knew about EM weaponry that could trigger quakes and set off volcanoes. I have ignored everything regarding this subject, I thought it was the realm of kooks. I thought EM weaponry would be effective in weather modification only, but I am not going to argue with the Secretary of Defense. There are obviously then, energy technologies which have never been publicized, such weaponry would need far more energy input than the electrical grid could provide. And the systems Cohen spoke of in 1997 would be outdated now.
Cohen stated: "Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that's why this is so important. - William S. Cohen, Secretary of Defense, April 28, 1997. Left unsaid by William Cohen is that such systems would be developed by DARPA and owned by America first!
I would expect with 14 years of advancement that these technologies could now trigger devastating earthquakes in non-seismic zones.
The following picture is the strongest reading for this quake on any seismogram anywhere in Japan. This was before the lie machine got running smoothly. Early on there were a few sputters and this REAL chart got out. As you can see on this chart, it was a 6.67 on the Richter scale, (not shindo scale, confirmed by PGA reference) This would fit in with NO structural damage in Sendai and the level of shaking in the video
This quake was initially asessed a 6.8, and the seismic data will show anyone the epicenter was inland, not at sea. So it started a 6.8, then got upgraded to a 7.9, then got upgraded to an 8.4, then got upgraded to an 8.8, then got upgraded to a 9.0, and had the epicenter put out in the ocean. Now many are saying it was a 9.1 which would bump up MYG011's number to 1200 from 1070, and it is all based on tsunami effects, not seismic data.
The following seismograms clearly show epicenters from 3 separate small quakes all occuring simultaneously. This is what would be expected of an attack, rather than a natural occurence.

One problem with people grasping how big a 9.0 is, is exponential charts which will hide how much energy is really being released behind confusing gradient marking. To answer the need for clarity, I got out the calculator and produced a chart that shows you how big a 9.0 earthquake is on a linear scale. Make sure you expand and scroll it, it is 5,000 pixels tall. Due to its large verticle height it opens on the left side of the screen and is almost invisible until you expand it. Confusion over how GIANT a 9.0 really is has helped the elite scammers enormously in their lie. There is simply no way much of anything will remain standing, yet as the tsunami rolls in . . . . . .
And now, I will bite. This is what I did not want to publish, but I know it has to be true. Call this creative journalism, because I never called Netanyahu, but here is the most rational conclusion I can draw, based on all info gathered so far including the original not faked seismic data.
I honestly believe Japan is being held a nuclear hostage. It all makes
1. Japan offers to enrich uranium for Israel's GREAT SATAN, Iran
2. Immediately, Israel sets up front companies masquerading as security companies, and one of them succeeds in getting a security contract at a Japanese nuclear facility. 4 months later the Dimona Dozen shows up, and under the cover of a security contract gets unlimited access to the heart of Fukushima. They plant the virus, install real cameras outside the
facility, and functional poorly disguised nuke cameras inside the facility. In addition to this, they install an unauthorized data connection to allow control of all the guts of the facility via the virus. (they admitted to this connection, as discussed later on this page)
3. After installing Stuxnet and the nukes they scram
4. Israel waits for one of the many natural quakes in Japan to provide
cover for a tsunami bomb, and they already have it at the bottom of the
Japan trench. VLF communications are established with the bomb to
penetrate the water. David in Dimona gets seismic reading from Japan.
6.67 in progress, BOOM. (new evidence shows the quake most likely was not natural)
Tsunami comes in, swamps stuxnet infected power plant, direct video feed
from legitimate cameras security company installed gets to David via totally unauthorized channel, and
David knows just when to cut the generators off. Others on the team do all they can to counteract measures taken by the employees at fukushima, who are unaware an attack is taking place and do not understand why everything is going crazy
5. Israeli Prime Minister calls Japan, and says TAKE THAT for offering
help to Iran, and ya know, there are FIVE MORE NUKES in the ocean off the
coast of Japan, and we are going to set those off and destroy your coastal
cities if you do not forget that 6.67, and say it was a 9 to cover for
tsunami effects. AND NOW we are going to make your people DEMAND you move
away from nuclear power so you can NEVER threaten us like that again. We
are BLOWING UP FUKUSHIMA DIIACHI and you are going to go along with
whatever story we tell you to. SO THERE!!
6. David and his pals close ALL valves to the reactors via the remote data
link they admitted to installing, and put them full throttle, to melt them
down while the virus keeps control room readouts displaying false info, like nothing is
going on even though the place is coming apart. After enough mayhem ensues to provide plausibility, they set off
planted nukes and blow the place sky high.
And even if the quake was real, there are nukes that can reach an 8.4. Close enough.
Though I have yet to work out the final details, I probably have enough to hang them because:
1. I got the real seismic data that proves beyond a doubt the quake is not what we were told and was in fact an inland 6.8, (calculated higher than the seismogram due to the triangulated true epicenter being a little higher) which would get noticed but not feared in quake ridden Japan.
2. Numerous referenced sources prove Stuxnet really was written by Israel
3. Japan really did offer to enrich Uranium for Iran, and Israel has been documented to have attempted to destroy the reactor in Iran, and probably did. Japan contributing to Iran's nuclear future would make them just as much an enemy to Israel as Iran. Israel would want them taken out.
4. It is documented that a team from Israel, with a history consisting only of working in Israeli defense, got unlimited access to a Japanese nuclear facility, which then went boom
5. Reactor 4 had been defueled and proven disassembled, and therefore no explosion there was possible. What should have happened at reactor 4, if anything at all? the fuel pools should have melted down and caught fire once the water boiled off from lack of recirculation AT Worst, and badly contaminated the containment structure, NOTHING ELSE. NO explosions, NOTHING ELSE. Reactor 4 is building 7, PERIOD. Why did an explosion there happen that was so severe it blew the outer containment walls (4 feet thick) and inner containment walls that were much thicker? Reactor 4 is reportedly now in danger of falling over. HOW?
6. The Japanese government is going along with the story of a scientifically proven false 9.0. There is a reason, and my guess is that Israel has made threats to wipe out Japanese coastal cities with additional tsunamis if the government of Japan speaks a word of what went on, there should be no reason for Japan to go along with this other than a continued threat.
Is it not interesting this "quake" reportedly happened at the bottom of the Japan trench, which would be perfect for hiding an atomic bomb blast?
Is the Department of Homeland Security trying to keep American industries (and nuclear facilities) in the dark about Stuxnet? After Fukushima fell victim to unwary operators, I would think such a conference would be a TOP priority here! The genie is out of the bottle. It is a fact that the writers of Stuxnet intend to use it. So cancelling a well researched conference about the vulnerabilities of the Siemens SCADA system to Stuxnet in the name of "keeping hackers from getting info" seems to me like an effort to keep the threat alive. Ignore the fluff at the beginning, and read the "About TakeDownCon" summary near the bottom so you know what they actually cancelled rather than settle for the no-panic fluff at the beginning. This is SERIOUS. I fear that by the time the Hacker Halted conference happens in October, the summer of disaster may have passed. And if it has not, I bet any discussion of Stuxnet at Hacker Halted will also be cancelled. Stuxnet is too good a toy for a very powerful group to let go of. Something is fishy here.
Other publications picked up this story now, and are poo pooing the issue into the ground. They are obviously attempting to morph responsibility for Stuxnet style attacks away from Israel so that they can regain cover and use the weapon as a false flag tool to destroy internet freedom. This is where they are going to go with this - count on it, and when the disasters happen there will be a cozy blanket of lies shielding Israel from all blame. Never forget, THIS IS THEIR BABY, NEVER FORGET. Prior to them doing this, WE NEVER HEARD OF IT.
About "prompt criticality" - As it turns out, Arnie Gundersen, mister "prompt criticality" with regard to the massive explosion at #3 is very poorly credentialed. His crowning achievement was playing with a 100 watt open water tank reactor in a classroom for a short period of time.
Fuel rods are only 20 percent fissionable, sometimes even less, and until
you reach over 90 percent purity in U238 and about 70 percent purity in Plutonium NO "prompt criticality" is possible in ANY case no matter how much of it you have laying around. Furthermore, even with 100 percent pure material you need a precision trigger
slamming or crushing material together to get a detonation. Even if 100 percent pure material is slammed together at high speed, if it is not done right you will get only a nuclear "sputter" that pushes the pieces apart, and no detonation. Nukes are hard to do! Why have so many of us seemed to have forgotten that nuclear detonations are hard to accomplish? The "prompt criticality" in spent fuel story is something I would have expected to hear from an Ewok praying to a gold robot. I can't believe even a scammer would have the guts to suggest it, let alone allow it to be spread around in his name. For an explanation for the explosions, just look at the cameras the Dimona Dozen brought in. If someone is waving a degree as an anchor for this "prompt criticality" bull hockey, remember that there is such a thing as a paper trained idiot and if you look into Gundersen's background you will discover he is barely that, with his ONLY hands on experience outside a classroom being an intern at a nuclear facility two years before he got his degree! If the mainstream media wanted the facts, why did they pick this guy? Because he said what they wanted, truth be damned.
"We at Vermont Yankee are well acquainted with Arnie and his exaggerations. He plays to a public and a legislature that has zero knowledge of nuclear power or engineering and is willing to accept any negative claim as truth." And since he gave an impossible "prompt criticality" explanation which diverted attention away from the only real explanation for the magnitude of the explosion at #3 - a nuke, they gave him a ton of air. Enough said.
This post has been greatly improved via input from readers. If you have information proving any points wrong, or think something should be clarified, as well as new info that can further solidify the case, contact me. Thanks!If you read this far, I invite you to take part in the Truth Project
The article about Fukushima follows.
Fukushima was impossible. The swamping of the external generators by the tsunami was irrelevant, because the real emergency backup systems
are driven by steam from the reactors themselves. No electricity is
needed to operate three separate emergency systems at each reactor, each
of which will keep a reactor safe even if only one works. Interesting
it is then that all 9 non electrical backup systems across the three fueled reactors
failed. This is technically impossible outside of willful intent, and
was likely the result of a Stuxnet attack.
Stuxnet was designed specifically to target Siemens SCADA controllers
and is most effective at tampering with fluid control systems. The
centrifuges it attacked in Iran were ideal. So are the fluid control
systems at a nuclear facility. Oil refineries are equally at risk,
Stuxnet is most dangerous when affecting a system which needs to control
the flow of any liquid, be it hydraulic, for cooling, or combining
chemicals. Stuxnet is documented to have been produced by the Israeli Defense Forces, for the purpose of destroying any industrial system that can be destroyed by improper fluid flow.
Magna BSP, a Dimona based company with no history outside of IDF contracts prior to Fukushima has a suspiciously short domain history despite a 10 year claimed history. Magna BSP had a full time internet linked two
way connection to the Fukushima reactor room(s) all the way through the
disaster. They told TEPCO about that connection on March 15 (after
everything blew sky high) via an article printed in the Jerusalem Post.
Why did Manga BSP wait until everything was blown sky high to tell
Tepco the data link existed, and then did not tell them face to face?
I find it hard to believe that TEPCO would not have been interested in
viewing a reactor that was about to explode. It seems impossible that
Tepco would not have wanted to view the reactor, and probably did not
ask because the link was kept a secret. It is a simple fact that
internet connections are never allowed inside a reactor's containment.
The connection was mentioned in the Jerusalem Post AFTER the destruction
was finalized.
has two modes, random and administrative. It can be administered to
optimize the damage and can also transmit setup information and
industrial system information to a remote computer. Once installed on
the host system via a flash drive it causes that system to violate it's
normal security protocols and internet administration becomes possible
if a connection exists. Tampering is not visible on the control room
readouts, because Stuxnet learns what "normal" looks like and keeps the
temperature, pressure, and other readouts within normal limits so that
the operators are oblivious to the destruction happening in secret.
Stuxnet appeared in Japan in June of 2010,
shortly after Magna BSP arrived. Remote administration mode can be
adjusted on demand to suit any need. No doubt the people at Fukushima
sat there in idle mode thinking all was well until something screamed or
went boom and at that point it would be too late to do anything other
than cry.
I am a lifer in the types of control systems Fukushima and it's clone,
TVA owned Browns Ferry have. BOTH have been upgraded to modern Siemens
controllers running the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
(SCADA) system Stuxnet was designed to attack; upgrades are the norm in
any major facility. On many blogs people say the controls were old and
therefore Stuxnet immune; they are out of touch or have no knowledge of
industrial control systems. I actually ferreted it out.
And now I will explain in detail why the problems before the explosions had to be sabotage
The diesel generators were not out in the open as we were led to
believe, they were in fact located in the basements of the turbine
buildings which were sealed off and never significantly flooded. One of
them stayed running the entire time, but the electrical switch gear
attached to it disconnected it for an unexplained reason which made it
useless. Each of the backup generators at Fukushima were capable of
running 14,000 households each, which means they had to be over ten
megawatts each. It is obvious then that Fukushima was set up to survive
on only ONE of 13 backup generators, and ONE did keep running. One
would be many times larger than needed to run last ditch backup systems
at all reactors, but would not keep business as usual. But that is not
the real story, which is that even others which were high and dry
stopped as well.
I hypothesize that the ONE generator that kept running was kept as a
lone reserve, never hooked up to a SCADA controller.
Why did the switch gear disconnect a working generator? That is the
type of thing Stuxnet was designed to do. On top of these things,
emergency generators arrived on scene within 9 hours, before anything
bad happened at all but were not able to provide power because the
switch gear would not let them. This deceptively written report
from the World Nuclear Association contains all this information, but
it is presented in a way which will cause you to overlook these things
if you are not careful while reading it. This report contains accurate
information presented in a very misleading way, which will protect the
liars who wrote it - they actually did speak the truth here but in a way
it would be missed by virtually anyone. Study the facts presented here
with the full ramifications of those facts in mind, not their shallow
misleading conclusions.
From this report you can get:
1. The generators never got submerged - you have to connect the dot
between them being in a contained area and the tsunami thereby not
being able to get to them. Some water got into one of the the turbine
buildings where several were located and flooded the lowest point in
that building to a depth of 4 feet, which means that even if the
generators were on the floor at the lowest point they likely would not
have been swamped because they are too big - the water would not get
past the footings. Perhaps a one megawatt generator would have swamped;
certainly not one of the big diesels, which were, according to this
report enough to run 14,000 homes each. In addition to this, there were
several generators in a second location that never got flooded at all.
One of these generators kept running but was not able to get power into
the facility because the switchgear prevented it.
2. You have to have watched the robot videos, which clearly show the
switch gear that malfunctioned after the tsunami never got wet - there
was a non tsunami reason for the failure. Also look at the high
resolution photos referenced below. There is no switch gear for the
diesel generators outside the facility, it is all indoors in areas
higher than the water got. Remember that there was no emergency when
the off site generators arrived, which means that they could work
efficiently to get things up and running. With my experience in this
area, Assuming it DID get soaked, a complete replacement of high
capacity switch gear should only take an afternoon if done with an
emergency attitude. A truck mounted crane or a forklift does all the
heavy lifting and the stuff is modular. In every major facility there
are spares galore. It is not that hard to make the terminations. A
worst case scenario could have been addressed before things went
horribly awry, that is, unless a virus did not let the new switch gear
activate either. It would take days to conclude a virus was messing
things up. You would not expect that. I am sure there is a LOT we
never heard about.
3. That batteries held, leaving only a one hour gap in time where there
was no power present to run things before adequate off site power drove
into the facility on the road all nice and ready to hook up, but was
denied to by switch gear which this report says was swamped but that is
likely an assumption because swamped switchgear could have been replaced even before the batteries died. The fact that the offsite generators were able to
be driven into the facility also proves that other lies told about the
earthquake in general - employees leaving only to find cracks in the
road so bad they had to walk home; Why? Why lie like this? AT LEAST
this report has some modicum of honesty.
4. You have to look at the chart that shows the thermal output of the
reactors 8 hours after the earthquake, which is when the batteries
running the electrical cooling pumps died, the output at that time was
less than 20 megawatts from each reactor, which means that they would
not have had troubles before the off site generators were hooked up to
restore power if it was not denied by what I suspect was stuxnet
infected switch gear. The real critical time is in the first 3 hours
after shutdown.
5. Reactor 3 exploded entirely, yet this reactor had the most functional
backup systems. At least this report says the explosion remains
"unexplained". Perhaps those who wrote the report should take a look at
this for an answer.
6. The reactors are stated to be an "early 1960's design" apparently to
mislead people into believing they were outdated even when installed.
This was not the case. Their design was an early 60's concept but in
fact a late 60's design, and since installation takes years, what more
could you expect in the early 70's? The reactors were in fact a very
safe design. This report at least states that the facility was very
well updated. Identical reactors at TVA owned browns ferry have been
certified safe and licensed to operate through the year 2035. These reactors were also converted over
to run the Siemens Scada system. The reactors at Fukushima were not
garbage. The fastest cars in production still function on a late 1800's
I hypothesize that the situation at Fukushima is not being properly
assessed by facility controllers because STUXNET is STILL giving false
readings to the control panels, readings which obviously have to be
false because they show containment pressure when confidental leaked
photographs prove beyond a doubt no containment exists AT ALL at reactor 3. There is not even a reactor there.
This report is perfectly inaccurate with regard to reactor 3
containment. Perhaps the people who wrote this report have not actually
looked at the facility or seen the confidential photographs.
This report
supports what I have said here entirely. It was written by an
experienced reactor operator. I found this on May 10. I was absolutely
Each reactor has 8 separate emergency backup systems, each capable of saving the reactor on it's own. Three are designed to function perfectly if all power is lost and even the generators fail.
Fukushima did not need any electrical systems operating AT ALL to keep
itself from blowing up, when power is lost steam from the reactors is automatically diverted
from the generator turbines to two totally separate steam turbines
connected to totally separate water pumps needing only reactor steam to
power them. Even that backup system has dual redundancy, only one of
the two is needed for the job. But the valves which have to activate to
re-divert the steam, all 6 valves on a total of 3 fueled reactors, eventually
failed to. At reactors 1 and 3 these systems worked, but switched off at
reactor 1 within an hour and off at reactor 3 after running for more
than two days. No one has been able to explain why these systems
switched off all by themselves, when they need a powered command to
switch off. At reactor 2 they were never allowed to activate.
This can only happen if the control system tells them to shut off or
stay off, absent intervention from the controller they automatically and
seamlessly switch cooling modes to passive rather than electrical.
Some readers may remember that the real issue at Fukushima was
malfunctioning valves, and the need to get someone past the radiation to
open them. These are the valves that were spoken of. Because Stuxnet
kept the readouts normal, no one knew this system did not function until
major problems happened as a result flooding the area where the valves
are with radiation. This prevented last ditch efforts (running and
cutting the wires).
One automatic valve jamming and mechanically failing would be a
surprise,6 failing can only be sabotage. In
addition to this, another completely independent separately piped backup
with an entirely different electronic decision tree which injects borated water at
a pre charged 3,500 PSI into the reactor to irrevocably shut down all
chain reactions (reactor rebuild required) also simultaneously failed at
all 3 fueled reactors. The borated water systems have explosive operated
valves so reliable that even one out of 3 failing would be a ten
thousand to one possiblity, if that. The reliability of the borated
water systems is technically theoretically assured. All three failing at
the same time at Fukushima can only mean sabotage.
High pressure in all of the reactors proves the quake did not damage any
of the infrastructure at fukushima because any leaks would have let
the pressure go. In addition to this, the seismic readings at Fukushima
were 6.07 Fukushima was designed to handle being at the epicenter of
an 8. The media keeps harping about how all the water went
away. It only did because these three backup systems were prevented
from cooling the reactor which caused the water to boil off and never be
replaced. High pressures were talked about constantly in the press;
This means beyond a doubt that all 6 steam powered backup systems were
intact, and all 3 borated water systems were intact also because if they
were not the pressure would have escaped through them. Absent
emergency backup control power keeping the virus alive; (control power
Magna BSP admitted was there the whole time by mistake when they said
their cameras and supporting computers captured the explosions and
maintained a data link) the valves which control these systems would
have opened when the generators failed and there would have been no
disaster. 3 worst case scenarios where all 9 automatic valves across
9 separate emergency backup systems are held shut by the controller
when no power should have been present to prevent them from activating
can only mean sabotage.
A historical perspective of Fukushima shows the hydrogen blasts were bogus.
Hydrogen blasts could not have damaged Fukushima so badly, this is a media fed lie.
If hydrogen gas alone mixed with air could produce blasts strong enough
to blow reactor containment buildings to pieces, which are among the
strongest structures on earth (exceeded in strength only by ones like
Hoover Dam,) then hydrogen gas filled bombs would be the prime military
option. In reality, the Three Mile Island incident proved
hydrogen ignition in open air after reactor meltdown is likely to only
scare employees, while causing no damage at all to the facility, as was
the case there. It is extremely important to know the
differences between the boiling water reactor design and the design of
Chernobyl. At Chernobyl, a hydrogen blast DID cause destruction of the
facility, but it was because the reactor design caused hydrogen and
oxygen at a perfect ratio to ignite at thousands of PSI inside
the reactor pressure vessel. That's a big difference from hydrogen
alone igniting in relatively oxygen starved open air at one atmosphere
(14.5 PSI). The difference would be similar to the difference between a
small firecracker and a case of dynamite; there were many orders of
magnitude lower blast potential at Fukushima.
Just to be absolutely safe after the Three Mile Island incident, many nuclear facilities installed
hydrogen hard vent stacks hooked directly up to the relief valves on
their reactors, and Fukushima was one of them. This was to prevent a
hydrogen buildup in the containment building in the event of a core
meltdown, which caused a minor explosion at Three Mile Island. These
stacks are the tall white towers you see in the photographs
of Fukushima, and they are effective in getting rid of hydrogen
buildup, are directly piped, and vent completely outside. "Hard piped"
means that the electrical failures would have had nothing to do with the
blasts, because a hard vent is exactly that - no fan needed at all
because the system is sealed. Even if the hard piping at all 3 fueled
Fukushima reactors failed entirely, it should not have been any worse
than Three Mile Island which did not have any hard venting to begin
with. While hydrogen venting might be a problem if it ignited, it would
not mean the death of a facility. It makes no sense that at Fukushima we
got a nuclear weapon style mushroom cloud far in excess of the highest
yield conventional bomb.
Below are the classified photos
What then, caused the explosions? The containment walls were at
their thinnest points in the lowest allowed General Electric design a
minimum of 4 foot thick steel reinforced concrete, were likely to be a minimum of 8 feet thick, and were totally blown away. All concrete was stripped from the rebar, which was left dangling. Reactor 3 vanished entirely,as seen in the classified photo used to compare the destruction to the diagram and reactor 4 appears to have been blown to pieces as seen in this classified photo
The yellow dome which should be sitting on top of reactor 4 can be
clearly seen on the wrong side of the containment building. This type
of destruction is is indicative of hard weaponry in use; a hydrogen air
mix will not do that. Reactors are not made out of tinfoil. On top of
this, there was no potential for an explosion at reactor 4 at all, it
had been defueled. SO WHAT, PRAY TELL, BLEW IT APART? That's the dirty
question no one is asking - how did that happen? To
give you an idea of how big the reactors at Fukushima were, look at this.
It's the top of the same make and model at Fukushima's American twin, TVA owned Brown's Ferry, and it is
only the top. The yellow dome sits above this, and is even bigger. (here
the yellow dome has been removed for refueling). over 150 feet of
reactor sits below that cap. Hydrogen will not vaporize that, which
appears to be what happened to #3, only a nuclear weapon would.
Reactors are about 14 digits beyond incapable of going supercritical
even with a complete core meltdown. The reactors did not explode,
something placed in their vicinity did.
Magna BSP had access to the reactors at this facility. They were based
in Dimona, which is a military base that manufactures nuclear weapons.
Stuxnet was made in their yard. They are stated to be a military
There is extremely strong evidence that Dimona based Magna BSP
placed nuclear weapons at the exploded or vanished reactors at
Fukushima, possibly hidden inside one of their unbelievably GIANT
stereoscopic cameras. These cameras were installed inside the reactor
containment of Fukushima reactor 3 under the cover of a security
contract in the year prior to the disaster. These cameras are identical
in size and appearance to a gun type nuclear weapon.
Since previous hydrogen explosions at boiling water reactors have never
caused any sort of damage to equipment or buildings, even during
complete meltdowns, it begs the question how on earth one at reactor 3
produced a mushroom cloud. Three Mile Island sits in the evidence pool
against what we have been told about Fukushima. History does matter.
One problem with the reporting in the mainstream media is that it
failed to convey just how massive and strong the containment structures really were, as seen in this classified photo.
A hydrogen explosion would only blow the sheet metal off the steel
framed roof if it even did that, at Three Mile Island the hydrogen ignition
did nothing at all. It just scared employees. Another thing the
reporting failed to convey is the gravity of the disaster. Compare the containment diagram
to the remains of reactor 3. It is painfully obvious that many tons of
highly radioactive plutonium in the containment pools is nowhere to be
found, the entire floor they were on is completly gone. We are getting
lied to. That was a LOT more than a hydrogen blast, and as a
result there are thousands of pounds of plutonium scattered everywhere.
TEPCO was ridiculed for initially stating that the radiation from the
facility was "immeasurable". I think they at first told the truth. Now
they have this story about the Fukushima 50. Is it in fact a "wag the
dog"? No one could be there and live. Why is remote controlled heavy
equipment doing the cleanup?
The official story is hydrogen blasts, not nukes, so the story line has
to at least be within the far outer limits of what a hydrogen blast
could actually accomplish; not missing reactors and entire fuel pools
blown away.
I suggest you ponder the pictures and materials presented and reach your
own conclusion. A government issued training manual for the reactors
at Fukushima is here
Now that Osama, who has been dead for 10 years is officially dead, Al
Quaida is going to use a nuke, so they say; I strongly urge you to
consider this article if a nuke actually does go off somewhere or if
other nuclear facilities start acting like Fukushima.
The only reason I believe the management at Fukushima is not telling it
like it really was is because victim status has been so well asserted by
the ethnic group in question that it is career suicide to point the
finger at them, even when they try to kill you. I find it interesting
that all 12 Non Japanese employees of Magna BSP returned to Israel a
week before the tsunami . . . . .
I might have understood the need for Stuxnet if it's use would have ended
with Iran. Unfortunately that does not appear to be the case.
I do hope this article breaks their toy.
For those of you who are reluctant to re-post this because the wording is too strong, I ask you to consider this;
The real answer came out of Fukushima. We have a member of the
international community which has already done horrendous damage to a
very advanced and (presently) innocent civilization and we simply cannot
continue to tolerate it. Consider what ignoring this will cost you.
Are you prepared to have a major disaster at the convenience of the
couch; because you sat there watching TV rather than dragging your butt
over to the computer to at least spread the word? Are your video games,
ball games, 4x4 and porno really worth continuing to lose everything
for? Is your religion going to keep you silent as well? We really need a serious wake up call. Please let this post be
it, rather than some other unforseen disaster.
Thank you to the many readers who pointed out flaws, gave tips, and suggested clarifications, you studied this indeed! My thanks also goes out to the radio hosts who have had me on the air and invited me to appear to discuss this subject.
BTW, this article was written via code entry, without spell check. Consider that.
These references included as e-mail compatible links.
www.pinktentacle.com/2011/04/high-resolution-photos-of-fukushima-daiichi/ (source of high resolution photos)