When I got my first job in a very successful PR company, I was extremely excited because that was something that I really wanted to do. Besides, when I thought about my future job, I never even dreamed of working for such a great company. All in all, I felt awesome and I thought that there was almost nothing that could ruin that. However, there was something and the thing that helped me cope with it was Zolpidem.
Namely, when I got that first job, I was only an assistant, but not one of those that make coffee and those sorts of things. I actually had much more important responsibilities that didn’t involve doing something that everybody can do. I started working with our clients right away and I felt that this was exactly the job that I wanted to do one day.
However, PR sometimes involves public speaking and that was the only thing that I really dreaded. But luckily, I was only an assistant and didn’t have to worry about that for at least a couple of years. That is what I thought.
Some time before a very important event where my boss had to make a big speech in front of 100 people, he decided that he couldn’t do it because there was something else that he needed to do. Since the event couldn’t be cancelled or postponed, he put me in charge of the speech. I really don’t know what he was thinking, but I guess that he trusted me a lot, which, from my point of view, seemed stupid because I knew just how much I was afraid.
The event was supposed to take place in three weeks and even though this seemed as more than enough time to get prepared, I started getting more and more nervous about speaking in front of so many people. I didn’t know for sure that I would be bad at it, but I didn’t know that I would be good either. I had absolutely no idea how I would do and that only contributed to my anxiety.
Of course, I started having problems sleeping because the only thing on my mind was the speech. After a couple of sleepless nights, I knew that I had to do something in order to get some sleep. And Zolpidem was the medicine that my doctor prescribed.
During the following two weeks, I was much more relaxed even though I was a bit nervous about the whole speech thing. Thanks to Zolpidem, I was able to fall asleep at night and relax. When the day of the event came, I felt quite nervous, but at least I was well rested and because of that people couldn’t tell how nervous I actually was. My boss later told me that I nailed the speech and that he was quite proud of me for getting the job done.
I now know that I shouldn’t have worried so much, but thanks to Zolpidem, my nervousness didn’t prevent me from sleeping at night. Sleep deprivation could have ruined my only chance to show that I was great at what I do. Fortunately, that didn’t happen.