Young people can benefit from Sildenafil too

The reason why I decided to share the story of my experience with Sildenafil with the rest of the world is because it will be anonymous and because it will teach people that young people can also sometimes suffer from erectile dysfunction and that they can benefit from using Sildenafil, the original ED pill that has changed the world. I think it is not an ordinary story and it will be helpful to some younger guys who might be having the same problem I used to have.

For more than twenty years, I was the most average of guys you have ever met. I was not the smartest nor the dumbest, not the ugliest, but also not exactly George Clooney, not the funniest but also not the most boring. I had my first sexual experience when I was 17 and it was clumsy and embarrassing. I learned over the next few years and I got average at sex. I have had a few girlfriends, nothing too serious, but also not some drunken car wrecks of relationships that ended in tattoos or fights. And I was content. I had my own little average life and I was perfectly happy. I was waiting for that right girl and for that right job and I was okay.

And then I got that job and met that girl. We got married quickly and things were going great. We had the best sex of my life at least and things were really looking up. Then, when I was about 26, I started experiencing first signs of trouble with my penis. We would start things off and it would be going great and then in the middle of sex, my penis would go flaccid and it took some time to get it back up. After a while, getting it up again was even more difficult.

And when you are that age, you are not even thinking that there might be something wrong down there. You attribute it all to stress or whatnot. However, I soon started having troubles with even getting it up. This was definitely not a good sign. Still, I thought it was the mind and that I was only feeling nervous. And for a while me and my wife ignored this problem, although it definitely lead to some strains in our relationship. It is not that easy maintaining a young marriage when you are not having enough sex.

The thing that finally made me realize that there might be something really wrong with my penis is when I noticed that my morning erections started being absent. It was something I could always count on and only when they are not there do you realize how regular they are and how much you are used to them. This finally motivated me to see a doctor and I was soon referred to a specialist. There was no dilemma there. I had developed erectile dysfunction. First I couldn’t believe it, but then he told me that sometimes young guys like me can also develop this condition. The next thing I wanted to know is what I should do about it and he recommended and prescribed Sildenafil.

I knew that Sildenafil is the generic name for Viagra and I knew that it was the oldest ED medication on the market. And I was pleased. I thought the older it is the most tested it is and the safest it is. And I was right. Not only did it work like a charm, but my Sildenafil experience has also been side effects free for a few years now. Yes, I am still using it and I can tell you that thanks to Sildenafil my marriage has never been better. By the way, we are expecting our first child this year, so that is another thing to thank Sildenafil for.

An active divorcee with a little help from Sildenafil

Everyone knows someone who got divorced. Also, many people know someone whose divorce was hell. Luckily, for me, this was not the case. In fact, my divorce might just have been the most boring divorce that has ever happened. As these things often happen, it all started when both [...] Continue Reading…

Enjoying my retirement thanks to Sildenafil

I can honestly say that I enjoyed working. I was never the most ambitious of guys, but I always kept my head low and I did well for myself and my family. I started working straight out of high school and I managed to climb the ladder, getting promotions [...] Continue Reading…

Will Sildenafil cause vision loss?

In case you are not interested in pharmaceutical industry and what goes on there, then you might have missed the whole controversy concerning vision loss and whether the people who suffered from vision loss and who were taking Sildenafil or any other PDE5 inhibitors actually have these drugs to [...] Continue Reading…

Proper use of Sildenafil

Using medications properly is the only way to ensure that you will not suffer from any negative effects of that medication and that you will get the best results. This is particularly true if these are prescription drugs are these types of medications are usually more potent and can [...] Continue Reading…

How does Sildenafil work?

There are a few reasons why we wanted to explain the Sildenafil’s mechanism o action to you. For one, we believe that you have the right to know exactly how this medication works. We also thought that some among you would find it interesting, but most of all we [...] Continue Reading…

Side effects of Sildenafil and possible interactions

There have been very few medications, if any that have been so scrutinized over as the different ED pills. This probably has to do with the fact that these are medications which are not taken because your health or your life is in danger. They are taken because you [...] Continue Reading…

Sildenafil – what you need to know

You have probably already figured out that this blogsite is all about Sildenafil, the original erectile dysfunction drug that is still the most popular today, although much more famous under its brand name Viagra. Here, you will find different kinds of information on this medication, such as the possibilities [...] Continue Reading…