Active and nearing 60 all thanks to Tadalafil
If you saw me, I honestly think that you would have troubles believing me that I have had sex with as many women as I have. I will not tell you the number as it would be vulgar, but let’s just say that the number is a big one. As I said, I am nothing in particular, never have been. I have never been a particularly handsome man and in the last decade or so I even put on some extra weight just for fun. I can also claim that it has nothing to do with the money since I was never rich or anything. I did fine, but nothing special. I simply know how to talk to women and I know that the best policy is honesty when it comes to seducing women. Also, I have always treated them with respect and I never took a woman for granted.
Over the years I was married twice. Once when I was really young and that didn’t last long. The other time was when I was about forty and that one lasted even shorter. In the meantime and afterwards, I have been dating and having sex with women, not as a hobby, that sounds bad, but I always found sex the best way to spend free time. And it doesn’t take anything special to be successful with women. You need to treat them with respect and you need to compliment them. It all works out on its own from there on, at least in my experience.
The reason why I am telling you all this is to give you an idea of how debilitating erectile dysfunction was in my case. It all started several years ago when I had my first failure to launch, so to say. I was with a particularly sexy lady and everything was going absolutely great. We had a few glasses of wine, she invited me over for some coffee and it was pretty clear where things were going to go from there on. She was definitely a beauty and I had no idea that I was going to have any problems. But I did. I simply couldn’t get it up. She was a real lady about it and she didn’t mind it at all. She even invited me over the next day and everything went great the second time. Naturally, I concluded that it was a fluke and that there is nothing wrong.
However, in the following few months, this started happening more and more often and I soon started doubting that I might be having a problem of medical kind. I went straight to a doctor and he told me that it is not uncommon for men my age to have erectile dysfunction. The tests confirmed this and he prescribed Tadalafil. I told him that I needed a medication that will allow me to have unplanned sex and that I cannot be planning my activities to the hour. That is the main reason why he prescribed Tadalafil, the other reason being that it is simply the best ED drug on the market.
I started taking it the following week and the first next sexual encounter convinced me of the fact that my doctor prescribed the right thing. Everything was the way it was just a year or so ago. In fact, things were better than they had been in many years. I was definitely back to speed and ever since, I have been using Tadalafil which is allowing me to do what I enjoy doing the most. I am having the sex of my life with many beautiful women and this is something I wouldn’t have been able to do if not for Tadalafil.