A young man’s story about Levitra
I consider myself to be a young man, especially if we are talking about erectile dysfunction, which is a condition that is usually associated with men over the age of 45 or 50. I am now in my early 30s and I was only 24 when I started taking Levitra. However, this is in no way the point where my story starts. I will need to take you back even further, to when I was about 18 or 19.
My entire life, I was never the happiest kid around. I was always that gloomy kid who wouldn’t talk to anyone at the birthday parties. I was always that kid that other kids teased at school and who never had too many friends. In fact, I think I only had two proper friends my entire childhood. However, I never thought there was anything wrong with me in particular. I just figured I was somewhat downer than other people, so to say.
However, this all changed when I was 18 and when I started thinking that I am now an adult and that I have every right t leave everyone I knew behind me and try and get rid of my gloom by leaving my home. Let’s just say that this didn’t work and that I almost lost everything. Luckily, my parents never left me and they soon decided it was time to take me to a psychiatrist who will actually do something. And as it so often goes, she did. She prescribed me with Celexa, an antidepressant from the SSRI class of drugs. It may not mean a lot to you, but it is important for my story.
Namely, SSRI antidepressants can cause sexual dysfunction. I felt it the moment I started taking the pills. I was never the horniest teenager, but as soon as I started taking my pills, I could feel that all interest in sex has completely abandoned me. I didn’t really mind. The drugs were doing great and I was feeling better and better with each day. I am in no way knocking down antidepressants. However, I am just saying that they might cause erectile dysfunction later.
And in my case, they did. I stopped taking Celexa when I was nearing my 24th birthday as I was feeling perfectly fine. I met a wonderful girl and I fell in love for the first time ever. However, due to my antidepressants, the old equipment didn’t really work. The doctor told me it would wear off in a few months, but it didn’t. It just persevered. I was devastated. Most of our sex was not exactly what we hoped for and it was ruining our relationship. I decided I have to do something before things go bad again.
I visited a doctor who immediately knew what it was. They even have a name for it – Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction. He prescribed Levitra to me and I immediately bought a bottle. I took it that very day and me and my girlfriend had the best sex ever. From then on, whenever we felt in the mood, I would just get my Levitra, pop a pill and then we would have hours of fun and games. I have continued using Levitra for two or three years after that, until the side effects of my antidepressants finally wore off. If there wasn’t for v, I am pretty sure I would have gone back to being depressed. So, in a way, Levitra helped me with my depression as well.
I wanted to share my story because I believe it is somewhat different from most stories you hear about these ED pills. Most of them are older guys with age-related ED. Well, this was a story about some SSRI-caused ED. And there you have it.
I’m finally having some fun
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My experience with Levitra
The reason why I decided to talk about my experience with Levitra is because not a lot of people know about this product. This is unfortunate because the product is better than Viagra because it lasts a bit longer. I know that this is not important for some people, [...] Continue Reading…
Levitra side effects and interactions with other drugs
We are going to be concerned with the safety profile of Levitra in this article, or more precisely with the side effects that might occur when using this ED drug and the interactions between it and some other medications and substances. We are well-aware that people are interested in [...] Continue Reading…
How is Levitra properly used?
One of the most important things to remember about Levitra is that it is a prescription drug and that as such it can be dangerous if you are not using it properly. This is why we wanted to make sure we include an article about this on our blogsite. [...] Continue Reading…
Levitra vs. natural products for treating erectile dysfunction
There used to be a time when the only thing you could get in case you were suffering from erectile dysfunction were different natural remedies that were mostly based on placebo effect in order to produce any effects that will actually enable you to have an erection. However, this [...] Continue Reading…
How does Levitra work and how it can improve your sex life
Erectile dysfunction is quite a strange condition in that it does not pose any risk for the health and that it will not produce any life-threatening complications and yet it can severely reduce the quality of life for men who are suffering from it. The reason for this is [...] Continue Reading…
Levitra – the very basics
Welcome to a blogsite that is all about Levitra. We wish everyone to be able to come here and get all the objective and completely unbiased info on this erectile dysfunction pill. We are aware that there are many websites that are either praising Levitra unreservedly or that are [...] Continue Reading…