Free Online Roulette Bonuses

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I extend a warm welcome to all gambling enthusiasts and roulette fans here. The sites included here promise you a thrilling experience of your life. So join in the brigade to win more and feel good.

This article would be a guide for playing roulette online with a vivid idea of the way the game can reward you.

Online roulette,” the king of all Casino games”, has a charm all over the world due to the excitement and the mystery the game promises. The game of internet roulette has greater house advantage than any other casino gambling like internet blackjack or baccarat online and yet it soars in popularity due to the simple ways of knowing whether luck would favor you today. Few simple pointers set in your mind would let you enjoy the game without losing more than you had expected to.
Playing European roulette is more beneficial as the American roulette has 38 slots as compared to the former which has 37 slots with the same odds of winning in both. Hence playing the former would add to your chance of winning. Internet roulette offers both options at the click of your mouse.

It is advisable to avoid betting on single numbers and rather bet on color as the possibility of winning is 50% in the latter. So color betting is an obvious safer option. The En Prison Rule is a good option to look out for as it lowers the house advantage to 1.35% though it is only available in the American version of the game.

Internet roulette has added the concept of roulette bonus to allure players. Offers like first player bonus for new entry in the game and successive deposit bonus for deposits done in the game make the game seem more rewarding. But in many cases the US online casinos and other online casinos worldwide add some quirky terms and conditions which make withdrawal of the bonus cumbersome and impossible in some cases.

Learn the odds of online roulette

admin On December - 11 - 2011ADD COMMENTS

I welcome all gambling enthusiasts here. A visually exciting and fulfilling experience for all people who have a fetish to try their luck at the roulette table. Come be a part of the brigade and enjoy the intoxicating fun.

This read would acquaint you with the basics of playing the game of roulette online and clearing the mist about the mystery of the game.

The story of online roulette began about two decades ago at about the same time like online blackjack and online slot machine games. The advent of internet as the prime mode of communication and entertainment brought about a new version of the “brick and mortar” version of the casino to the virtual world of World Wide Web. Internet roulette has the same rules as the traditional game of roulette.

Playing roulette online needs knowing about the roulette wheel and table. The wheel has 37 slots in the European version and 38 slots in the American version with numbers in each slot and with half the wheel in back and the other half in red. One can place bets on numbers, whether they would be odd or even or on the color of the slot where the ball would rest. The ball is tossed on the spinning wheel and luck alone decides who wins in the game.

Roulette has a high house advantage and might make you lose your money sooner that you had expected. Online roulette is surely a win-win option in such a case as you can make bets there as small as 50 cents and also exit from the game with a mere click away. Quitting the traditional casino set up is difficult as the intoxicating environment makes you want to stay longer.

Playing roulette online would be an enjoyable experience as can enjoy the game fully and let the enthusiasm sway you without the tension of losing too much.