I am a 62 year old man and my wife and I still have sex quite often. This is something that I am extremely proud of, especially because I thought that your sex life had to end at some point, probably when you reach your sixties. And according to how things are going for me and my wife, I think that this won’t happen any time soon. However, if it hadn’t been for Viagra, my sex life would have ended some time ago.
Of course, given my age, I had heard about Viagra a long time before I actually needed it. I have a lot of friends my age, most of whom had certain problems when performing well in bed is in question and those that needed help with their performance had already started using Viagra. You might think that old or older people have better things to do than talk about sex, but we really don’t. Since we do not work anymore and since our kids and most of our grand kids are old enough to take care of themselves, there is nothing much that we can do with our time apart from watching TV and playing cards.
I cannot guarantee that all older people are like me and my friends, there is a chance that we are one of the rare ones, but I can guarantee that stories about sex are never boring. In fact, one of the best stories that I have heard in my life are somehow related to sex. In a way, we are like teenagers who are experiencing things for the first time. I know that sex is something that we should have gotten used to a long time ago, but things become a lot different when you get older and when you have to deal with the things that are different.
One of the things that got different in my case was the fact that I couldn’t perform. I mean, there were so many failed attempts to have sex that I even stopped counting them. And there were some funny stories that I shared with my friends. Fortunately, we can all laugh about it because those of us who had problems found a perfect way to deal with things.
As I already said, Viagra is what helps us and we are all really grateful for having an opportunity to use this product. If it hadn’t been for it, we would all have had to give up sex. Fortunately, we didn’t have to do this and we can all still enjoy our life.