Genf20 or HGH injections?
There used to be a time when HGH Injections were the only HGH treatment available and when they were solely used for the purposes of treating conditions that were caused by the growth hormone deficiency or GHD for short. However, it didn’t take too long for the scientific community to discover the anti-aging and other beneficial properties of HGH which has resulted in increased attention to the HGH as a treatment for other things other than growth-related conditions.
Since the development of HGH releasers like Genf20, the choice became a dilemma. Whether to choose HGH injections or whether to go for Genf20, that is the question. Well, our answer would definitely be Genf20 and we will explain why this is.
First of all, there is the matter of price. HGH injections are still exceptionally expensive and one year’s worth of HGH injections will set you back anywhere between 10 and 30 thousand dollars. When you compare this with the price of year’s worth of Genf20, it becomes quite obvious that there is actually no comparing the two.
In addition to this, the injections have other downsides as well. First of all, these injections are administered only by specialists at specialized medical centers. This means that you will most likely need to drive a long way in order to undergo the treatment. Also, you will need to find a physician that will be comfortable with administering these injections for the purposes of anti-aging. Namely, these injections are still only commonly used by doctors to treat different conditions that have to do with GHD. In addition to this, HGH injections may cause certain side effects and even hormone imbalances if used for longer periods of time. Finally, you will need a prescription to obtain these injections. If you come across HGH injections that are sold without the need for prescriptions, run away from those offers as fast as your legs, or mouse will take you.
On the other hand, you have Genf20 which requires no prescription to be purchased for the simple reason that it is a natural product that is perfectly safe and associated with no adverse effects to the health. Furthermore, the increase in HGH levels is achieved naturally with Genf20 and there is no synthetic HGH being introduced to your body. If you ask us, or any doctor for that matter, they will tell you that Genf20 is the only proper choice in such a situation.