Loving SizeGenetics

Loving SizeGeneticsEver since I heard about SizeGenetics from one of my friends, I have been dying to tell my boyfriend about it. To tell you the truth, he didn’t actually need it, his penis was as average as you can possibly imagine. Although I was satisfied with everything, I couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like if my boyfriend had a bigger penis. Of course, there was no way I could tell him about it because I know how guys are sensitive about these issues and there was a strong chance that I might hurt his feelings or even worse, make him think that he was not big enough for me and thus make him insecure. That would have had a very negative effect on our relationship and our sex life without a doubt.

So I tried to be smart about it by telling him a story about how a gay friend of mine had been using SizeGenetics and managed to make his penis both longer and wider. He was really interested and said how he had never heard of something like that before. The next day, he started asking me about the device and I cleverly pretended not to be particularly interested in the subject anymore. When he said how he started thinking about perhaps using it, I tried not to seem too excited and I just said that it might be interesting.

Soon enough, we order the product and when it arrived, we both had our doubts. He thought that having the device on would be painful while I really questioned the efficiency of the product. And to be honest, it simply didn’t look that great. All in all, we weren’t so enthusiastic about it, but since we actually paid for the product, we decided that it would be a complete waste of money just to give up on the whole idea.

Loving SizeGeneticsHowever, the product really amazed us. First of all, my boyfriend said the device was quite comfortable and that it wasn’t painful at all. Besides, as he was home most of the time, he was able to wear it almost whenever he wanted. As for my doubts, I have to say that they started fading away when I noticed the first changes.

We, of course, measured his penis every once in a while and the changes that took place, both in the length and the girth, were amazing. When it comes to our sex, I really don’t think that I have to tell just how much these changes made everything more exciting and we are definitely enjoying everything much more than before. This was a decision that neither of us will regret and there is no doubt about it.

SizeGenetics is definitely worth trying it even if you don’t have a small penis that you are ashamed of. This type of change will definitely make a difference in the bedroom. Men will become much more confident and women will be able to enjoy the results.

SizeGenetics made my girlfriend very happy


However, it was because of a girl that I started using this product. Namely, when I met Susan, I thought she was the hottest girl that I had ever seen in my life. What’s more, she was British and I was always attracted to girls with a British accent, [...] Continue Reading…

Things really changed with SizeGenetics

I can clearly remember the day when I showed my penis to a girl for the first time. The girl was my neighbor, we were both five years old and we were both extremely curious as to why she was girl and why I was a boy. At that [...] Continue Reading…

SizeGenetics FAQ

The title of this article paints a very clear picture. This is where you will find different frequently asked questions about SizeGenetics answered to the best of our abilities, which are substantial if we may be immodest. We have answered all of these questions as truthfully and as objectively [...] Continue Reading…

SizeGenetics vs. other penis enlargement options

Increasing the size of one’s penis is something that the vast majority of men dream about. Namely, very few men are absolutely satisfied with how big their penis is and even the men who claim they are absolutely satisfied are too often secretly wishing for larger penises. This is [...] Continue Reading…

How is SizeGenetics used properly?

In order to achieve wanted results with anything, you need to know how that something is used properly. For instance, when you get a grill, you make sure that you are familiar with the proper way it is used before you go inviting people over for barbeque. When you [...] Continue Reading…

The science behind SizeGenetics

When you spend some time looking into different options for enlarging the penis, and we have definitely done our share, you start to notice a trend that is very indicative of the usefulness and the efficiency of different penis enlargement options. For instance, the manufacturers of penis extender devices [...] Continue Reading…

What is SizeGenetics?

As you might have already realized, this blogsite is entirely dedicated to SizeGenetics, one of the most popular penis extenders that has been on the market for more than 15 years now and that has helped thousands of men worldwide to increase the size of their penis. This blogsite [...] Continue Reading…