Question: Does Xanax stay in your system for months after taking it?
Answer: In short, no. An average healthy adult person will flush out all traces of Xanax from hes or hers system in eleven hours. Older people might need a bit more time for Xanax to completely leave their system. Average senior aged sixty years or more will need sixteen hours to flush out traces of Xanax from their body.
Question: I heard that Xanax can give you Brain damage, and that it’s permanent! Is this true? Answer: No. There is no empirical or any other evidence to collaborate that theory. Xanax has been extensively tested in clinical trials before it got the green light for general public usage, and none of those tests have shown any “permanent brain damage” from Xanax usage, no matter how high the doses test subjects have taken. That story is nothing more than an urban legend.
Question: Is it true that Xanax is so addictive that it only takes one pill to get you hooked? And when you do become Dependant on it, is it true that it’s impossible to stop and that you have to take Xanax for the rest of your life?
Answer: Again, not really. Xanax can be addictive when used for a prolonged period of time in higher dosages, but this is true for most anti anxiety drugs, including all benzodiazepines, hypnotics and sedatives. However, when compared to the other drugs, Xanax has a short half life and a fast rate of elimination from the users body, so withdrawal symptoms might be more noticeable after abrupt discontinuation. In order to ensure that you will not get dependent on Xanax, you should never:
Take more than five milligrams of Xanax per day;
Take Xanax daily for longer than six weeks;
Mix Xanax with other prescription or recreational drugs, including alcohol;
Increase your dosage without first checking with your doctor.
If you stop taking Xanax too fast, you might feel like you are experiencing withdrawal. However, this might be a false positive, and the feeling will probably pass in a short period of time. However, if you have been taking Xanax for a long period of time, or in high dosages, it’s not encouraged that you quit abruptly – rather try to taper the dose over a period of time. By reducing the dosage in small increments, you will help your body adjust and avoid most withdrawal symptoms. A good tempo of Xanax intake decrease is to take about a milligram less every week. If you follow this, you can go all the way to zero in about a month, depending on the dosage you have been taking.
Question: Will Xanax make me fat / skinny? Answer: Xanax will not affect your body weight on it’s own. However, some research has shown that Xanax can improve or impede your appetite, depending on the person. Women seem to be the most affected when it comes to the influence of Xanax on appetite.