The main and defining characteristic of Premature Ejaculation, or PE for short is that the ejaculation happens very soon after or even before the actual sexual activity, such is penetration has commenced. Premature Ejaculation therefore means that people suffering from it are unable to enjoy their sex life, which can in fact open up the possibility of developing a host of other psychological issues, such as low self opinion and depression. Most causes of premature ejaculation are in fact psychological and psycho-chemical, implying a chemical dis balance such as a serotonin deficiency in the individuals brain and central nervous system. Doctors have found that there’s an emerging pattern of the typical individual who suffers from premature ejaculation, and it’s most often developed from the earliest sexual experiences the individual might remember. Even those early sexual encounters might leave a psychological impact that’s strong enough to affect an individual for years to come. For instance, a nervousness caused by performance anxiety, fear of not being able to maintain an erection or satisfy one’s partner can all be the part of the psychological pattern that most people suffering from premature ejaculation exhibit. Also, some symptoms are not psychological, but rather have to do with the basic neural chemistry of your brain. For instance, the levels of certain neurotransmitters and other naturally occurring neurochemicals can all positively or negatively affect ones ability to sustain orgasm. Hormonal dis balance and penile oversensitivity can all have a lot to do with ones tendency to ejaculate too soon. Priligy can help with most of those symptoms and make you perform better than you’ve ever been able to.

Priligy is a prescription medication developed specifically to be an effective treatment for premature ejaculation problems. The main active ingredient of Priligy, a substance called Dapoxetine offers a host of benefits for those who struggle with chronic premature ejaculation disorder. Priligy is a pill designed to be taken orally, an hour before you expect to enjoy a sexual activity. There’s no need to keep a defined schedule and take Priligy daily – it takes just a little time, up to an hour for it to start working, and you can just use it on a “pop as you go” bases.

The way Priligy works is by affecting the amount of free flowing serotonin that’s available in the brain. Serotonin is a transmitter that your brain is producing every day, and if it’s levels get too low due to various environmental and other factors, it can affect your ability to perform sexually and delay ejaculation in a very negative way.  Priligy is the only prescription medication that’s approved for usage in treating premature ejaculation. Other similar drugs that work as selective Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, mostly anti depressants have been sporadicly used to treat premature ejaculation, but they are either to slow to act, to expensive or have too many side effects to be considered truly effective in treating premature ejaculation. Priligy is proven to be both effective and safe, and it’s price makes it a good choice even for frequent usage.

Most men, even the most sexually active and experienced ones, have been or will be experiencing the sexual performance related problem called premature ejaculation. It’s perfectly natural and normal to experience this once or twice, but if the problem persists and becomes chronic, you should really seek professional help, [...] Continue Reading…

Premature ejaculation is defined buy an consistent inability to delay the ejaculation much longer from the point of penetration. Many males will suffer from some form of premature ejaculation at one or another point in their lives. Therefore, it’s really important that you don’t lose sight of this fact, [...] Continue Reading…

Premature, or rapid ejaculation might not seem like a big deal if you never had problems with it and can last for as long as you want, but for those who are struggling with it, it’s a nightmare. There have always been medication and treatments designed to make you [...] Continue Reading…

Men are suffering from this problem throughout the world. To not be able to perform properly in bed can make most men insecure of their masculinity and depressed. This can later lead to serious problems in your everyday life, especially in the relations with your female partner. It is [...] Continue Reading…

If you are suffering from premature ejaculation and have already exhausted all non chemical options like new techniques and routines then you should seriously consider trying Priligy. It is not a magic drug but it is widely known as an effective cure for premature ejaculation.

Priligy can not be simply [...] Continue Reading…

Priligy is a drug for premature ejaculation that is medically known as dapoxtine. It belongs to a group of medicament’s better known as selective serotonin re uptake inhibitors (or SSRIs). It usually comes in two doses 30mg and 60mg and is approved by a number of medical institutions.

Currently Priligy, [...] Continue Reading…

Are you one of those man who can not last long in bed? You can’t satisfy your partner and so she just turns her back to you and goes to sleep? This is an often problem with today’s men. To many men this is a serious blow to their [...] Continue Reading…