3.3.08 - New Review From Taxi - The World's Leading Independent A&R Company
There's a slinky, sexy vibe to this groove - definitely rock in style. Good, clean production - great looking packaging. From the opening ... I was hooked in. High memorable chorus hooks ... anthem-like durge-stomps ... darkly hopeful lyrics perfectly complimented by the vocal swagger.

2.21.08 - Acoustic Show at Embellish Salon
Mark your calendar for February 21 at 6pm. This will be the last prerelease acoustic gig before the live debut in March. This should be a cool show as it happens at the close of Third Thursday Artwalk and the opening day of the Wintergrass Festival. Admission is FREE plus you could win a full makeover and fashion consultation with Embellish Salon and Loyalty Clothing Company.

12.31.07 - New Year’s Eve Special Engagement
As we prepare for our live debut release in March of 2008 we’ve decided to start with a series of intimate acoustic shows. The first will take place December 31st on the streets of the infamous “First Night” event in Tacoma. Join us at 8pm at the Veritas building next to Tully’s downtown. Admission is free and you won’t want to miss it.

12.20.07 Band Bio
The Joshua Cain Band found their souls on the streets of urban Tacoma. You might play great music, but then the town finds you, strips you down, kills you dead, and makes you real. Pain and possibility go hand in hand in that place, spinning tales that remind you that a song ain't a song until you've lived it.

The boys had been leading bands and playin' good ol' rock n' roll for years and the stream of accomplishments was nothing to smirk at. Their music had received regular radio play and their songs were picked up by legendary stations and media networks. From their Columbia Tri-Star Release song to their feature on the hit WBTV show "One Tree Hill" the boys kept winning contests and pleasing fans. But coming off a national tour with their previous band they knew it was time to head back home and really hear what that old town had to say to them. They were not disappointed.

The history of the city cut its way into their hearts and bled out a new way of seeing the world. The old African Americans fighting for their community, the blue collar union workers fighting for their jobs, the homeless and displaced just tryin' to survive - the City of Destiny told its story well. The band sucked in the aroma and breathed out a whole new sound. Loaded with the influence of delta blues, negro spirituals, and countrified working man music, their rock n' roll would never be the same again.

Often described as "swamp rock" this is the kind of music that helps you remember that life is about friendship more than fame. John Fogerty from Credence described the style saying, "Swamp [Rock] is an essence, an underlying ingredient of rock n' roll. If I was to paint a picture of rock n' roll I'd say: "You've got the R&B or black side of music, like what came out of Chicago, mostly Chess Records, Bo Diddley, Howlin' Wolf, Muddy Waters, and then you've got the Sun Records sound, which is white rockabilly - Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, Elvis. You put those two things together and you've got rock n' roll as far as I'm concerned."

The sound is original and unique but draws upon the legendary music that true freedom was made from. Half protest rally, half front porch music, it makes you want to shake your fist and stomp your feet at the same time. The great philosopher Rousseau once said, "Keeping citizens apart has become the first maxim of modern politics." The Joshua Cain Band aims to play music "that brings people together again."

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