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Our patients receive the most advanced treatment and report experiencing immediate relief.
Freedom from Anxiety
Could You Really Experience Relief from OCD and Anxiety Symptoms in as Little as One Treatment Session?
…And Could You Be Finished with Anxiety Treatment in as Little as 6 Months with Lasting Results?
If you or your child suffer from OCD or other anxiety disorders, you are not alone. In fact, OCD and anxiety disorders occur more frequently in children and adolescents than once thought. This debilitating condition can lead to severe impairment in your functioning personally, socially, and academically. OCD and its associating anxiety disorders often infiltrate all areas of life. It may even involve other family members, create conflict between family members, and generally add unnecessary stress to your family.
Unfortunately if left untreated, anxiety symptoms tend to span a chronic course into adulthood, with a low rate of full recovery. Therefore, early and proper anxiety treatment can prevent suffering and decrease the risk of developing other problems into adulthood.
The good news is that there is help for this agonizing condition. Anxiety treatment and OCD treatment is short-term with long-term benefits, since it focuses on teaching you, your child, and other involved family members the necessary tools to beat this challenging condition. Many patients experience a 50% symptom reduction by the 6th anxiety treatment session, and the benefits are maintained at yearly follow-ups. In your very first anxiety treatment session, you will gain an understanding of OCD and how to beat it. The tools you and your child learn during this short-term anxiety treatment will become integrated and habituated into your skills to deal with anxiety for a lifetime. Learn the proven tips, tools, and tactics to help you or your child overcome anxiety in any situation with lasting results.
Understanding OCD and its related anxiety symptoms is the first step to freeing you from fears.