If you are the owner of this website then please read the following information.
The reason why your website is unavailable.
Historically, FreeUK provided webspace for customers to use as an additional free service as part of their Dial-up or Broadband connections. According to our records, the Dial-up or Broadband service that this webspace was associated to has now been cancelled and the website is currently offline as a result.
If you wish to retain your website this is what you need to do.
You will need to have a paid account with FreeUK for this service to continue. If you are already paying us for an alternative dial-up or broadband service which has a different username than the one associated to your free webspace then please contact us on 0845 2340711 or email us at support@freeuk.com with the details. We will then re-instate the website for your previous username with no further charge.
The other way of retaining your website is to pay an annual charge of £14.99 + VAT. To make payment you will need to call us on 0845 2340711 and select option 5. The accepted payment methods are Visa, Mastercard and AMEX and the line is open from 9am to 8pm from Monday to Friday and 9am to 6pm at weekends. Once payment has been taken we will unsuspend the website and it will become live again.
If you do not wish to retain your website or decide against setting up a paid account.
If you do not wish to retain your website or set up a paid account then the website will remain suspended for the short term and will ultimately be deleted. Once deletion has taken place the website will not be retrievable and we will not be able to re-provision your account.