LinksVintage pensMartin Lehman, Co Author of the Pelikan Book (with Mr. Dittmer) , has created a wonderful list of vintage Pelikan pens. beautiful website, showing Merkurit - a brand made in Hamburg, Germany from 1924 to 1964. Only in German so far, but the pictures alone are worth a visit.
Modern Pens
Pen Repair
Pen ClubsThe German Pen Club - very active, regular emails full of information - bilingual English and German. Lots of local monthly Collector meetings.
Pen ForumsThe most important German forum on Montblanc and other modern fountain pens. As well an impressing collection of vintage pens documented. http://www.fountainpen.deVery young new forum, founded 2010, but obviously driven by Pen Maniacs, :-) , growing rapidly.
Pen MakersStefan Fink is a professional wood turner, who produces a wonderful line of writing instruments from precious woods.
Pen Show Calendar
Other Passions than pensRocco Petrunti is a professional knife maker, one of the last remaining real knife artisans in the Italian town Frosolone. Thanks to Mrs. Ching Petrunti, they do also help in English.