Medifast Coupon Codes
Here are the latest medifast coupon codes for the month of February direct from Medifast. These coupon codes are only valid at the official site, the coupon code must be entered when you checkout for the discount. Please click the Redeem Coupon buttons to reveal the coupon code and open the Medifast site.
$50 off Any Purchase of $275 or More – February 2012
Notice: Coupon code will be displayed after button below has been clicked. Just enter the code at checkout when asked to use it.
This Medifast Coupon offer is only good for the month of February.
$25 off Any Purchase of $150 or More – February 2012
Notice: Coupon code will be displayed after button below has been clicked. Just enter the code at checkout when asked to use it.
This Medifast Coupon offer is only good for the month of February.
Save hundred of dollars a year by being a smart shopper! Each month Medifast releases new coupon codes exclusively to its trusted sites. These medifast coupon codes can save you as much as $50 off of your order. That is some serious savings each month. If you were to use our coupons each month on a average order of $275. You would be saving $600 a year! Loose weight, eat healthy and save money, what could be better.
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