SILKIN MANAGEMENT GROUP: Job Duties of a Promotional Secretary, Part 1

by Silkin Management Group on February 6, 2012

Silkin Management Group clients often come to us wanting more new patients, but not knowing how to go about it. We have a variety of very successful internal and external marketing and promotion tools that have proven over the last 30 years to regularly get results with Silkin Management Group clients.

But there is a primary target that must be accomplished before any marketing and promotion will be effective: having someone who is overseeing the activity and accomplishing the marketing steps necessary to achieve a result. Someone must hold the duties of the “marketing secretary”. Unless the practice is very large, it is unlikely that this will be a full time position. The duties are most often handled by the Office Manager in a normal size practice but, even then, they must be clearly distinct duties – separate from the day to day administrative actions of the Office Manager.

Over the next few days we will outline the key job duties of the person overseeing the marketing and promotional actions of an office. These duties are elucidated and expanded upon in Silkin Management Group’s Job Description and Office Policy Manual.

For starters, today, we’ll outline what marketing and promotion are.

Marketing is a more overall encompassing activity which includes promotion. The full picture of marketing has to do with how you conceive and package a specific product into the hands of the public. The “product” can be a specific service or an actual physical product. Either one follows the same procedures and rules. It basically means how you prepare the product and take it to and place it on the market.

Promotion is one of the things that marketing does. It has to do with making something known. This can be done in written form through brochures, internet sites, social media, mailings, posters in the office, newsletters, talking with patients/clients, etc. It consists of what to offer and how to offer it so that the public will respond to it. You have to reach out to the public in volume, through numerous ways and vehicles, in order to get enough responses back to create enough income for a practice to be solvent.

How a “promotional secretary” goes about this will be outlined in future Silkin Management Group blogs covering the job duties of this position.

If you would like to know how Silkin Management Group can help increase the number of new patients coming into your office, give us a call at 800-695-0257.

Eric Korb
Silkin Management Group Consultant


Silkin Management Group’s blog posted on January 31st discussed some new incentives that the Obama Administration is proposing to help small businesses start up and expand. Some of these incentives are tax related and cover some issues we’ve discussed in this multi-part series covering tax issues to be aware of in 2012. Articles from this series can be found on several Silkin Management Group blog sites including this one.

Our earlier articles have covered the following points: a) increased tax audits and b) some potential tax consequences of the federal health care legislation that will be ruled on by the Supreme Court this year, c) extensions of some favorable tax rules, d) federal, state and local governments on the look-out for new sources of revenue, e) the potential effects of the Presidential race and election, f) potential increases in unemployment taxes and g) possible changes in estate taxes.

Here is another issue that any tax payer should be aware of:

• The impact of low interest rates: As we all know, interest rates are the lowest they’ve been in decades and, according to Ben Bernake at the Federal Reserve, they will remain low for at least several more years. While this doesn’t provide much incentive for savings accounts, it does impact dealing with the IRS. With these low interest rates also used by the IRS the penalties for underpaying estimated taxes are greatly reduced. The last quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of this year finds the IRS charging only 3 percent on underpayments. Some business owners will consider the 3 percent underpayment charge small or even irrelevant compared to the value of keeping the cash until the end of the year to run and expand their business. Note: this does not mean that the taxes will not be owed. If you are contemplating this strategy, you still must make sure you have the cash to pay the taxes by April so you don’t incur penalties on top of the interest.

We will finish up this series in future Silkin Management Group blogs.

Scott Barnard
Silkin Management Group Consultant

For more information about Silkin Management Group visit our website at or call us at 800-695-0257.


SILKIN MANAGEMENT GROUP: Tax Issues We Should be Aware of in 2012 – Part 2

January 24, 2012

Yesterday we began a series of articles concerning tax trends that readers of our Silkin Management Group blogs should be aware of for 2012. The two points we covered in yesterday’s article were a) increased tax audits and b) some potential tax consequences of the federal health care legislation that will be ruled on by [...]

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SILKIN MANAGEMENT GROUP: How to Lower Your Health Care Costs – Final Article

January 20, 2012

In yesterday’s Silkin Management Group blog we presented Part 4 of a series of five articles covering different methods that small businesses can use to potentially reduce their health care costs. You can access yesterday’s article at this Silkin Management Group blog site: An article in Forbes magazine originally presented these ideas, and we’ve [...]

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SILKIN MANAGEMENT GROUP: Benefits of Scheduling a Daily Morning Meeting – Summary

January 18, 2012

Silkin Management Group has presented 11 different articles on our various Silkin Management Group blog sites, including this one, concerning over 20 benefits and reasons to hold short morning meetings in a health care office. Today we will give you the full list of all 22 reasons/benefits for your review. More detailed explanations of each [...]

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SILKIN MANAGEMENT GROUP: Benefits of Scheduling a Daily Morning Meeting – Part 10

January 16, 2012

Today we’ll present the 10th article in the Silkin Management Group series covering 25 different reasons for holding morning meetings in your health care office. The previous articles are on this blog site as well as several other Silkin Management Group blog sites. The last article can be accessed here: Nearly all Silkin Management [...]

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SILKIN MANAGEMENT GROUP: More on How to Lower Your Health Care Costs

January 12, 2012

Silkin Management Group has published on our various blog sites two previous articles summarizing different ways that small businesses can control health care costs. These ideas came from an article in Forbes magazine which you can access here: Since Silkin Management Group clients, as well as many readers of our Silkin Management Group blogs, [...]

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SILKIN MANAGEMENT GROUP: What’s Happening With the Deficit Reduction “Super Committee”

November 1, 2011

As readers of our various Silkin Management Group blogs know, we’ve been following and writing about the different deficit reduction proposals that Congress is fighting over in the attempt to reduce the deficit and save the countries finances from going bankrupt. As usual, the Democrats refuse to accept the basics of the Republican’s proposals and [...]

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Silkin Management Group: The Practice Owner’s Responsibilty For A Mission Statement

July 22, 2011

Part 2 In yesterday’s Silkin Management Group blog, we discussed the importance of a “mission statement” for a health care office. You can link to that Silkin Management Group blog site here: . In that article we explained why a mission statement is so important to the overall operation of an office. When working [...]

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July 7, 2011

Are They Helping You? Silkin Management Group clients are small businesses and, as such, they all theoretically may be eligible for the “Obama-Care” tax credits. Over the last year we’ve presented many articles on our various Silkin Management Group blog sites concerning the different ramifications of the health care legislation on small businesses. One of [...]

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June 27, 2011

In past Silkin Management Group blogs, we’ve discussed the importance of hiring the right employee for the position you have available. Quite often we find with clients new to Silkin Management Group that, due to their poor past hiring procedures, they have non-productive and/or inefficient staff. This comes from a lack of knowledge of how [...]

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June 3, 2011

Given that the Obama health care legislation will affect all small businesses and their employees throughout the country, we’ve attempted to keep Silkin Management Group clients, and anyone else reading our various Silkin Management Group blog sites, informed about the progress of the several lawsuits attempting to derail this law. Here’s the latest update for [...]

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May 23, 2011

What They Mean For You On our Silkin Management Group blog site of May 13 (which you can access here: Confidentiality and Non Disclosure) we went over the recent EEOC ruling regarding employees with disabilities.  These amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act take effect on Tuesday, May 24th.  Given that Silkin Management Group clients [...]

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May 13, 2011

Sample Policy The confidentiality of patient and practice information is extremely important and, as all health care providers know, there are specific laws regarding this. Therefore Silkin Management Group consultants advise their clients to include a policy on this subject as part of their general office policies. Clients new to Silkin Management Group are provided [...]

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May 5, 2011

Today, as part of Silkin Management Group’s series of sample office policies for a health care office, we’ll present a sample policy that many Silkin Management Group clients adapt to their office. This policy is contained in Silkin Management Group’s Job Description and Office Policy Manual. OFFICE BENEFITS FOR STAFF Full and part-time employees may [...]

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April 27, 2011

Silkin Management Group’s Office Policy and Job Description Manual has over 400 pages of sample policies and job descriptions that can be used in a health care office. This manual is edited for dental, veterinary and optometric offices and is offered to all clients new to Silkin Management Group. As office policy is vital to [...]

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April 19, 2011

Silkin Management Group blog sites have been presenting over the last several weeks a variety of sample office policies that Silkin Management Group consultants use with clients. Given the importance of having office policies to the smooth running of any business, whether a health care office or not, Silkin Management Group has put together a [...]

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April 11, 2011

Silkin Management Group clients are primarily privately owned health care practices in the optometric, veterinary and dental fields. Very few clients new to Silkin Management Group have comprehensive office policies. Due to the importance of policy to a smooth running office, our consultants work closely with new clients to implement proper policies in their offices. [...]

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April 1, 2011

Part 2 In our Silkin Management Group blogs this week we’ve presented some different sample office policies that Silkin Management Group consultants recommend to clients. We will continue to present additional sample policies over the upcoming weeks on our various Silkin Management Group blog sites. Yesterday’s sample policy was the first part of a Leave [...]

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March 16, 2011

Over the last several months Silkin Management Group has presented a wide variety of articles on the subject of hiring the right staff for a health care office.  With hundreds of clients throughout the United States and Canada undergoing expansion, knowing how to hire is a vital piece of practice management knowledge for Silkin Management [...]

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