We believe that privacy is a personal right, not a consumer good that needs to be bought. We want to base our decisions on matters of privacy and security only, not commercial gain. We also believe in free choice.
Spybot-S&D is maintained by a team of people very dedicated to privacy issues, many of which are working full-time on analysing masses of new threats each week, and the response time from our support team is better than that of many a commercial vendor. Sometimes we even have to defend our decision to protect your privacy in court. All these things are not without cost to us.
As a compromise, we would appreciate it if you would honour our efforts with a moderate donation. As a private customer, you are free to not give us anything for using Spybot-S&D to its fullest extent, but any donation will directly support our teams efforts to provide you with a top grade anti-malware solution, and secure our continuous operation and your freedom of choice. |