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Tous ensemble pour que cette  #image fasse le tour du  #monde en moin de 48 heures C'est en  #Syrie  #Syria

Views 44,882

233 days ago

Tous ensemble pour que cette #image fasse le tour du #monde en moin de 48 heures C'est en #Syrie #Syria


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mamuka105 about 17 hours ago

It is a fake !! as ilyal267 said israel army uses m-16 and not ak-47 !!
and if its not a fake why the croud behind didnt do something??

ilyal267 1 day ago

That cant be an Israeli soldier because of the weapon IDF doesnt have any AK-47 but the terrorist got only the AK-47 !!! :)

madlamin 231 days ago

http://on.fb.me/kkEYUB الرجاء الدخول لهاذا الرابط #Yemen #ksa #Egypt #Tunisia #Libya #Syria #Bahrain

syrianguyfree 233 days ago

I can not believe that in syria