Translational Psychiatry

* Online * Open access *

Translational Psychiatry is a sister journal to the well-established and number-one journal in psychiatry, Molecular Psychiatry*, but explores the more translational area between the research in neuroscience and conceptually novel treatments. The editorial team is led by Julio Licinio, MD, and includes a highly respected international editorial board. Together, the Translational Psychiatry editorial team and NPG look to further define and shape the field of psychiatry and neuroscience.

Translational Psychiatry in the Los Angeles Times, Time, BBC, Deutsche Welle and The Telegraph!

Translational Psychiatry in The Economist!

*Molecular Psychiatry's 2010 Impact factor is 15.049. Journal Citation Reports, Thomson Reuters, 2011.

Volume 2,
January 2012

ISSN (online): 2158-3188

Julio Licinio, M.D.


The combination of weight gain and brain trauma in retired American football players has an additive negative effect on brain function, suggests research by Daniel Amen and colleagues. Read the press release here.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) may be preceded by a molecular signature, allowing for early diagnosis of at risk patients months or years before AD symptoms occur. Read the press release here!

Research by Michael Spencer and colleagues suggests similar patterns of brain activity between children with autism and their siblings. Listen to coverage on BBC! Read coverage in Time Magazine!

The brain's reward system may be altered in excessive video-game players. View the press release here. Read coverage in Los Angeles Times, Time, BBC, Deutsche Welle and The Telegraph!

A less intrusive therapy for Tourette's Syndrome may significantly diminish symptoms. View the press release here.

Genetic variations may account for differential responses to positive rearing conditions early in life. View the press release here.

Now available in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics:
Clinical and Statistical Assessment of Suicidal Ideation and Behavior in Pharmaceutical Trials

Recommendations that address the assessment, statistical analysis, interpretation, and utility of suicide-related data in pharmaceutical clinical trials.

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2 February 2012

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