Important Information about Meridia

Important Information about Meridia

What is Meridia?

Meridia affects the chemicals inside the brain mainly affecting the weight maintenance. It is used in combination with exercise and diet for treating obesity which is caused due to high cholesterol and diabetes.

Important Information about Meridia

The medicine should not be consumed by those people who take an MAO inhibitor like furazolidone, phenelzine, tranylcypromine, rasagiline, selegiline, or isocarboxazid since the past 2 weeks. If a person starts using this medicine before the inhibitor is cleared from the body they can suffer from dangerous side effects. If one has an allergy with sibutramine or suffers from high pressure or if they take diet pills, they should not consume Meridia. Before you start consuming Meridia, you should inform your physician if you suffer from high blood pressure, glaucoma, kidney disease, underactive thyroid or have a record of gall bladder stones.

Inform your physician about all the prescribed and non prescribed medications, narcotic pain killers and medicines for migraine headache that you intake. Tell your physician if you are not able to lose 4 pounds after consuming this medicine for nearly 4 weeks.

Before Taking Meridia

Before one starts consuming Meridia, you should make sure that whether you suffer from any kind of allergy or not. If you are among those who take an MAO inhibitor, ensure that it is totally cleared from the body before consuming Meridia or you will suffer from dangerous side effects. People having high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disorder, frequent heart stroke should avoid Meridia. If you suffer from the conditions mentioned below, you might need an adjustment in the dose:

1. Liver disease
2. Depression
3. Glaucoma
4. High blood pressure
5. Epilepsy
6. Seizure disorder
7. Bleeding
8. Gallstones

How should I take Meridia?

Consume Meridia as told by the doctor. You should not experiment with the doses of Meridia which means you should neither increase the dose nor should you decrease it. You should follow the instructions mentioned on the prescription label. This medicine is generally taken once every day. You should follow the instructions of the doctor. To ensure that you achieve the best results, the doctor might change your dose. During the initial 4 weeks of consuming Meridia, you should lose nearly 4 pounds. You should immediately consult a physician if you find no change in your weight. The pulse rate and the blood pressure of the person consuming Meridia should be checked. One should not consume Meridia for more than 2 years. It should be stored at room temperature and make sure that they are kept away from heat, moisture and light.

Meridia side effects

If you detect any of the allergic signs caused by Meridia like difficulty in breathing, hives, swelling in the different parts of the body including throat, lips and tongue, avoid Meridia. Stop consuming Meridia and immediately contact a doctor if you suffer from these side effects:

  • Fast heartbeats
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hallucinations
  • Tremor
  • Nausea
  • Dilated pupils
  • Vomiting
  • Rigid muscles
  • Sweating
  • Confusion
  • Bleeding gums
  • Numbness
  • Problems with speech, vision and balance

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