How it can help you be healthy!

Testimonials how HGH Boosters Work

Testimonials how HGH Boosters Work          “I started taking an HGH releaser with L-arginine and L-dopa and a bunch of other ingredients 6 months ago.  A friend of mine who runs marathons takes it and swears by the stuff.  I didn’t really notice anything at first except I was sleeping a lot better.  The benefits are so gradually that it suddenly dawns on you that you’ve got a lot more energy than before and lost 5 pounds without doing much.  I am most pleased with how it has changed my body type.  I used to be a bit chunky but not fat.  Now, I actually have muscle definition.” – Sarah, 34, Uses an HGH releaser


“I cycle 3 iu of GH 2x daily for 10 days and then do 2 days off.  I get 60-80grams of protein and 50-70 grams of carbs.  I noticed the GH taking effect right away. My workouts are a lot more intense and I’ve bulked up a lot. Still no side effects but I don’t think I am going to increase the dosage since I’m happy with it now.” – James, 26, Intramuscular HGH injections


Testimonials how HGH Boosters Work          “For the past 6 months, I’ve been in a diet slump.  My metabolism went downhill after using a stimulant weight loss pill for a while and I gained back 15 of the 20 pounds I lost.  I was exercising every day and eating Whole Foods only but only lost back 3 of the pounds.  I actually did my research this time around and got a HGH spray with a 1550 concentration.  It was pricey but worth it since I feel fantastic and dropped the 15 plus another 7 pounds.” – Lanie, 29, Uses an oral HGH spray


“In the next 10 years I bet everyone is going to be on growth hormone and we will all live to 200!  My doctor recommended me a supplement after I kept complaining about low energy.  The HGH releaser is great stuff and is only a bit more expensive than the other supplements I was taking.  I am especially happy that my hair is coming back a lot thicker and my sex drive suddenly exists again!” – David, 62, Uses an HGH releaser

Using Exercise to Increase HGH

For healthy adults, exercise is the most important factor in regulating HGH secretion in the pituitary gland.  This is known as the exercise induced growth hormone response (EIGR). However, not all exercises are equal when it comes to boosting HGH naturally. Here is an overview of the best exercises [...] Continue Reading…

HGH Guide for Bodybuilders

Today, nearly all professional athletes are using HGH.  Despite how common HGH has become, there are still a lot of misconceptions surrounding it and its benefits.

HGH Doesn’t Produce Magical Strength Gains

Growth hormone is responsible for many aspects of growth, including protein synthesis.  By taking HGH, you can cause your [...] Continue Reading…

Timing is Everything with HGH

In order to understand when is the best time to take HGH, you must understand how HGH is naturally secreted and used by the body.  Depending on what benefits you want to get with HGH and your activity level, you may need to take HGH at different times than [...] Continue Reading…

Optimizing HGH with Sleep

You know the saying that “you grow in your sleep”?  There is a lot of truth to that phrase and it is because of human growth hormone, or HGH.  Every day, healthy adults produce about 400 micrograms of HGH.  The hormone is released in surges, usually in 3 to [...] Continue Reading…