Alternative Breast Enlargement

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Contour Breast – Don’t buy the hype

Contour Breast – Dont buy the hypeIn our attempt to find the best breast enhancement products, we have come across many of them and interestingly enough, they all claim to be the best. However, we all know that not all of them are the best and that many of them, if not the vast majority of them are simply a complete waste of both your time and your money. So where does Contour Breast belong? That is what we will try to determine in this review.

Breast Contour is supposed to provide women with larger breasts without surgery. The product is natural and promises an increase of up to 3 cup sizes in about 3 months. There is a unique way in which it works – it is said that it combines hormonal balance and hormonal regulation and this is said to be exactly what allows women to experience such an impressive improvement in their bust size. Some of the main ingredients are safflower oil, saw palmetto, wild yam, kava kava and dandelion.

The product is a cream that is applied to the skin, which absorbs the ingredients. As a result, breast tissue starts developing and breasts start to grow bigger. The good thing about the product is that there are no side effects reported and about 50% of women notice the effects during or after the first month. About 70% notice the results after or during the second and about 80% notice the results after or during the third month. Also, it is claimed that Breast Contour reduces PMS symptoms, it can also have a positive effect on excessive blood flow and it can increase your sex drive.

However, after a more thorough investigation of Breast Contour, we encountered some issues that made us believe that this product is not really that great as it seems at first sight. For example, although there is a 45 day guarantee, this is obviously not enough time for a woman to see whether or not she is satisfied with the product considering that the manufacturer recommends using the product for 3 months. Shipping costs will not be refunded and all the bottles (no matter whether they are opened or not) must be returned.

Contour Breast – Dont buy the hypeFurthermore, we couldn’t find a definite website and the one that we found where Contour is available is outdated (copyright 2002), which can mean two things – the website is not updated regularly or the website is inactive.

We were surprised to learn that there was no clear explanation on how the product works. The description is vague and it definitely made us doubt the real effects of the product. An increase of 3 cup sizes is impressive and there should be a valid explanation on how this is possible. It is also claimed that the product is clinically tested, but there are no links available which would make it possible for us to see the results of the tests that were carried out.

To sum up, keeping in mind all the issues that have been brought up, we would make a mistake if we said that Breast Contour was one of the best breast enhancement products. It may not be the worst one, but it is certainly not one of the best ones. For many reasons, some of which are its refund policy and the fact that it is clinically proven, Triactol seems to be the best choice when breast enhancement products are in question.

Confident Curves Reviewed – What you need to know

Before buying any kind of product, people need to read as many reviews and testimonials as they can. This is because in order to make an informative decision, people need to get as much information as possible, which unfortunately, proves to be very difficult when it comes to Confident [...] Continue Reading…

BustPro – What they are not telling you

BustPro is a combination of wild yam, fennel, saw palmetto, don quai, black cohosh, damiana and blessed thistle, all of which are natural ingredients that are said to improve the shape and the size of a woman’s breasts. There are also other benefits of this product that may be [...] Continue Reading…

Bust Plus – The real truth

Although Best Plus is now advertized and sold as a breast enhancement product, when it was originally created, it served as a balancing formula that helped women with PMS issues and menstrual irregularity. Now, this product serves as a means of increasing a woman’s cup size by stimulating the [...] Continue Reading…

Bloussant Review – Why you should choose something else

Bloussant is a breast enhancement product that consists of natural ingredients obtained from herbal plants such as Fennel Seed, Saw Palmetto and Wild Yam. It is advertized as a herbal supplement that contains plant estrogens that stimulate the growth of new breast tissue and thus help women attain firmer [...] Continue Reading…

Bare Success vs. Triactol

With so many 31-1 out there, women can become extremely confused as to which product they should use. Various aspects have to be taken into consideration in order to make the right decision and sometimes, certain aspects can be misleading. For example, Bare Success seems to be one of [...] Continue Reading…

Brepid on review, make sure you have all the facts

If we are to completely believe the claims on the official website, Brepid is quite possibly the best breast enhancement product of the natural variety on the market, in fact, it is the best. However, as you might know yourself, there is very little chance that this is true [...] Continue Reading…

Clevastin- whether to trust the claims?

The most common practice for reviewing different breast augmentation products is to first visit the official website and then try and find additional info elsewhere, trying to sift through different advertisements and unreal claims about the said product. With Clevastin this was a bit more difficult for one very [...] Continue Reading…