Abundant Living 4U


Meet The Coach

Success Stories

A Call To Women

Free Session

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Problems cannot
be solved with the
same mindset that created them.
Albert Einstein

Success Stories
Christian Life Coaches Help Their Clients To Succeed.
Success doesn't happen by wishing - it is achieved as a result of hard work!

Belief + Work = Change = Success

  • Abundant living is certainly what I have experienced as a result of my coaching sessions with Roz.  I have been stretched, challenged and validated.  I have set goals, discovered my passion and have landed the perfect career fit. - DM
  • When I began being coached my attitude was negative.  My negativity was turned to possibility thinking.  As I focused I discovered what was holding me back and I began to believe in myself and my ability to succeed.  My marriage has gone through a transformation and I have received a much coveted job advancement that is a direct outcome of being coached. - ST
  • I was stuck and getting nowhere.  Little did I know that fear and doubt were blocking my creative juices and holding me back from actively pursuing my goals.  My first CD has been cut and I am now in the process of developing my marketing package.  Thanks Roslyn - GR
  • Your energy and passion is contagious.  I have been empowered, challenged and held accountable to perform agreed on tasks.  I have just opened my own beauty shop...a dream come true. - DW
  • I literally feel like I have a motor running inside, humming with possibility.  You really got me going on pursuing my dream, and I am so grateful for that! - CF
  • "He who never made a mistake never made a discovery" - Samuel Smiles
  • "I would rather to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all."  
  • "The road littered with failure is the stuff success comes from." - Roslyn Barker 
  • “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11  TNIV

You have come this far … why not take advantage of your “FREE” Christian Life Coaching session.

Use this opportunity to get the feel for being coached and see if it is the right time for you to take this step for your life.

Phone:    Roslyn @ 610-837-6109
Email:     abundantliving4u@verizon.net

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