Viagra – the first, but still the best

Viagra – the first, but still the bestErectile dysfunction is an issue that has been troubling men since we stood up erect and became our own species. It is a simple fact that this medical condition is nothing new. It has just become more prominent in the 20th century when it finally became an accepted thing to talk about sexual problems. Also, it has to be noted that the number of men suffering from ED has increased in the second half of the 20th century due to certain lifestyle changes. Namely, with the increased number of men suffering from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and similar conditions, the number of men with ED rose as well. These are interconnected and there is no doubt that those conditions have become more prevalent as our lifestyle became more sedentary, as we started to eat junk food more and more and as we are under constant stress.

This aside, ED is a condition that we were unable to do anything significant about until the year 1998. Different treatments we had been using until that faithful year have mainly been less than efficient ones, from the field of folk remedies and different aphrodisiacs that had no beneficial effects apart from the placebo effect that was able to cure those cases of ED that were caused by psychological problems.

And then came that faithful year of 1998, the year in which Pfizer introduced their new drug called Viagra. It got all the necessary approvals after much clinical trials and studies and men with ED finally found an ally in treating that condition that has ailed them for too long. All of a sudden, it became possible for those men to achieve erections and to enjoy in active sex life, being able to enjoy in sex with their partners and feeling complete once more. Viagra has changed their lives for good.

The way in which Viagra was and still is capable to do so is by inhibiting a certain enzyme in the body, called the PDE% which was responsible for ED. Viagra is known as a PDE5 inhibitor, meaning that it prevents the production and the functioning of this enzyme, which in turn results in being able to achieve erections.

Since then, Viagra got its competition in drugs with the names Cialis and Levitra which work on basically the same principle. Of course, there are still those natural products and herbal supplements, but we will waste no time on those because they are nothing but baloney. However, we must not ignore the other two PDE5 medications, Cialis and Levitra. They are very similar to Viagra, but Viagra has been with us for longer and we are more knowledgeable about the way in which Viagra works, while we still need more time to get to know those other two medications. Therefore, Viagra is still the number 1 product for treating ED. The first, but still the best.

Erectile dysfunction is an issue that has been troubling men since we stood up erect and became our own species. It is a simple fact that this medical condition is nothing new. It has just become more prominent in the 20th century when it finally became an accepted thing to talk about sexual problems. Also, it has to be noted that the number of men suffering from ED has increased in the second half of the 20th century due to certain lifestyle changes. Namely, with the increased number of men suffering from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and similar conditions, the number of men with ED rose as well. These are interconnected and there is no doubt that those conditions have become more prevalent as our lifestyle became more sedentary, as we started to eat junk food more and more and as we are under constant stress.

This aside, ED is a condition that we were unable to do anything significant about until the year 1998. Different treatments we had been using until that faithful year have mainly been less than efficient ones, from the field of folk remedies and different aphrodisiacs that had no beneficial effects apart from the placebo effect that was able to cure those cases of ED that were caused by psychological problems.

And then came that faithful year of 1998, the year in which Pfizer introduced their new drug called Viagra. It got all the necessary approvals after much clinical trials and studies and men with ED finally found an ally in treating that condition that has ailed them for too long. All of a sudden, it became possible for those men to achieve erections and to enjoy in active sex life, being able to enjoy in sex with their partners and feeling complete once more. Viagra has changed their lives for good.
Viagra – the first, but still the best

The way in which Viagra was and still is capable to do so is by inhibiting a certain enzyme in the body, called the PDE% which was responsible for ED. Viagra is known as a PDE5 inhibitor, meaning that it prevents the production and the functioning of this enzyme, which in turn results in being able to achieve erections.

Since then, Viagra got its competition in drugs with the names Cialis and Levitra which work on basically the same principle. Of course, there are still those natural products and herbal supplements, but we will waste no time on those because they are nothing but baloney. However, we must not ignore the other two PDE5 medications, Cialis and Levitra. They are very similar to Viagra, but Viagra has been with us for longer and we are more knowledgeable about the way in which Viagra works, while we still need more time to get to know those other two medications. Therefore, Viagra is still the number 1 product for treating ED. The first, but still the best.

Getting more bang for your buck

There are plenty of sexual aids out there, from toys to all kinds of oils, ointments and potency pills, but no pill has made the impact the all popular blue pill has. Viagra is with us for barely over a decade now, but already it’s got more then 80% [...] Continue Reading…

Viagra and all the facts about it

What is Viagra?

Viagra is a medicine used for treating male erectile dysfunction, also known as AD or impotence. It comes in the form of a pill that has became very famous in late 90′s when the product was released to the general public. It helps men last much longer [...] Continue Reading…

Brief explanation of Viagra

Viagra is a miracle cure for men that want to have longer lasting sexual encounters but are not able to do so without some chemical stimulation. The world famous blue pill has been on the market for over dozen of years, but it has very strong market presence. There [...] Continue Reading…

Find out all there is to be known about Viagra

If there’s one sexual dysfunction cure or drug that is known all around the world, it’s Viagra – the popular blue pill has seen tons and tons of exposure over the last decade. Originally marketed back in 1998, it has became a staple of male enhancing pills and drugs. [...] Continue Reading…

Famous blue pill in details

Viagra is a cultural phenomenon by now, and there is not a man in the world that doesn’t know of that name, it’s a solution to every man’s worst nightmare, it makes men stay potent for much longer in the bedroom and helps with achieving erection itself. As to [...] Continue Reading…

How to fix your problems in the bedroom

It has happened to most guys at one point or another, you’ve got a chick waiting for some action, and you just can’t talk your penis into getting on track with what is supposed to happen now. Well, that problem is slowly but certainly becoming a thing of past, [...] Continue Reading…

What is Viagra all about

The world famous little blue pill is something every man has heard of, it’s a magical pill that makes you hard and lets you stay hard for quite some time, but as far as mechanics behind the whole process go, most of the people are in the dark. Here’s [...] Continue Reading…

Herbal Viagra and it’s advantages!

The world famous and world changing blue pill made by company Pfizer has been famous for quite some time now, there’s not a man in the world that can’t tell you what Viagra is and what is it used for. The sheer market presence tells a story about how [...] Continue Reading…

Generic Viagra and some facts about it

While any man on the street can tell you what is Viagra used for, not many can actually explain what does this drug do, how does it do and is it safe for you. There are plenty of questions to be asked, and not many answers available, but here [...] Continue Reading…

Getting your hands on Viagra online

Viagra potency drug has been with us for several decades now, and more or less everybody knows about it, it’s a drug that gives men with erectile dysfunction power to preform in bed. While it has been advertised as prescription drug only most of the time, getting Viagra online [...] Continue Reading…

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