Know the side effects of Nitric Oxide supplements

Nitric oxide has become very popular supplement, but before you start using it, make sure to get the info on nitric oxide side effects. Bodybuilders often use this dietary supplement in order to increase muscle blood flow.

Nitric Oxide Side Effects

Force Factor FORCE FACTOR, 120 Capsules

Force Factor FORCE FACTOR, 120 Capsules

Increase Nitric Oxide, Improve Endurance, Promote Strength

Nitric oxide usually produces several changes, like considerable gain in muscle mass, quicker recovery and strength increase. That happens because body arteries get wider, blood flow increases which results in providing more oxygen and nutrients to body muscles.

In that way muscles become firmer and stronger. But in despite of all the positive sides of nitric oxide, you should get to know the side effects, too. Some of the most common side effects when using NO are nausea and mild headaches to migraines. Some bodybuilders have felt weakness as well as diarrhea issues.

There were even collapse cases after starting consuming nitric oxide. Some of the common side effects are sudden changes in heart beat, dry mouth and irritation of skin. Sometimes the body can keep certain supplies of water that are not actually needed. Nitric oxide side effects can be real dangerous if Nitric oxide is taken in large amounts. That can lead to:

  • breathing problems
  •  vomiting, itching
  •  possible asthma

Those can be followed by an increased sweating right after taking this dietary supplement. You should be aware that there could be serious health problems. In some cases, there can be sudden blood pressure changes and it can result in death (due to an extremely low blood pressure).

According to one study, 13% of bodybuilders using nitric oxide have had hypotension. Also pay attention to any symptom of hyperglycemia. Even after getting to know these nitric oxide side effects, don’t be afraid to ask for expert’s opinion if you have any of the symptoms mentioned above.

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