Thu, Jan 05, 2012 | 09:28 GMT

Report: Monster Hunter Vita to arrive in Japan by second-half 2012

A Monster Hunter title is heading to PlayStation Vita, according to Nikkei Trendy, at some point in second-half 2012. The report claims (via GAF) that the series will arrive on the handheld but in what form isn’t known, meaning it could turn up as a spin-off like Portable 3rd, or Monster Hunter 4, currently a 3DS exclusive.

Thanks, TSA.



05/01/12, 12:45 pm

You guys need to do something about the spambots around here.

On topic though. Monster Hunter will be just what the Vita needs in Japan. Are there any more Jap centric titles we might have missed that could turn it’s fortunes around?
I guess there’s Persona 4, and the FFX remake. But is there anything else?

Just had a look on Wikipedia. There’s a Tales game out tomorrow, also Ys is incoming, and Dynasty Warriors.
Still seems light on the ground for games geared from the East though.


05/01/12, 1:49 pm

Monster Hunter is a MONSTER seller in Japan…that will pump a TON of gaming blood into the Vita.


05/01/12, 2:47 pm

So now Vita needs to hang on just until MH Vita comes out. The question is: What game can do that for Vita outside Japan?


05/01/12, 3:55 pm

@3 Did you need to ask?


06/01/12, 2:42 am

Monster Hunter to the rescue!..
How many Monster Hunter games does the Japanese player need to play?

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