Mon, Jan 30, 2012 | 06:27 GMT

PlayStation executive expects Monster Hunter Vita this year

PlayStation France CEO Philippe Cardon has apparently confirmed a Monster Hunter game for Vita is due in the next few months.

Speaking to Le Point (French, via auto-translate), Cardon downplayed anxiety over the Vita’s lacklustre sales performance in Japan by pointing to its lack of one title in particular.

“The games available at launch in Japan do not correspond to the typology of the Japanese public. It lacks a particular game, Monster Hunter, scheduled for the coming months,” he said.

“Had it been there from the start in Japan, the story would have been different.”

Cardon said that the titles available at European launch will be better-suited than the Japanese line-up.

“We must put things into perspective and stay calm,” he added.

Capcom and Sony are yet to issue a general statement regarding a Monster Hunter title for the new handheld, but a recent report has it down for the latter half of the year at the latest.

Monster Hunter 3 has appeared on practically everything else, and Monster Hunter 4 is expected on 3DS at the very least. The series is a phenomenon in Japan, regularly topping charts, and has a diehard fanbase in the west.

Thanks, Erren.


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