Abundant Living 4U


Meet The Coach

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A Call To Women

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As a smith removes
flaws in silver, a wise person removes flaws
in self, slowly one by one, intentionally.

Who Is Roslyn Barker:
I am one of many Christian Life Coaches, so why should you choose me as your Christian Life Coach? 

My passion for you to become all you can be is the driving force of my life.

I have a passion to coach those who have made peace with their past and want to move forward in their personal and professional lives. 

I myself have had extraordinary opportunity to experience great things that would never have taken place had I not dared to believe in God's design for my life.
My life has been given to assist others which has resulted in recognition and mention by Town Fathers and the Media.

Some of my achievements are:

• Degree in Practical Theology
• Pastoral Counselor
• Certified in Clinical Pastoral Education
• Trained Christian Life Coach
• Certified Human Behavior Counselor
• Certified in Communication Skills
• Certified Career Direct Consultant
• Trained Teleclass Leader 
• Certified Retirement Success Coach
• Non-Financial Retirement Planner

I have had extensive training and experience in communication, counseling and coaching extending over a twenty year period.

There is nothing more rewarding than to see people grow and gain new skills that help develop and shape their today and their tomorrow.

I love asking people, "Are you doing what you want to do the rest of your life?" and If not, "what do you want to do about it?"

I have had opportunity to work with people in various parts of the world via telephone, and e-mail from my home-based office in the USA.

I have fun with my dog Destiny, love Clay Aiken and delight in high energy coaching sessions.

It will cost you absolutely nothing to give Life Coaching a try!

What could it cost you if you don't take your life to the next level?

Success can be yours...you are just a mouse click away!
Take advantage of your one “FREE” coaching session today!

Phone:    Roslyn @ 610-837-6109
Email:     abundantliving4u@verizon.net

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