• Personal finance, do it at home or go to a pro?

    Personal finance budgets are in theory very simple but in practice vary from many factors. The main problem with this type of plans is the fact that all your effort can be undone by a single variable who you forgot to take into consideration. Even thou many say that people should build their own budget [...]

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    Personal finance teaching: Sacrifice

    You remember the story of how a personal finance class became so much more to me. Now I had to help a helpless woman who what seemed to me was a victim of family violence. After arriving at her house and seeing her with her face smashed I was [...] Continue Reading…

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    Liberation in New York

    I was born in a small country, in a very poor family. My father, mother, brother and I barely had anything to eat. I don’t remember that hard time as much as the rest of my family, but I just can feel shiver upon my spine when I think [...] Continue Reading…

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    Personal finance teaching: Woman

    The money situation was hard in their household and this poor soul wanted all the help she could get. One I got her talking she told me that her husband was a laborer and that they had two small children, and her being a housewife, the situation was very [...] Continue Reading…

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    Personal finance teaching: Beginning

    It was just another day at the job. The class went all right and I was heading home to my family and I felt really happy about myself as I always do after the class. At this point I should probably tell you what is that that I do, [...] Continue Reading…

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    Problems of a middle class men

    Trying to compile a personal budget is a job that every family has and usually it falls to the father of the family to do it. It’s a complicated matter and so many people don’t do a very good job simply because of the fact that they don’t have [...] Continue Reading…

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    The diary of a personal finance manager: Relief

    In a world of personal finances you get to know your clients. First of all, you need to earn their trust. It is not an easy thing to do. Sometimes you can’t act only as economist, but as their friend too. So one day, I was invited to a [...] Continue Reading…

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