If someone managed to get a survey done in which they would ask all men on the planet whether they are satisfied with the size of their penis, they would definitely get no as the most popular answer. It is a simple fact that the majority of men are not entirely satisfied with how big their penis is and that they would all like to learn of a solution that will get their penis increased in size safely and efficiently. And for a long, long time, this was not possible. However, in 1995, this became a reality when Jes Extender came out and got approved by the European Union regulatory agencies which test and approve medical devices.
In 1995, a company from Denmark called DanaLife came out with Jes Extender, a device they have been working on and perfected for years up to that point. They employed many of the leading scientists in the field and after long and arduous process of testing and designing Jes Extender, they finally gave the men of the world something they have always been looking for. A way to safely and efficiently increase the size of their penis. Up until then, you had the options of surgery which is insanely risky, pills that are insanely inefficient and penis pumps which are both unsafe and inefficient. It is therefore quite obvious that Jes Extender made a huge splash when it came out.
As we have already mentioned, Jes Extender is a medical device. This means that it is an apparatus that is worn in order to increase the size of the penis. Jes Extender consists of a padded base which you place around the base of your penis. You then place a ring around the tip of the penis and these are then connected with rods which apply the traction that stretches the penis. The amount of traction force can be regulated by the user and this is necessary in order to ensure that everyone can get the increase they require.
The idea behind Jes Extender is therefore stretching, a principle under which the elongation of extremities and digits work and under which many cultures from different parts of the world enlarge certain parts of their bodies, like for example necks or lips. When the tissue in the penis is stretched, the very cells are stretched and miniscule rips in tissue form, which are not damage to the tissue, do not worry. These micro tears are then filled out with tissue that is newly created and which permanently increases the size of your penis. This process is called cytokinesis and it also involves stretching of the cells and the resulting increase in the amount of tissue. It is because of this that you can achieve significant improvements in the length and the girth of the penis.
It is important to remember that it does take some time for Jes Extender to show results. You cannot realistically expect to gain five inches if you have been using Jes Extender for an hour a day for the duration of two months. You will need to wear Jes Extender for six hours minimum each day for at least half a year to see results. This may seem like a lot to some of you, but you need to take into consideration the fact that Jes Extender is exceptionally comfortable and that after some time you forget that you are even wearing the device. Many men decide to wear their Jes Extender to work under their clothes.
We should also mention that Jes Extender may also improve your erections due to the fact that new tissue is created which is better at accommodating the volume of blood that rushes into the penis during erections. Jes Extender may also be an invaluable tool in treating Peyronie’s disease, a medical condition during which the penis becomes curved and shortened.