Adam Hegi and Cheri Haley Married
We're Married!

It's official! On June 21st, we eloped and were married by Native American shaman Uqualla on a cliff overlooking Sedona, Arizona.

Despite having to change locations last minute when Disney decided to film at our chosen wedding spot, the ceremony was beautiful. Be sure to check out our wedding photos, and thanks to all our family and friends for their well wishes.

- Adam & Cheri Hegi

orange calla lilies
date: Sunday, July 15th, 2007 at 11:00 am.
location: 50 Cottage Street - Portsmouth NH
Join us for a garden party celebration hosted by the brides mother, Mrs. Donald Haley, at our home in Portsmouth.
+ details and directions
Adam Hegi Cheri Haley wedding photos
Over the years, we've shared many adventures. Check out some of our favorite pics and new wedding photos from our ceremony in Sedona, Arizona.
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