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Some of the most frequently asked questions about Meridia are discussed below:
What is Meridia?
Meridia is a medicine which affects the chemicals present inside the brain. These chemicals mainly affect weight maintenance. This medicine is used in combination with exercise and proper diet for curing obesity that is caused due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
What is the important Information about Meridia one should be aware of?
One should not intake Meridia if they have consumed an MAO inhibitor like isocarboxazid, tranylcypromine, rasagiline or furazolidone since the past two weeks. If you start using Meridia without clearing MAO inhibitor from the body you can suffer from severe side effects. One should avoid Meridia if their body develops an allergy with sibutramine or if they experience a high blood pressure, anorexia, if they consume stimulant diet medicines or if they have a record of artery disease, heart disease or stroke. An important thing that should be kept in mind is that before you start taking Meridia, inform the doctor if you suffer from high pressure, glaucoma, depression, seizures and thyroid. You should also inform the physician that whether you are more than 65 years or less than 16 years of age.
Inform your physician about all the prescribed and non prescribed medicines that you use, mainly the antidepressants, medication meant for allergy or cold, or medicines meant for migraine headache. It is said by the doctors that a person consuming this medication for continuous 4 weeks should lose nearly 4 pounds, but if they are not able to notice any changes, they should immediately consult a doctor.
What are the things one should know before taking Meridia?
Before a person starts consuming Meridia, they should consult with the doctor and find out that whether their body is suitable for the medicine or not. If you have used an MAO inhibitor, you should not consume Meridia as this combination can cause dangerous side effects. If you are among those who suffer from hypertension, bulimia, coronary disease and heart disease or if you consume diet pills you should avoid Meridia totally. Conditions like high blood pressure, depression, liver disease and kidney disease might need an adjustment in the dose. Pregnant ladies should not consume Meridia.
How should I take Meridia?
Every doctor prescribing Meridia will also offer you instructions on how to consume it. You should strictly follow the instructions given by the doctor as well as the one mentioned on the label of the medicine. This medicine should be consumed once daily. For getting best results, your doctor might change your dose when needed. A person consuming Meridia should shed about 4 pounds of weight after 4 weeks of consuming it. The pulse and the blood pressure should also be checked. Keep in mind that this medication should not be consumed for more than 2 years. You should store the medicine at room temperature and away from heat, light and moisture. While taking Meridia, you should avoid consuming cold and allergy medications. One should also not drink alcohol during the intake of Meridia.
What are the side effects caused by Meridia?
If Meridia is not taken according to the way prescribed by the doctor, the person consuming it can suffer from severe side effects. If you detect symptoms of allergic reactions like hives, difficulty while inhaling, swelling in tongue, face, lips and throat you should immediately stop taking Meridia. If you detect any of the following side effects mentioned below, you should immediately rush to a doctor:
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