Panic Disorder - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Panic Disorder - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Traditionally Klononin has been used to treat epilepsy. However, one of the main reasons people use this medication is to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It helps relieve all types of fear and panic-related symptoms.

Some of the symptoms related to panic disorders that are treated with Klonopin include as follows:

Extreme and excessive worry Sweaty palms Heart palpitations Rise in body temperature Tensing of muscles Insomnia and interrupted sleep Poor concentration Shakiness or jittery feelings Fatigue

Sometimes other disorders are characterized by similar symptoms as panic disorders. Additional anxiety disorders (besides panic attacks) that might be treated with Klonopin include the following:

Agoraphobia-This is a condition in which a person who has panic attacks may not want to be in public or open spaces. It is mainly because of the fact that they are embarrassed by the fact that they have had a panic attack publicly, so they fear going into these spaces.

Generalized anxiety disorder-This is a fear that is not really connected to any one event, person, place or thing. It is just a general apprehension about the future of mostly being afraid of what may never happen. It may be related to past trauma but often is not directly connected to that.

Post-traumatic stress disorder-Usually a person suffering from this condition experiences anxiety attacks brought on by a trigger of a past memory. It could be a piece of clothing that looks or feels like that of an abuse perpetrator. It could be a tone of voice or a location. It could even be any person, place, or thing that reminds a person of past abuse.

Social anxiety-This is an extreme fear of people and a dread of social situations. It is a situation in which people might have anxiety or panic attacks. They might also fear their heart race faster or just have a general uncomfortable-ness about them.

A Brief Guide

You should get a physical before taking Klonopin. That way you will know more specifically about this drug and whether or not you are the right candidate for it.

One of the problems is that this drug can be easily addictive. Either that or users may just build up a tolerance to it to the point where it would no longer be effective to the person.

One reason you should see a doctor before receiving Klonopin is for your own safety. For one, if you are now taking any medications that for a similar purpose it could cause overdose or bad reaction.

The same is true if you mix this drug with the wrong anti-depressants, heart medications, or any other contra-indicator. Your doctor should in fact know about all medications you are currently taking right now.

The same is true in the event you are suffering from any health problems right now. You should also let your doctor know of any kidney or liver failure or any problem no matter how minor. Your doctor should also learn about your complete health history.

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