






代表: 森田 玄

お問い合わせ: moritagen@gmail.com


The Busby Support Fund

The total amount of donations to the Dr Busby Support Fund surpassed what was originally aimed for, thanks to many generous donors.

Out of total sum ¥761,500 we received as of December 10, 2011 ¥750,000 was sent to Dr Busby who confirmed its reception. The balance of ¥11,500 will be used for translation expenses, as agreed with by Dr Busby.

As we feel that our mission on this specific project has been achieved, we have decided to conclude this project for the moment.

We are grateful for your generous support in this most important matter.

Gen Morita

Contact: moritagen@gmail.com










私はこの基金に寄附して頂いた日本のみなさまに感謝します。そして改めて、バズビー博士支援基金(http://busby.harmonicslife.net) は、私の名前で寄附を募ることを私から正式に認められていることをここに明らかにします。


8/29: 5万円

9/13: 20万円

10/29:  30万円

11/1: 20万円









5th November 2011

To whom it may concern 

Prof. Dr Chris Busby, Aberystwyth UK

Donations to the “Dr Busby Support Fund”

This fund was an initiative which began following my visit to Japan in July 2011, where I promised to try and help and advise the people of Japan affected by the Fukushima catastrophe. I made it clear then that my basic income was only my government retirement pension of £408 per month and that I would not be able to do much more work if there was no more support. I pointed out that my previous main funders had stopped funding my work in April 2011 and that this followed the many attacks on my credibility and letters and threats sent to my university and funders and publishers which began to increase in the last year or two and are still happening.

I am grateful to the people of Japan who have donated sums to this and state that http://busby.harmonicslife.net is now authorised by me to accept donations on my behalf. Up until now, there have been four donations as follows:

2011 29/8 JPY 50,000 23/9 JPY 200,000 29/10 JPY 300,000 11/11 JPY 200,000

These sums have been used and will be used to pay for the analysis of the samples I have received and am receiving from Japan and if possible to pay for measuring equipment and consumables (e.g. CR39 alphatrak and X-ray film). A number of samples are measured cheaply in my lab but a number (for more exotic nuclides, Uranium Plutonium, Strontium) have to be sent to outside labs and paid for, and these analyses are very expensive. The ability to carry out these measurements is ensured by these donations and further donations are very welcome. One reason is that we need a second gamma spectrometer system here so that we can make more than one analysis at one time, in particular we need a separate spectrometer which has a negative voltage high tension because the one we are using has a positive voltage high tension whilst for some measurements we need this and we have to keep opening the electronics and changing the power supply which take a long time. This would cost about 5500 Euros.

Please continue to help with the research and give what you can afford as the more financial support there is the more work can be done.

Finally I am happy for the organizers to use some of the money donated to pay for the many translations of my reports which they have been doing up to now for free.