We’re all aware that the dolphin killers spend a lot of time on the internet reading our blogs.  You can almost tell who’s blog they’ve read based on their activities the following day. After seeing the images and videos which we posted online recently, the “fishermen” erected some more netting on the trails of the public parks around the cove. They think that these nets somehow keep us from seeing where they park their ghastly gutting barge.  They spend so much time HIDING from view, I can only imagine how silly they feel… grown men playing hide-and-seek with a handful of activists!

This was a very tense couple of hours which I couldn’t resist livening up with some humor. But really, it’s kind of hard not to laugh seeing this circus of weirdness as they drape their  fishing gear on the trees and flowers of Tsunami Park.   This netting is a hazard to the safety of birds and other wildlife that live in this park.  How can anyone think that WE are the “bad guys” when you see the lack of regard these fishermen have for the wild animals that call this forest home??  The worst thing we do is hold cameras and make a few jokes! Meanwhile, the fishermen are draping hazardous netting around bird habitat and leaving it there! After seeing them repeatedly toss plastic wrappers and drink bottles into the ocean while they work, it starts to makes sense.   In my country, that’s called “littering”.

{video removed}

I’ve removed this video because it has been repeatedly stolen and re-posted by pro-whalers who continually misrepresent us as being racist and disrespectful toward Japanese culture – which we are absolutely not!  Not a single racist word was uttered in this video. Every Cove Guardian I have met has been extremely fond of the Japanese people and truly in love with Japan as a nation.  They only hate the activities of 26 individuals in Taiji who continue to slaughter dolphins. Not the individuals themselves and not the town of Taiji… Just the slaughter.

Anyone who knows me personally knows how much I love Japan and Japanese culture (more than American culture often times). To call me a “racist” is ignorant.

It’s necessary to point out that everyone featured in this video remained peaceful – we didn’t even raise our voices. Both sides were non-violent. Yes, both sides were frustrated with teach other, but they were also being civil and law-abiding toward each other, regardless of what anyone might say.  Cove Guardians do not break Japanese law and do not harm others.

Can you also say  “the hunters did not harm others”?

No you cannot… in fact they killed over a hundred sentient beings that week.

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