Good night dear readers, this is hawk.
Since this Friday, TMS started sending the 2012 Calendar.
For all those Seiya Fans who bought the six dvd/bd of the second season first press edition and sent the coupons included on time, they are getting these days the official 2012 calendar, but let me explain you the contents.
This unique calendar is for 2012, all the months for this year have anime illustrations, the size is a folded letter one, so you will have to see it in the horizontal view, when you open the calendar you will have two months, one on the left and the other on the right side, in the middle you will have the anime illustrations, one on the top folded part, and the other on the bottom folded part, these illustrations are the covers for the dvd/bd.
But also, this calendar will work for you on 2013, because on the last pages it comes the art illustrations, those from the twelve cards included on dvd/bd sorted by zodiac sign each month.