Save Japan / Save Fukushima
06 12月 2011 コメントする
Save Japan / Save Fukushima
Please Note that Master card will be cooperative to me/us. Very wonderful thing!! +Tetsuya Kitahata would like to step forward the movement of “Save Japan”. +Tetsuya Kitahataknows and appreciates the kindness of the donations upon Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accidents from all over the world, however, only 20% of the donations were used in the past. 80% have gone. 80% is “pending mode” now. So, +Tetsuya Kitahata invented new type of donation system — those who would like to donate to Donee can do on the internet and Donee can receive money via Debit card which +Tetsuya Kitahata wil issue for free (Master Card Brand — 1000 cards for a while : Master card will be cooperative ! )
Which do you think better? “Donation of 1,000 yen to one person ” or “Donation of 1 yen to 1000 persons” Of source, socially speaking, the latter one would be better. Agree? But I know how much it costs to send 1 Japanese Yen from overseas? 3,000 Yen (Transaction fee)! Did you know that donations from/to Japan cost over 2 USD via Paypal? Ezybonds is FREE! Therefore,
Highly recommended. ( Referer: +Tetsuya Kitahata )
With USD10 You can donate, 1 Japanese Yen to 1,000 people. Socially meaningful. Big Challenge. Pilot ID (Ezybonds) will be created to donate EQUALLY to 1000 Donees. Rescue Japan, Save Fukushima and Save the WORLD!!
(Similar movement can be created such as “Pray for Thailand (flood)” thing)
Pilot ID (Paypal ID) :
Contact (Skype) : ai.kojima
To victims of +Tetsuya Kitahata will send debit cards (1000 cards / Mastthe 3.11 earthquake. Anybody (all over the world) can contribute directly to the victims, if you (anybody) want to make donations, please read the Ezybonds site’s ( explanation how to create account and send money.+Tetsuya Kitahata requires money (cost) to send 1000 cards to victims. hope that someone will contribute him at first in order to let him go ahead the project. His Ezybonds ID is 17573 and/or paypal account is +Tetsuya Kitahata , truly thinks and worries about the issues of the accident of Fukushima-Daiichi Power Plant Disaster. A lot of people suffered but they have no money. If you want to donate to them directly, the (Social) “SYSTEM” prevents from doing it. Therefore, +Tetsuya Kitahata invented new nice way to solve the problem. Perfectly comprehensible. (You can support all the Fukushima Prefecture Citizens directly) So, created new Google Plus Page of “Save Japan”. (Save Fukushima). +Tetsuya Kitahata would like to move forward the movement of “Save Japan”. I know and appreciate the kindness of the donations towards Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accidents from all over the world, however, only 20% of the donations were used in the past. 80% have gone. 80% is “pending mode” now. What the hell!?
So, +Tetsuya Kitahata invented new type of donation system — those who would like to donate to Donee can do on the internet and Donee can receive money via Debit card which +Tetsuya Kitahatawil issue for free (Master Card Brand) Which do you think better?“Donate of one yen (donation) to 10,000 people“ or “Donate to 10,000 yen to 1 person (donation) “ Of source, socially speaking, the former one would be better. Agree? But I know how much it costs to send 1 Japanese Yen from overseas? 3,000 Yen (Transaction fee)! Did you know
that donations from/to Japan cost via Paypal? Ezybonds is free!Therefore, — With USD100 You can donate, 1 Japanese Yen to 10,000 people. Socially meaningful. Big Challenge.
=======Rescue Japan, Save Fukushima and Save the WORLD!!=========
“JOIN NOW!” — — 「Save Japan」運動を展開しようと思っています。福島第一原発に関連した後遺症に未だ苦しめられている人の事を私は知っています。しかし、たとえ日本赤十字社(など)にお金が届けられても、実際にお金を必要としている人たちに直接お金がわたっているわけでもありませんし、80%近いお金はまだ「保留状態にある」のが現状です。そこで、「直接的にDonationする」方法を展開しようとするのが今回の狙いです。例えば、ですが、<1万円を1人にDonate(寄付)すること>と<1円を1万人にDonate(寄付)すること>の、どちらが社会的に有意義でしょうか。大部分は、後者を選ぶと思います。(前者は、単なる「Aさんへの寄付」に過ぎず、<Save Japan>ではありません)しかし、1円を送るのに海外からどれだけのコストがかかるかご存知ですか?3000円(銀行送金)かかったりするんです。これほどの無駄はありません。
そこで、 という新しい「仕組み」(Paypal にデビットカード(マスターブランド)がついたもの、とイメージいただければ十分です)を利用する事を考え付きました。要は、福島の被災者の方に無償でデビットカードを配布し、世界中の寄付者は「直接」被災者リストを見て寄付を行えるという事です。USD100で、1万人に1円が送られます。一万人の献金者がいれば、1万円が1万人に届けられるでしょう。手数料なしで。(Paypal は日本から/へ 送金するときに手数料かかることご存知でしたか?)
名簿作りの関係や、当方のサービス精神の限界もあるため、最初は1000人(1000枚のカード)分を用意したいと思っています。Movementが大きくなれば、1万人、10万人レベルで「Save Japan」ネットワークを構築できるかと思っています。因みに、出資法は一切関係ありませんし、贈与税は110万円まで控除可能です。
楽天銀行 ビート支店(210)普 3589285 北畠 徹也
Skype: ai.kojima