Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tokumei Sentai Gobuster 1st Cast Rumors

It's that time of the year again for the first casting rumors of the 36th Super Sentai Series, Tokumei Sentai Gobuster! In this latest casting rumor, it seems that the series will utilize the "Olympic" color motif.

Interesting to note that the series will start with Red, Black and Yellow and not Red, Blue and Yellow. It is also to note that Black is rumored to be a female. In case this is true, she will be the first female Black Warrior, not counting Ahim's Gokai Change as Liveman's Black Bison and Go-Onger's Go-OnBlack.

NOTE: The names posted here are the names of the actors, not the names of the Gobusters. Also, Mayu Tomita made an appearance on Kamen Rider Fourze's first episode as the girl Kengo rejected.

Source: Mr. Yellow of HJU, Suteki of HJU