Mac OS System Error Codes: 0 to -261
The following list provides an explanation of system errors 0 to -261. This document applies to Mac OS 9 and earlier.
Products Affected
Mac OS 9.0
1. Items listed in [brackets] are old result code meanings.
2. ???? This information was not available.I/O System Errors
-17 | controlErr | Driver can't respond to Control call |
-18 | statusErr | Driver can't respond to Status call |
-19 | readErr | Driver can't respond to Read call |
-20 | writErr | Driver can't respond to Write call |
-21 | badUnitErr | Driver ref num doesn't match unit table |
-22 | unitEmptyErr | Driver ref num specifies NIL handle in unit table |
-23 | openErr | Requested read/write permission doesn't match driver's open permission, or Attempt to open RAM serial Driver failed |
-24 | closErr | Close failed; Permission to close .MPP driver was denied |
-25 | dRemovErr | tried to remove an open driver |
-26 | dInstErr | DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources |
-27 | abortErr | IO call aborted by KillIO; Publisher has written a new edition *OR* |
-27 | iIOAbortErr | IO abort error (Printing Manager) |
-28 | notOpenErr | Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened |
-29 | unitTblFullErr | Unit table has no more entries |
-30 | dceExtErr | dce extension error |
File System Errors
-33 | dirFulErr | Directory full |
-34 | dskFulErr | Disk full |
-35 | nsvErr | No such volume; volume not found |
-36 | ioErr | I/O error (bummers) |
-37 | bdNamErr | Bad file name; there may be no bad names in the final system! |
-38 | fnOpnErr | File not open |
-39 | eofErr | End of file; no additional data in the format |
-40 | posErr | Tried to position to before start of file (r/w) |
-41 | mFulErr | Memory full (open) or file won't fit (load) |
-42 | tmfoErr | too many files open |
-43 | fnfErr | File not found; Folder not found; Edition container not found; Target not found |
-44 | wPrErr | Diskette is write protected; Volume is locked through hardware |
-45 | fLckdErr | File is locked |
-45 | fLckedErr | Publisher writing to an edition |
-46 | vLckdErr | Volume is locked through software |
-47 | fBsyErr | File is busy (delete); Section doing I/O |
-48 | dupFNErr | Duplicate filename (rename); File found instead of folder |
-49 | opWrErr | File already open with with write permission |
-50 | paramErr | Error in user parameter list |
-51 | rfNumErr | Reference number invalid |
-52 | gfpErr | Get file position error |
-53 | volOffLinErr | Volume is off line |
-54 | permErr | Software lock on file; Not a subscriber [permissions error on file open] |
-55 | volOnLinErr | drive volume already on-line at MountVol |
-56 | nsDrvErr | no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num) |
-57 | noMacDskErr | not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong) |
-58 | extFSErr | External file system - file system identifier is nonzero |
-59 | fsRnErr | file system internal error: during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored* |
-60 | badMDBErr | bad master directory block |
-61 | wrPermErr | Write permissions error; Not a publisher |
Font Manager Errors
-64 | fontDecError | error during font declaration |
-65 | fontNotDeclared | font not declared |
-66 | fontSubErr | font substitution occurred |
Disk, Serial Ports, Clock Specific Errors
-64 | lastDskErr | |
-64 | noDriveErr | drive not installed |
-65 | offLinErr | r/w requested for an off-line drive |
-66 | noNybErr | couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries |
-67 | noAdrMkErr | couldn't find valid addr mark |
-68 | dataVerErr | read verify compare failed |
-69 | badCksmErr | addr mark checksum didn't check |
-70 | badBtSlpErr | bad addr mark bit slip nibbles |
-71 | noDtaMkErr | couldn't find a data mark header |
-72 | badDCksum | bad data mark checksum |
-73 | badDBtSlp | bad data mark bit slip nibbles |
-74 | wrUnderrun | write underrun occurred |
-75 | cantStepErr | step handshake failed |
-76 | tk0BadErr | track 0 detect doesn't change |
-77 | initIWMErr | unable to initialize IWM |
-78 | twoSideErr | tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive |
-79 | spdAdjErr | unable to correctly adjust disk speed |
-80 | seekErr | track number wrong on address mark |
-81 | sectNFErr | sector number never found on a track |
-82 | fmt1Err | can't find sector 0 after track format |
-83 | fmt2Err | can't get enough sync |
-84 | verErr | track failed to verify |
-84 | firstDskErr | |
-85 | clkRdErr | unable to read same clock value twice |
-86 | clkWrErr | time written did not verify |
-87 | prWrErr | parameter ram written didn't read-verify |
-88 | prInitErr | InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized |
-89 | rcvrErr | SCC receiver error (framing, parity, OR) |
-90 | breakRecd | Break received (SCC) |
AppleTalk Errors
-91 | ddpSktErr | Error opening socket *OR* |
-91 | eMultiErr | Invalid address or table is full |
-92 | ddpLenErr | Data length too big *OR* |
-92 | eLenErr | Packet too large or first entry of the write-data structure did not contain the full 14-byte header |
-93 | noBridgeErr | No router available [for non-local send] |
-94 | lapProtErr | error in attaching/detaching protocol *OR* |
-94 | LAPProtErr | Protocol handler is already attached, node's protocol table is full, protocol not attached, or protocol handler pointer was not 0 |
-95 | excessCollsns | Hardware error [excessive collisions on write] |
-97 | portInUse | driver Open error code (port is in use) |
-98 | portNotCf | driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection) |
-99 | memROZErr | hard error in ROZ |
-99 | memROZError | hard error in ROZ |
-99 | memROZWarn | soft error in ROZ |
Scrap Manager Errors
-100 | noScrapErr | No scrap exists error |
-102 | noTypeErr | Format not available [no object of that type in scrap] |
Storage Allocator Errors
-108 | memFullErr | Ran out of memory [not enough room in heap zone] |
-109 | nilHandleErr | GetHandleSize fails on baseText or substitutionText; NIL master pointer [handle was NIL in HandleZone or other] |
-110 | memAdrErr | Address was odd, or out of range |
-111 | memWZErr | Attempted to operate on a free block; GetHandleSize fails on baseText or substitutionText [WhichZone failed (applied to free block)] |
-112 | memPurErr | Trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block |
-113 | memAZErr | Address in zone check failed |
-114 | memPCErr | Pointer Check failed |
-115 | memBCErr | Block Check failed |
-116 | memSCErr | Size Check failed |
-117 | memLockedErr | Trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi) |
HFS Errors
-120 | dirNFErr | Directory not found |
-121 | tmwdoErr | No free WDCB available |
-122 | badMovErr | Move into offspring error |
-123 | wrgVolTypErr | Not an HFS volume [wrong volume type error or (obsolete) operation not supported for MFS] |
-124 | volGoneErr | Server volume has been disconnected. |
-125 | updPixMemErr | Insufficient memory to update a pixmap |
-127 | fsDSIntErr | Internal file system error |
Menu Manager Errors
-126 | dsMBarNFnd | System error code for MBDF not found |
-127 | dsHMenuFindErr | Could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey |
-128 | userCanceledErr | User canceled an operation |
HFS FileID Errors
-130 | fidNotFound | no file thread exists |
-131 | fidNotAFile | directory specified |
-132 | fidExists | file id already exists |
Color Quickdraw and Color Manager Errors
-147 | regionTooBigError | Region too big or complex |
-148 | pixMapTooBigErr | Pixel map record is deeper than 1 bit per pixel [passed pixelmap is too large] |
-149 | notEnoughStack | Not enough stack space for the necessary buffers *OR* |
-149 | mfStackErr | Insufficient stack |
-150 | cMatchErr | Color2Index failed to find an index |
-151 | cTempMemErr | Failed to allocate memory for temporary structures |
-152 | cNoMemErr | Failed to allocate memory for structure |
-153 | cRangeErr | Range error on colorTable request |
-154 | cProtectErr | ColorTable entry protection violation |
-155 | cDevErr | Invalid type of graphics device |
-156 | cResErr | Invalid resolution for MakeITable |
-157 | cDepthErr | Invalid pixel depth |
-158 | cParmErr | Invalid parameter |
Resource Manager Errors (other than I/O)
-185 | badExtResource | Extended resource has a bad format. |
-186 | CantDecompress | Resource bent ("the bends") can't decompress a compressed resource |
-188 | resourceInMemory | Resource already in memory |
-189 | writingPastEnd | Writing past end of file |
-190 | inputOutOfBounds | Offset or count out of bounds |
-192 | resNotFound | Resource not found |
-193 | resFNotFound | Resource file not found |
-194 | addResFailed | AddResource failed |
-195 | addRefFailed | AddReference failed |
-196 | rmvResFailed | RmveResource failed |
-197 | rmvRefFailed | RmveReference failed |
-198 | resAttrErr | Attribute inconsistent with operation |
-199 | mapReadErr | Map inconsistent with operation |
Sound Manager Errors
-200 | noHardware | Required sound hardware not available [no hardware support for the specified synthesizer] |
-201 | notEnoughHardware | Insufficient hardware available [no more channels for the specified synthesizer] |
-203 | queueFull | No room in the queue |
-204 | resProblem | Problem loading the resource |
-205 | badChannel | Channel is corrupt or unusable [invalid channel queue length] |
-206 | badFormat | Resource is corrupt or unusable [handle to 'snd ' resource was invalid] |
-207 | notEnoughBufferSpace | Insufficient memory available |
-208 | badFileFormat | File is corrupt or unusable, or not AIFF or AIFF-C |
-209 | channel | Channel is busy |
-210 | buffersTooSmall | Buffer is too small |
-211 | channelNotBusy | Channel not currently used |
-212 | noMoreRealTime | Not enough CPU time available |
-213 | badParam | A parameter is incorrect |
-220 | siNoSoundInHardware | No sound input hardware available |
-221 | siBadSoundInDevice | Invalid sound input device |
-222 | siNoBufferSpecified | No buffer specified |
-223 | siInvalidCompression | Invalid compression type |
-224 | siHardDiskTooSlow | Hard drive too slow to record |
-225 | siInvalidSampleRate | Invalid sample rate |
-226 | siInvalidSampleSize | Invalid sample size |
-227 | siDeviceBusyErr | Sound input device is busy |
-228 | siBadDeviceName | Invalid device name |
-229 | siBadRefNum | Invalid reference number |
-230 | siInputDeviceErr | Input device hardware failure |
-231 | siUnknownInfoType | Unknown type of information |
-232 | siUnknownQuality | Unknown quality |
MIDI Manager Errors
-250 | midiNoClientErr | no client with that ID found |
-251 | midiNoPortErr | no port with that ID found |
-252 | midiTooManyPortsErr | too many ports already installed in the system |
-253 | midiTooManyConsErr | too many connections made |
-254 | midiVConnectErr | pending virtual connection created |
-255 | midiVConnectMade | pending virtual connection resolved |
-256 | midiVConnectRmvd | pending virtual connection removed |
-257 | midiNoConErr | no connection exists between specified ports |
-258 | midiWriteErr | couldn't write to all connected ports |
-259 | midiNameLenErr | name supplied is longer than 31 characters |
-260 | midiDupIDErr | duplicate client ID |
-261 | midiInvalidCmdErr | command not supported for port type |
Additional Information
9804 | Mac OS System Error Codes: -299 to -5553 | |
9806 | Mac OS System Error Codes: 1 to 32467 |