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Radiation Water Pollution: Can The Power Of Prayer Avert It?

You’ve heard about the recent earthquakes in Japan. On March 11, 2011 a 9.0-magnitude Japan earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear power plant disasters. The earthquake and tsunami has left more than 27,000 people dead or missing. And aftershocks continue 3 weeks later. Then on  March 27, 2011 Japan was hit with a 6.5 magnitude earthquake and more fears of another tsunami. Fortunately, the tsunami never materialized.

The world is still watching Japan as it battles to contain radiation from damaged nuclear plants in Fukushima, Japan. The goal is to limit radiation exposure and the inevitable consequence of radiation sickness. The best strategy is to keep the nuclear reactors and the radioactive materials cool with water. First sea water and now they are switching to fresh water. Tsunami water caused the problem and now water is the remedy.


water pollution


But there is water pollution and radiation  contamination as water leaks out of the nuclear plants and into the ocean, air and water molecule of surrounding areas. The entire earth’s environment is being affected. The threat of radiation exposure and radiation sickness is not just Japan’s problem. It’s a worldwide nuclear environmental management problem.

Water is a friend to the human body as well. Drinking plenty of good quality water can heal many sicknesses and diseases.

Be thankful for water…

Send thoughts of love and gratitude to water in the nuclear plants in Fukushima. There is evidence that water responds to the vibration of human prayer no matter how far away it is.

It’s not the official world day of prayer. But Dr. Masaru Emoto  has made a prayer request…A request for the world to join him in prayer and a healing water ceremony on March 31, 2011. At noon your local time, consider performing the prayer ceremony for water. If you missed the noon time frame, say the prayer anyway. If you believe in the power of prayer or just want to honor the earth, nature or water, just pray. Do what you can to combat water polution from radiation.

Healing Prayer Ceremony For Waterwater
With your hands together in a prayer position,
Repeat the following (aloud or in your mind) three times:

“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant,
we are sorry to make you suffer. 
Please forgive us. 
We thank you, and we love you.”

More information can be found at Emoto PeaceProject blog

Want to improve the quality your water?


Sandra Noble

Save Money, Save Energy, Save The Planet, Be Healthy!


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