Well developed network in sports industry is our strength.
Special thanks to…..
Yasutaro Matsumoto, Yukitaka Omi, Urawa Red Diamonds (Professional football team)
Syozo Eto, Daisuke Yamashita, Oshima Nobuo
Takeshi Nakahara, Hideo Enomoto, Yasuaki Ikeuchi
Table Tennis:
Yoshihito Miyazaki, Takuji Nishimura, Shinji Sato
Takeshi Okada, Syoichi Yanagimoto, Masayo Imura
>>And more!!
1) We have been operating sports school for 50 years.
We turn these experiences into publications.
For example…
Austria Skiing School: 450,000 members and 1,350,000 participants
Naisg Tennis School: 15,000 members and 45,000 participants
East Kitazawa Tennis School: 42,000 members
Abroad Skiing Tour: 2,000 members and 20,000 participants
Started the Austrian Ski School with full support of the NHK
(Japan Broadcasting Cooperation) and the Asahi Shimbun Company.
Yoji Isurugi Ex-administrative director invited FranzDerber
from Austria National Ski School.
Established “Japan-Austria International Ski Association” to make Ski School as
an enduring organization. Austrian Ambassador as an honorary chairman,
Seiji Kaya as a chairman.
>>And more!!
2) We have been producing and editing books for 30 years with more than 200 titles.
Books / Magazines: 1977~
120 secrets to improve on Austrian Ski
Power Skiing
Improve Your Skiing Skills
>>And more!!
Videos: 1989~
Introduction of Power Skiing
Use Your Right Brain to Improve Skiing Skills
>>And more!!
TV program: 1992~
Skiing Lesson by Zermatt (WOWOW INC.)
Skiing Lesson by Dolomiti (WOWOW INC.)
>>And more!!
3) We welcome any topic, especially in sports.
Baseball, Golf, Football, Tennis, Yoga, Ski, Snow board, Mogul, Body Board, Skate Board, Half Pipe, Inline skate, Ice Skate, Figure Skate, Walking, American Football, Futsal, Table Tennis, Volley Ball, Basket Ball, Swimming, Boxing, Marathon, Cheer Leading, Elementary school gymnastic exercise (Vaulting Box, Foot Race, Forward Upward Circling, Bicycle, etc….), Coaching for Athlete, Mixed Material Arts, Badminton, Hula Dance, Muscle Training, Tai Chi, Bowling, Flamenco, etc…

Regular publications:
“Improve Your Football Skills” (SEIBIDO SUPPAN Co., Ltd.)
“Winning Volleyball Games~” (SEIBIDO SUPPAN Co., Ltd.)
“Perfect Manual to Improve Your Skiing” (Rippu Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd)
“Batting” (SEIBIDO SUPPAN Co., Ltd.)
“Defense & Fielding” (SEIBIDO SUPPAN Co., Ltd.)
Targeting Core:
“Boxing” (SEIBIDO SUPPAN Co., Ltd.)
“Hula Dance” (Mates Publishing Co., Ltd.)
Tactical & Coaching:
“Practice for Junior Football” (SHINSEI Publishing Co., Ltd)
Tactical Featuring Secret Practice:
“Batting” (SHINSEI Publishing Co., Ltd)
Coaching Featuring Family:
“Your Kids Can Swim 25 Meter” (Mates Publishing Co., Ltd.)
“Coaching for Athletes” (Books Ikeda)
“Gymnastics Class” (Yama-kei Publishers Co.,Ltd)
Mission and Regular:
“50 Secrets for Running Marathon Faster”
“Muscle Training” (Mates Publishing Co., Ltd.)
“Perfect Manual for Kinesio Tapping” (Futabasha Publishers Ltd.)
“Exclusive Gentleman’s Skiing Lecture” (PAROL-SHA)
“Tennis in Detail” (Books Chiharu)
“Perfect Manual for Ski Tune Up” (Rippu Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd)
“50 Secrets for Winning Doubles” (Mates Publishing Co., Ltd.)

We look at our publications from readers’ point of view and use various perspectives.
We design page layout to maximize its usefulness to readers.
NAISG has close-ties with number of major enterprises. For example, the photographic magazine, “Photocon Life” is published in the cooperation with Kitamura Co., Ltd. With Kitamura, NAISG runs a photography contest on this magazine. We do everything from designing pages to announcing prize winning photographers.
Let us do it!! We produce various types of visual contents such as TV commercials, radio commercials, promotion videos, and how-to instructional books with DVDs. We welcome your participation from the planning phase of any product.
NAISG’s products are not only used for information, but also to enhance communication between readers. For example, when NAISG was editing an instructional book of sports for children
(“The simplest sport instruction book”), we helped parents to teach their children by including
tips to instruct school kids. NAISG’s publications are recognized by the market for its usefulness
and creativity.
NAISG’s extensive experience of publishing allows us to allocate your budget adequately and offer
the best cost performance possible.