Breaking News: Interview with Dr C.Busby: Part 1

Dr. Christopher Busby, BSc, PhD, C. Chem, MRSC, has been one of the most helpful and insightful sources for Japanese people left in radiation.

Dr. Busby obtained a BSc in Chemistry with First Class Honours from the University of London, and then did research for the Wellcome Foundation (applying spectroscopic and analytical methods to chemical pharmacology and molecular drug interactions). He became and elected member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He later gained a PhD in Chemical Physics at the University of Kent, researching Raman spectro-electrochemistry.

  • Busby was a member of the British government sponsored Committee Examining Radiation Risks from Internal Emitters (CERRIE), which operated from 2001 to 2004.
  • In 2001 he was appointed to the UK Ministry of Defence Oversight Committee on Depleted Uranium (DUOB).
  • In 2003 he was elected a Fellow of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Liverpool, in the Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology.
  • In 2004 he was named Leader of Science Policy for (EU) Policy Information Network for Child Health and Environment PINCHE based in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
  • Busby was the scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risks, an informal committee based in Brussels, which produced a report for CERRIE.

However, some Japanese people are becoming suspicious of him and “Christopher Busby Foundation for the Children of Fukushima” (CBFCF).

Some people even call him a fraud.

Is that true ?

I managed to have a chance to interview with Dr C.Busby and asked about the truth.


Here in Japan, we all need your help but are confused as well.

Some people say CBFCF and the tablets (source) are fraud business or something.

I think that’s just because the marketing caused a kind of misunderstanding in Japan or some people are trying to get rid of you.


Dr C.Busby:

it is a nightmare.

The CBFCF is genuine enough but I have no control over what the web designers say and cant read Japanese. I have had various friends in Japan read the CBFCF sites and they say that they are OK but a bit commercial. But as soon as I got together with the guy who has the money to do this and make the supplements the CBFCF was attacked as a fraud and It was suggested I was a fraud and a snake oil salesman trying to get rich on the back of the children. etc. Interestingly, we were attacked by the harmonics life outfit that I went to help over the Koriyama lawsuit.

Meanwhile, they ( harmonics life) are collecting money for me to do measurements and I have done a lot of measurements for them. I dont know how much they collect but they sent me 2000 dollars to pay for the analyses (which are expensive, i have them done in a commercial lab here in the UK, and do some myself as well for a song). I have told both sides not to attack each other and that I dont sanction any attacks on anyone but they dont listen. Either it is the usual falling out of opposition parties chasing funding or it is something more sinister aimed to destroy my credibility. Personally I have had enough of all of them. Nothing is being done, no pills are being made, no measurements made and the situation deteriorates.

面白いのが、ハーモニクスライフの団体まで俺らを攻撃してくることだ。郡山での裁判にまで手伝いにいってやったんだぜ?( その間彼らは寄付を募ってて、俺に放射能汚染測定を依頼してきた。やってやったよ、俺は。彼らがいくら受け取ったかは知らないけど、俺は2000ドルもらって分析をかけた。これがまた高いんだ。自分で二束三文でやった分もあるけど、それ以外はイギリス国内の商用施設で分析にかけた。


Thank you very much for your explanation. I would like many people to know what is true.

I would be glad if you kindly allow me to post your comment on my blog.


Dr C.Busby:

Yes, you may post my comment on your blog.

No doubt it will make matters worse, but it is the truth, many people would like to know, I expect.



I believe truth must be known by everyone whatever it may cause. And a casual question, we wonder why you don’t make videos with better production than a play ground or someone’s kitchen. ( better in the meaning of design. ) I think appearing in a lab or a studio might look way more authentic and prevent them from misunderstanding you.


To be continued..

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3 Responses to “Breaking News: Interview with Dr C.Busby: Part 1”

  1. david moore says:

    the same thing happened to Noro-san from Bridge to Chernobyl over EM and having done an interview with joy-healing group… actually had a screaming fight in a group meeting over it. This seems an efficient way for the infamous they to discredit good helpers.

    Mr. Busby, I would like to think you are not self serving so that is what i think. whether you are correct or not, it can’t be worse than the opposition to your message….

  2. damchodronma says:

    The people say they want someone to help – he tells the brutal truth and he is attacked. Get Real, people! Don’t shoot the messenger!

    He’s a credible scientist; he does NOT have wealth for fancy settings. He’s a grandfather and scientist and he’s willing to speak the truth when many do not. He makes statements or does interviews simply because he feels the people deserve the honest truth. He’s willing to risk criticism because he tells the truth. He came to help and Yablokov also came and spoke as well.

    The situation is dire in Japan: 1st best approach is to EVACUATE. #2 Supplementation. Read the books on Chernobyl experience.

    *ECRR = European Committee on Radiation Risk
    Dr. Chris Busby, Scientific Secretary wrote Introduction. book, 2006, was co-edited with Dr. Alexey Yablokov – “ECRR Chernobyl: 20 Years On”

    *“Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment”by Alexey Yablokov, Vasily Nesterenko and Alexey Nesterenko, NY Academy of Sciences, Volume 1181, 2009. 5,000 Slavic language studies reviews, over 1,400 cited.

    Fukushima Victim Estimations + Infertility + Valentin Admits ICRP …
    Pr A.Yablokov and Pr C.Busby on Fukushima victim estimations. Video on Youtube: .

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[Please note that Iori Mochizuki-san is on JAPANESE TIME so there may be some delay before he responds]

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